
The voice was interrupted inexplicably, and everyone looked helplessly at the closed church door, and then God's slightly embarrassed laugh came out.

"Ahahaha, I was warned, it's better not to talk nonsense on a serious occasion... Then, let's start our wedding theme today!"

He suddenly lowered his tone, and his majestic words swept into the hearts of the guests like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

"Currently, Akira Izumi, Megumi Kato, Innocent Gabriel White, Kurumozawa Satanikia McDowell, Tsukinase Vinet April, Shiraba Laffey The wedding of five young girls including Bill Undsworth..."

"The fetters from high school to the present have finally turned into a life-long rope, and their future is closely tied to Noah's Ark full of happiness and smiles. No matter natural disasters or man-made disasters, the six of them cannot be separated..."

The voice paused.

"Although I was very jealous and wanted to shove Izumi's head into the gap in the universe to vent my anger, I still calmly finished this nasty line... I really deserve to be a god."

Hearing the resentment and proud broken mouth, everyone was full of black lines, and they really wanted to ask someone to change the master of ceremonies.

But that guy is a god, I'm afraid no one can order him to shut up or get out, right?

God continued speaking.

"Then, let me introduce, this time the bridegroom and the bride..."

Under the expectant eyes of all the guests, the door of the church opened slowly, and a red carpet was draped out of it, and rolled straight through the middle of the tables and chairs, opening up a red carpet avenue.

At the end of the red carpet, a half-black and half-white auditorium high platform appeared at some point. Black roses and white roses are distributed on both sides, turning into the shape of wings. The petals are slowly flying and falling, creating a romantic and mysterious atmosphere.

In the middle of the high platform, there is also a sculpture of a long-haired woman. She is wearing a white wedding dress, kneeling on one knee, her chin resting on her clasped hands, her face is gentle and peaceful, and the corner of her mouth is smiling slightly, as if she has encountered something happy Same.

Everyone couldn't help widening their eyes and exclaiming in admiration—not only because of the extraordinary wedding process, but also because of the vivid look and appearance of the female sculpture.

"The first one to appear is, the groom—"

At the very moment when God was about to call out his name aloud.


The sound of tires rubbing violently on the ground sounded, and a white van that flicked to a sudden stop—the five words "Fujiwara Tofu Shop" printed on the side of the car—had not stabilized the body, and the door was violently kicked open , a figure jumped out of it.

"Wait for me!"

The figure was holding a loudspeaker in his hand, and when the master of ceremonies stopped announcing and everyone turned their eyes to her face, and the scene became cold, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

Like a little devil who made a prank, he showed a playful smile.

Then, she took a deep breath, her eyes were clear and bright, her brown hair fluttered with the wind, she stood firmly with her big white legs spread out, and the loudspeaker was aimed at her lips.

And to everyone, to the church, and to the wedding scene, which was originally a lively atmosphere, he uttered a declaration comparable to a bomb.

"Don't move at all! I, Chang Muyao..."

"Come to snatch the bridegroom——!!!!!!!!!"

The vivid and clear girl's voice echoed in the clear sky for a long time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The voice fell, and the scene fell into complete silence.

Everyone looked at the young woman who suddenly entered in confusion, not knowing how to react, and even wondering if they heard it wrong.

She said...she wants to snatch the groom?

At the wedding of He Quanming, the harem king, there are still people who want to snatch the marriage?From five brides?

He Quanming, how many romantic debts has he left outside!

As an elder and Quan Jingxiang, his face was very ugly, a pair of pink fists were clenched tightly, trembling slightly due to excessive force.

If He Quanming was by her side now, she would definitely let this guy know what a parent's iron fist of love is!

The reputation of the Izumi family has been ruined in your hands!

The expressions of the others were also different, but inexplicably, a murderous intent towards He Quanming gradually rose.

Although I don't know who this seductive, slender, and passionate woman is, but since she is here to grab He Quanming, it must be the result of his promiscuity when he was young...

"Ha ha……"

To those who sneered, Xiaobai silently handed the torch and hatchet, and looked at Chang Muyao in the distance with a cold look in his eyes.

(In addition to the master and the others, is there another competitor...)

To be honest, none of the people present were as dumb as Jia Weitian Zhengyi.

Because he knew Chang Muyao.

Pointing at the mature-looking girl in front of him with a look of astonishment, Masaichi Kamida made a trembling voice.

"Chang, Chang didn't, did you go to study in Spain?!"

Hearing someone calling his name, Chang Mu dazzled his eyes, and just saw Jia Wei Tian Zhengyi showing an unbelievable look, he immediately smiled mischievously, and waved to him.

"It's Jiaweitian! I haven't seen you in five years, and you've grown a lot!"

Gongqian Touyi frowned, vaguely blocked Jiawei Tianzhengyi behind him, and said to Chang Muyao in doubt.

"Are you here to attend Junior Izumi's wedding? Robbing the groom or something, this joke is not going to end well."

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