"No, it means that there is money and no place to buy it."


After some customary twists and turns, they finally got back to the topic.

In the end, a few people decided to let Gabriel make a teleportation array to try first. Anyway, with the protection of magic, even if it is transmitted to an active volcano, it will be intact immediately.

This matter must be done as soon as possible. In Izumi's original plan, the Christmas party is only complete if the family is reunited neatly, even if there is no one less!

Although it is the easiest way to start directly at Izumi’s house, it will not give Sagiri a legitimate reason to step out of her room; this apartment will also be the place where they often meet in the future, if Sagiri still cannot come, Sooner or later, she will be farther and farther away from his life with them, and the relationship between the last few people will gradually fade away, and Izumi's "family theory" will be declared bankrupt.

(Family theory: refers to the theory that no matter whether it is a girlfriend or a relative, they will become a family in the end)

In order to prevent the harem from being destroyed, and to protect the beauty of daily life, He Quanming racked his brains to avoid this result.

Finally, I thought of the method of teleportation array.

It is not to force Sagiri to improve her character of squatting at home, but to find another way so that she can reunite with them without going out.

Although he is just a mortal who knows nothing, he can't help with the unscientific magic of the teleportation array, and can only watch Gabriel and the others busy; but he understands that he has to fight The battlefield is not here, nor is the moment when he wants to use his power. Even as a mortal, there are things that he can do and only he can do, and he is waiting for it.

Kato Megumi next to him did not know when he was on the floor next to him, his breath was light, and his soft little hand gently covered the back of his hand, a bit like comforting, but also like telling her that she also felt this way .

Ten minutes later, the teleportation array was completed.

Several people stood in a circle on top of the teleportation array and looked at each other.

"...Isn't it a bean curd project?" He Quanming had a strange expression on his face.

The corner of Gabriel's mouth twitched: "You don't trust me so much..."

"No, I just feel that the work will be finished so soon, and I'm a little afraid that there will be some accidents..."

"Don't worry, although I have almost forgotten the theory, I still remember a lot about the practice, so there shouldn't be any problem." As she spread her hands, Gabriel suddenly hesitated, "Well...at least I won't lose my arms legs."

"At least?! I'm panicking when you say that! Please make sure our lives are safe!"

"Don't worry, isn't there Lafite's assistance?" She waved her hand, and looked at Lafite, "Is there no problem with safety?"

"Yes! Please rest assured!" Raphael patted her chest, and there was a wave of turmoil immediately, and she said confidently: "It doesn't matter if some parts are missing during the transmission, as long as you come back here I can take it back!"

"Don't worry at all! Are you trying to take the opportunity to kill me and inherit my pineapple bun?!" Satania shook Rafael's shoulder vigorously, making the smile on her face more joyful .

Gabriel didn't care about them, seeing Raphael's promise, a ball of holy light surged in her hand, and then slapped it on the teleportation array.

"Okay~ Let's go then! Target, Izumi Sagiri's room!"

The teleportation array shone brightly, reflecting Izumi's ugly face.

"Buddha bless, don't let anything go wrong..."

Finally, a flag was set up, and the figures of several people disappeared in the teleportation array in an instant, leaving only an empty room.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door panel, and Vinette opened it and walked in.

"Everyone, where are you, the food is almost ready...eh?"

Looking around the room, Vinette immediately noticed the slightly translucent teleportation array on the ground, with a dazed expression.

"Why are there teleportation arrays here? Are they going to teleport? At this time?"

Curiously, she leaned over to observe, and after looking at the complicated magic lines on the teleportation array, she frowned in embarrassment.

"I don't quite understand the teleportation array in the heavens... Where did they go?"

Muttering in doubt, her fingers inadvertently touched the teleportation array.

Then, out of the corner of the eye, it flared up, illuminating the entire room.

Vinette opened her mouth wide and let out a cry of astonishment.

"Why, why hasn't this magic circle been closed yet——"

Amidst the panicked shouts, the figure of the purple-haired girl also disappeared into the room.

The fluorescent lights were on, but there was no sound in the room anymore.

The light of the teleportation array slowly went out, as if it would never light up again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a period of dizziness, He Quanming held his forehead and stood up, feeling that the world was doing a Thomas maneuver, turning [-] degrees without dead ends.

"My god... the legendary teleportation experience like sitting on a [-]-rpm coffee cup, it really feels like this... evil..."

Trying to hold his breath so as not to let the nausea in his stomach come up, Akira Izumi shook his head and turned to look at the others.

"Everyone... are you okay?"

Vinette answered first.

"It's okay, just get used to it. If you don't add shock-absorbing measures to the magic circle, this kind of situation will easily happen... I just recalled it, haha."

...your sister's.

Seeing that Vinette was also covering her stomach with a pale face, He Quanming didn't say this.

Then, Satania followed suit.

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