He Quanming immediately glanced at Rafael.

"Rafi, can you cook?"

He remembered that her house had a kitchen, and the refrigerator was full of ingredients.

Facing his sudden inquiry, Rafael was stunned for a moment, stopped the chopsticks in his hand, wiped his mouth gracefully, and then pondered for a while.

"Hmm...how about I know how to cook~"

The tone was drawn out, and after a long time, when He Quanming was almost worried that she would not be able to catch her breath, she finally came to a conclusion.

Nodding with a smile.

"Well, probably not!"

"That's a long time to think about!"

He Quanming couldn't help complaining loudly.

And what about it?Yes or no, is there such an option? !

Raphael scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"Yeah~ I can do simple dishes like cooking noodles and washing rice, but I'm not good at home-cooked dishes or bento dishes... After all, the housekeeper prepares bento for me. A chance to cook for myself."

"Is this the style of a young lady? It's really the first time I see..." He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth.

Rafael smiled reservedly and did not answer.

Megumi Kato, who was slowly eating omelet rice, suddenly spoke and interrupted.

"Then Rafi, next time I will teach you how to cook? Although my cooking skills are not very good, I can still teach you how to make ordinary miso soup, fried fish, tamagoyaki, etc... Is that okay? "

Raphael clapped his hands together in surprise.

"Really? Thank you so much, Kei! This is one more person who can help Ming-san with cooking~"

As she spoke, she glanced at He Quanming with malicious eyes, and the corner of her mouth was teasing.

At the same time, Megumi Kato cast a half-smile look.

"Yeah, that's really great, Mingjun?"

In vain bearing the meaningful scrutiny of the two girls, Izumi froze for a moment, took a second to think about how to deal with it with a heavy face, and then stood up.

"That's right, that's great..."

He put a kiss on each of their pretty faces with his greasy lips, and He Quanming smiled.

"It is the greatest gift God has given me to let you cook for me~"

Its appearance is shameless, and its expression is triumphant, which makes people despise it.

Taking out a tissue to wipe the greasy face, Megumi Kato gave Izumi a quiet look, but said nothing.

Rafael covered his mouth and smiled happily, his silver bell-like laughter echoed in the quiet living room.

It's just that on the bases of their pure white ears, two red clouds involuntarily floated up.

The snow outside the window has been falling, and the air inside the house is warm.

The lunch time for the three of them was warm and peaceful.

It's like struggling to poke out a small grass on the snow.


In the afternoon, Kato Megumi and Rafael went home after dinner after playing games, chatting and exchanging feelings with Sagiri.

None of them asked He Quanming how to deal with other people's emotional problems in the future, because they believed that He Quanming would take all the responsibilities and work hard to bring the best ending.

Even if it's not the best, it doesn't matter, if he really fails at that time, there is really no way to restore the feelings of the remaining people, and they won't leave him because of this-who told me that this bastard scum has tied their hearts What about yourself?

We are all on the same boat, so we can only wait, right?Waiting for the ship to ride the wind and waves and sail to a new world where everyone can laugh.

And Izumi Akira is also working hard for this.

"Shop manager, can you arrange shifts for me every day?"

"Hey...it's ok, but didn't you say that you have something to do recently and you want to ask for more leave..."

"Yeah, it's just that I have more busy things recently, so I want to go to work every day, is that okay?"

"I-I don't understand the logical relationship between this... Sure enough, I am still old, can't keep up with the thinking of young people... I think back when I was collecting coffee beans in Kenya..."

"—Shop Manager, is it okay!?"

"Yes, yes! I said yes! So don't put your face so close, the people next to you are watching!"


"Huh? How to study? Izumi, I remember that your grades should be only slightly lower than mine. Why do you want to ask me for how to study?"

(Let go of me! I'm going to kill that kid...you dare to get so close to classmate Lihua...)

"Because I heard that the student council president has a learning method that can increase the speed of memory, called "Angel's Heartbeat". For some reason, I need to get better grades, and I ask the president to help me!"


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