I didn't expect this guy to be a hidden tsundere...

Shaking his head with amused heart, He Quanming apologized sincerely on the surface, but stretched out his hand involuntarily, rubbing her fluffy blond hair: "Okay, okay, it was my mistake just now, I apologize... now There is really a very important thing that needs your help, I beg Gabriel-sama to forgive me! Help me!"

"I think what you said was completely different from what you did. Treat me like a child, bastard!" Gabriel slapped his hand away impatiently, and Gabriel turned to look at him again with an unhappy expression, "While I am patient Say it before it disappears, or I will go back to play activities."

"Then come with me, and I'll take you to a place."

He Quanming didn't hesitate, first talked to Vinette who was busy in the kitchen, then turned around and walked upstairs.

Gabriel then followed his steps and stepped into the spiral stairwell, she asked strangely.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to arrange something?"

"It's enough to decorate those. Anyway, we are the only ones attending the party. Why are you decorating so gorgeously?" He Quanming suddenly showed a mysterious smile while shaking his head.

"And... haven't you noticed that Hui and the others have disappeared?"


Gabriel was taken aback for a moment, she was just looking at the furnishings in the living room and chatting with Quanming, but now she realized that it seemed that from the time they entered the living room, Kato Megumi, Rafael, and Satania, the three of them I don't know where he went sneakily.

"Hey, they have already gone there to wait for us, and then... you will also be a part of them."

He Quanming smiled in a low voice pretending to be evil.

Gabriel slapped him on the back unceremoniously.

"Seriously! Since Lafite and Satania are here, it should be something that requires holy light and magic power to solve it?"

Feeling that the back didn't hurt at all, but was still somewhat comfortable, He Quanming quickly corrected his expression, and complimented: "As expected of Mrs. Gabriel, the chief graduate of Angel School is really smart and sensitive!"

Gabriel rolled her eyes at him and said nothing.

He Quanming continued like this.

"Actually, what I need your help with is—"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"—Teleportation array!?"

Hearing Izumi Ming's explanation, Gabriel couldn't help staring at him with wide eyes.

"That's right, it's the teleportation array!" Hequanming twitched his lips, stood still in front of a door, and stared at the door plate with the word "Sagiri" written on it, "This is for the child who doesn't go out The secret weapon..."

The light on the porch quietly illuminated his confident smile, and He Quanming stretched out his hand to the doorknob.

"It can't be done without you, the final solution!"

Press down, push away.

The door panel made a creaking sound, and gradually retreated.

The scene in the room also opened up in front of the two of them.

In an instant, the bright light came out, and they squinted their eyes reflexively, leaving only a thin slit to silently watch the magnificent and complex holy light magic patterns, which were combined in a mysterious arrangement on the pink-toned floor , The brilliant but mysterious magic circle is bright and dark with the output of magic power, making the light inside the room uneven like an old movie.

In the center, there was a white-haired girl squatting on the ground, stroking the nodes of the magic circle with one hand, and drawing ancient characters in the air with the other hand, which could only be understood by angels. The bright light permeated the whole body, and a pair of pure white wings spread wide behind him. Pieces of white feathers floated above the slender light. The holy beauty that should not exist in the world is fully displayed, and one cannot help admiring—— —

It should have been so.

"...what the hell?"

Hequanming and Gabriel twitched the corners of their mouths together, looking at the room where the magic circle should have started to be built, and a scene that was completely unexpected appeared in their expectation.

"Hmph, stupid angel, that's the way to use it here... What? Don't understand? Are you an idiot! Have you seen Doraemon? Its arbitrary door principle is like this!... Tsk, stop talking nonsense Now, there is no need to doubt the wisdom of this demon, you just have to do it!"

"Hey...even if it is me, I would be very unwilling to be called an idiot by Sa Jiang... Do you know? My teleportation course in Angel School is [-] points second only to Xiaojia! How to set up teleportation I’m sure I know better than you!… Or is it Sa-chan, did you get good grades in the teleportation class at the Demon World School? Uh-huh?”

"Tch... How can such a rigid and ignorant course test the true strength of the big devil! Good grades are nothing, the most important thing is practice! Isn't there a saying like that? What are you talking about... Kigami Tan Bing is just empty talk after all!"

"It's just talking on paper...Sajiang, I advise you not to struggle anymore? Otherwise, I will show some real skills and let you know my true strength! Hehehehe~"

"What, why are you laughing so disgustingly...you, what do you want?! Wait, don't get close to me again! Be careful I hurt you! A nerd like you makes me knock down a group of people with one hand , for your safety—ah!"

"Heh heh heh, throw in the towel, Sa-chan~ Look at me! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......"

"Stop! Don't! Stop! Puga——ahhahahahaha~"

"Wait... Sa-chan! You can't touch it over there... ah~"

"Evil, the devil's counterattack! Aren't you messing around and touching... Mow~"

"Hey... let me tell you two... can you get down to business..."

Looking at the two writhing on the ground, and Megumi Kato who was sitting on the bed holding his cheek and sighing helplessly, Akira Izumi and Gabriel really didn't know what to say.

What the hell are these two guys doing...

Especially Rafael, who had vowed before that she would be able to complete the task, and that building a teleportation array was just a piece of cake, but now she is having so much fun with Satania...

"Alas..." He Quanming couldn't help sighing.

Kato Megumi is still reliable, even if she didn't do anything, at least she didn't make trouble with the two of them, and tried to persuade them to get back on track... If you say that lightly complaining on the side is persuasion.

While thinking this way, He Quanming took a step forward, the sound of stepping on the ground attracted Kato Megumi, she turned her head and finally saw He Quanming and Gabriel standing outside the door, and suddenly seemed relieved She showed a small smile in a tone of voice, then shook her head at him, expressing that there was nothing she could do to deal with these two people, please ask someone else.

As for Satania and Rafael?These two people have entered a state of ecstasy, rolling around on the floor scratching each other, looking very happy, completely ignoring Izumi who can be seen when looking up.

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