Chang Muyao was stunned for a few seconds before he uttered a long and sharp high-pitched voice on the other end of the phone, and the uncontrollable astonishment resounded in the one-person apartment in the night sky.

"Huh~~~~~~? Marry five people at once? Marry five brides at once???"

"You are such a dick, why don't you go to heaven!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Don't yell so loud all of a sudden, it will break... I mean the ears."

He Quanming was still smiling on the other end of the phone.

Chang Muyao was shocked here for about ten seconds, and then he realized that He Quanming's temperament and various willful actions after gaining superpowers (such as opening any door to her house) would really do such a wonderful thing. Regarding the matter of the night story, I suddenly felt that this was actually not too difficult to accept.

People who are not very knowledgeable should be treated very wisely. Chang Muyao's three views of ordinary people have been almost shattered by He Quanming, so I don't think he is fooling himself.

Just marrying five people at once was such an extraordinary act, she was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, and let out a jaw-dropping exclamation.

"Little brother, you really know how to play... If you do this, there must be a lot of obstacles and opposition before the wedding is finalized?"

He Quanming's shrugging movement seemed to be transmitted into her head through the nonchalant tone.

"Who said it wasn't? That period of time was really exhausting... If you want to talk about it, you can complain for three days and three nights. Anyway, you just need to remember that if it weren't for someone above me, it is very likely that someone will be accused of it before the wedding. Human beings are beaten from heaven to hell, and then back to heaven from hell, and finally buried in the wilderness of the world, never to be reincarnated."

"This is too miserable..." Chang Muyao was stunned, his round jade-like little toes curled up, seemingly a little nervous, "Then... what happened later? How did you get those non-humans to agree? Even if you can't beat them You, let me give you a little bit of mixing, it is impossible for your wedding to be held so smoothly, right?"

He Quanming suddenly sneered, and said calmly.

"In this world, there is nothing that can't be solved with one blow of Dogeza; if there is, it means that the posture is not perfect, and you can just do it again after adjustment!"

The tone was light, but with a hint of inexplicable arrogance, as if he was saying something great.


Chang Muyao was speechless

How did she fall in love with this shameful guy in the first place?

Does love not only make people blind, but also make people brain-dead?

Terrible, it's a good thing my mother is single now, otherwise she would definitely lose her life at the end of the festival, and it would be embarrassing to be with this guy...

After that, Izumi also talked about many recent events.

For example, what kind of chaos did Satania use the magic world props to create? green him or something...

Those are happy and warm daily life, and you can imagine the lively scene full of laughter just by listening to it.

To put it simply, it is to give Chang Muyao, who is currently single and struggling in a foreign country, a mouthful of dog food, or to add more medicine.

She felt a little regretful, but also a little envious.

"If I hadn't left Japan and given up on that guy..."

Her thoughts were interrupted here, she shook her head and smiled lightly.

This is impossible.

For Chang Muyao, such a future cannot appear in her life.

In the happy and lively daily stories of Izumi Akira, she will not exist.

Now Chang Muyao is just a spectator, watching their stories is enough to be happy.

yes, happy...

"Actually, I don't want to tell you this. After all, men and women are different... But I don't have any male friends to talk to, so I can only come to you to complain. It's five years of friendship... Tell you, you know how to go out How much attention is it to bring five girlfriends? No matter where they are, they are the focus, and I have to guard against other boys' ideas... After all, Satania is stupid, and Gabriel is like a PO[-] that can be abducted Kato is the only one who can save me from worrying, but her stealth ability has become stronger and stronger recently, and she can walk into the congress office as if no one else was there. None of the men in black stopped her... "


Listening to him chattering over there, Chang Muyao was not only very unhappy, but also became more and more irritable inside, always feeling an unknown fire burning from the bottom of her heart, which made her squeeze her fist involuntarily .

(This guy, it's too much to show affection!)

And one sun is for five people!Is the groom-to-be amazing? !Is it amazing to marry five beautiful girls home at once? !

Even if it's really amazing, you don't need to show it off in front of me!Don't you know that I'm single now and I liked you before? !

Excessive guy, scum, bastard...

Gritting her teeth and cursing in her heart, she seemed to have thought of something suddenly, her brows raised, and a little devil's smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Hey, wait a minute, I have a bold idea to say!"

Complaining was interrupted, Izumi asked suspiciously after being stunned for a moment.

"What's your idea? Let me tell you first, I don't necessarily have a mature suggestion."

"Don't argue with me! Listen obediently!" Chang Muyao yelled like a queen, and then said with a low smile, "Say, how about I go grab a marriage?"


After a few seconds of silence, He Quanming reacted and screamed out.

"Huh?? Are you going to rob a marriage?! Who are you robbing?"

As if satisfied with his reaction, Chang Muyao narrowed his eyes and answered with great interest.

"Of course it's yours! I thought about it, those of your relatives and friends just got kicked out a few times, and let you take five beauties back smoothly, isn't it too cheap for you?

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