Her threat is so clear, the killing intent in her eyes is not fake, and that cruel smile is like an evening bell, revealing the name of Izumi Akira.

At this moment, its name is—Angel of Death.Gabriel.

Seeing her like that, Vinette, who was sitting on the floor, couldn't help showing a slightly wry smile, but her expression was a little happy.

She is happy that her friend can finally face her heart honestly.

Whether it's liking or being liked, Gabriel should be the first... Maybe Satania is earlier than her?But at least, she shouldn't be the last.

(Perhaps there is no order for this kind of thing...but, Xiao Jia, congratulations...)

All regrets are over, although I don't know what kind of life I will live in the future, but for Vinette, as long as Gabriel can completely abandon the heart that restrains her like now, and get along with everyone freely, then It is better than anything else, the most perfect development.

Then when Gabriel showed a middle finger to Akira Izumi in a concealed manner...

"a ha ha ha……"

All right.It seems too casual is not a good thing.

Well, anyway, in the future, there is still a lot of time to correct her character.

Facing Gabriel's threat, He Quanming's mouth twitched, and the tone of his words suddenly changed.

"Then...cough cough, what, then we blew the wind on the building for a while, watched the beautiful night view of Tokyo, and came back."

"Eh?" Rafael was stunned for a moment, and asked unwillingly, "Is that all? Didn't you do anything?"

He Quanming suddenly looked at her strangely: "What else do you want us to do?"

"Kissing, mutual confession, hugging in the night sky, etc., isn't there?!" Rafael tugged on his sleeve, with an expression of obvious disbelief, "Don't look like Xiaojia, Aojiao is usually in When emotions erupt, they are more violent and enthusiastic than ordinary people!"

"What are you talking about!?" Gabriel's face flushed suddenly, she didn't know whether it was from anger or shame, she gave up the silent threat, raised her fist and was about to rush over, but was held tightly by Vinette.

"Let go of me! I must take off that guy's head this time! Who is Tsundere, bastard!"

"Xiao Jia, calm down! Calm down! You're admitting that you're a tsundere!"

"Vina, do you even want to stand by that cow? You are obviously not much older than me, why did you betray me!"

"What are you talking about, you idiot!" This time, Vinette blushed, her head seemed to be steaming hot, she yelled, and instinctively twisted Gabriel's neck, making a click.

The world is quiet.

As if the melodious bells echoed in the ears, the angel's feathers slowly fell and fell to the ground, turning into dots of light and shadow.

Everyone stopped their movements and turned to look at her with inexplicable horror in their eyes.

There is no need to stop anything...

Because the person who was about to run away had already fallen.

No one will say the word "cow" anymore...

"Vinette, it's scary..." Satania shivered in a corner.

"What...what the hell is going on..."

On the bed that no one noticed, Sagiri twitched the corners of her mouth, looked at the chaotic scene in front of her, and then looked up at the familiar ceiling.

This should be her room, right...

Then why, only she was sitting on the bed alone, while the others were having so much fun...

I'm so heartbroken.

Isn't the purpose of your coming here for me?Aren't you going to take me to the Christmas party?

Then go away, don't chat any more ahhhhhhhh~

So, together with Sagiri, who had an unhappy expression for some reason, and Zong Ya, who was called out from the room just to catch up on the manuscript, they returned to the apartment through the teleportation array.

There was no problem with the teleportation this time, and everyone's hands, feet, and bodies were intact, which greatly relieved Rafael, who was in charge of checking the teleportation array.

"Huh~ It's okay, if there is any problem this time, I will have to take the whip and the candle and apologize to classmate Ming!"

"Did you have any strange understanding of pleading guilty..."

"Huh? Does it mean that students prefer rhizomes?"

"Who is apologizing to you! Apologize to the dictionary!"

Just like this, they had some disagreements when they left the room.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If Sagiri doesn't want to go out, why don't we let her stay in the room and celebrate with us through video connection? Don't you have to go out?"

Zong Ya put her hands on her hips and stared at He Quanming with extremely dissatisfied eyes.

"That's not what you said. It's rare to change to a new environment. Maybe Sagiri can overcome her own psychological barriers and get used to the world outside the room?" He Quanming stared back without giving in, "Don't you Don't you want to see Sagiri go out?"

"Hmph, I've read it many times before you were here!" Zongya puffed out her chest triumphantly, as if showing off, "Through the novel, Sagiri not only met many new friends, but also once Did you walk out of the room by yourself?"

The slender index finger poked Izumi Ming's chest, and she continued to exert force, and her usually weak eyes became inexplicably awe-inspiring: "And you, obviously the eldest brother of the head of the Izumi family, hang around with sisters Hui and Lafite all day long. Together, you have been working hard before, so you didn’t care about our sister’s situation, right? You don’t even know that Sagiri’s bust has increased by three centimeters, how dare you say you love her?! You useless big brother!!”

"Ah~" Like an arrow shot straight in the heart, He Quanming knelt down with his hands on his chest, beat the floor and cried unwillingly: "You are so right, I lost! I'm sorry ah ah ah what--"

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