Living with Vinette... I don't know if she, who is gentle and talkative, will agree to invite her to take a bath together...

Hey hey hey hey——

Turning his head feeling something, Gabriel glared at him like he was looking at garbage: "Take back your saliva, perverted harem man!"

Of course, Akira Hequan would not be so stupid as to really wipe his chin, but he just looked back at the past with provocative eyes, as if saying: "Vinette likes me more than you~"

So Gabriel became even angrier, and she jumped up at the desk—well, there is no table here—with fluffy blond hair like a mane, she showed an angry look like a lion, and said loudly in an undeniable tone.

"Stop making noise! ​​This guy is sleeping with me!"

sleep with me-

I sleep--


The loud voice echoed in the lobby of the hotel. The rest of the passengers, the reception girl, and the counter lady all turned their heads and looked at her with astonished eyes, as if wondering why this cute and lazy little girl would say such a thing. Speak boldly.


Rafael, Satania, and Vinette also stopped talking at the same time, stared at her strangely, fell silent for a moment, and suddenly clapped their hands in admiration.

clap clap clap clap-

"What's the reaction?!"

Gabriel kicked Izumi with a blushing face.

"Why kick me?!"

He Quanming was wronged and wanted to cry.

At this time, Kato Megumi came over with a bunch of keys, his expression full of helplessness, and he looked at them as if he couldn't stand it.

"Everyone, what are you arguing about... It's fine if we can't sleep together..."

Waving the key in his hand before their eyes, Megumi Kato sighed speechlessly.

"People say that there are no single rooms, but it doesn't mean that there are no six-person rooms..."

Everyone: "..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The six-person room is a rather large Japanese room. After putting down their luggage, everyone began to discuss the next move.

It is now close to the evening in the afternoon, and it will not be long before the hotel provides dinner for you to eat, so before that, it is free time. Those who want to go to the hot springs can go to the hot springs, and those who want to play in the game room can also, as long as they are before dinner Just come back to the room and gather, and then we will have dinner together.

So, Akira Hequan began to think, should he go to the men's bath to enjoy the baptism of the hot spring, or find someone to hang out with, and spend a warm and romantic time for two in this snowy winter season?

——Is this still a choice?Going out alone is something only a single dog would do. He is a winner in life, so of course he chooses to go on a sweet date with a girl to enjoy the scenery!

If it wasn't for the fact that this hotel didn't have mixed baths, he would definitely... ahem, he must have gone to see if the wall view inside was good.

Of course, he can't just say "Who of you wants to go shopping with me? Let's find a place where no one is around." After saying that, he has to go down to talk to Brother Cheng about being a scumbag; he must first Wait for other people to make a choice, and then turn passive into active, try to make everything happen naturally, so that other people will not have resentment, and the relationship will lose balance!

Wisdom is needed to open a harem, and he must use his ingenuity to become a new generation of harem king!

The question now is, how can I get them to have one more person to date me...

On one side, He Quanming was distressed, and on the other side, Gabriel expressed his opinion before the others could speak.

"You guys want to play, go and play, I'll take a nap first, I'm almost sleepy... Ha~"

After a big yawn, she lay down directly against the luggage, feeling a little uncomfortable again, frowned, and beckoned lazily to Izumi Akira.

"Over there, bring me the quilt and mattress~"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

After recovering from his thoughts, Akira Hequan sighed and took out a stack of quilts from the closet without any complaints.

Lay the mattress on the ground neatly first, then hug Gabriel up, and put her small body in his arms without any resistance, then put it on the mattress, cover it with a quilt, and put it on a pillow, three seconds later , Gabriel curled up in the quilt that was instantly heated with holy light and fell into a deep sleep.

"Whoa whoa……"

This set of operations is smooth and smooth, and the cooperation between the two is extremely proficient. It took less than [-] seconds for Gabriel to lie on the floor and fall asleep in the bed, and the girls on the side gasped in admiration.

Only Kato Megumi's face was flat, and he spoke without cadence at all.

"Why are you so proficient... How many times have you guys cooperated~"

The corner of He Quanming's eyes twitched: "Jiao Bai is careful to be beaten to death..."

Kato Megumi raised his eyebrows, and suddenly revealed a gentle smile.

"With you here, I'm not afraid."

He Quanming was stunned for a moment, and when he was thinking about why she suddenly became sensational, he listened to her continue talking.

"Because the one who was killed first must be you, not me...Mr. Harem Ming."


What you said is so reasonable, I can't refute it at all.

By the way, why did my name change again?From a scumbag to a harem celebrity, what else can he become after that?Good boat Ming?U-turn Ming?

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