——For your own happiness, finally, go all out!

"He Quanming, just wait for me—I'm sure, I will snatch the groom back!"

"Puff...Okay, okay...I will look forward to your performance...Hang up the phone first, puff..."


Only now did Chang Muyao recall that He Quanming's laughter at that time was full of ridicule and pity for her, as well as the emotions of gloating at others' misfortune and sympathy, which was as complicated as her inner feelings now.

No, it will change soon.

Because she fully understood the situation, she was so ashamed and furious at this moment, she just wanted to drag He Quanming out of the church, stuff Da Dagong into his ass, and then fuck!Big!sound!quantity!

"Hequanming, you epic super big bastard scum ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Angry roars echoed in the blue sky, but two people laughed happily.

"Hahahahahaha! Although I'm a little sorry for her, but...hahahahahaha! It's really funny!"

"I also think ah ha ha ha ha ha! Izumi, you really know how to play! You actually turned the embarrassment meeting that belongs to you alone into two people. The kung fu of dragging people into the water is really bad! Just like me ! Hahahahaha!"

"Hahaha...uh..." He Quanming couldn't laugh when he heard a certain boss say this.

Twitching the corner of his mouth, he looked at his attire.

——Boys wear wedding dresses, understand?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The uproar over marriage snatching subsided quickly.Under the explanation of the host, the guests all accepted the sudden farce and prepared a seat for the angry Chang Muyao, and then the wedding began according to the procedure.

It is different from ordinary weddings. Here is the bride...the grooms take their seats first, then the parents give speeches, and then the grooms give their wedding speeches individually.

The first speaker was Gabriel's mother.

She wiped away the tears that she didn't know if she had tears with a handkerchief, and she was about to cry.

"Mom, I am really happy... This child has been like that since graduation. Although IQ and talent are very high, but this EQ... and that decadent and depraved appearance... I doubt her Was the entrance of the cave that came out wrong—”

"Wait for me! Don't say such terrible things at the wedding! Didn't you bring your shame?!" Gabriel rushed forward with a blushing face, and the beautiful blonde woman turned to the guests with a smile on her face. Waving his hands with a smile, he was dragged off the stage by his own daughter.

Then came Raphael's butler.

The serious lady housekeeper straightened her back and spoke calmly and indifferently to the audience.

"'Don't miss it, the master will see~' - the story happened on that day five years later..."

"Okay~ Let's go to the basement to tell a good story~" Rafael dragged the housekeeper off the stage with a smile, his eyes narrowed, and his expression seemed very happy, "I don't know if the torture equipment ordered in Aoxun has arrived yet. what~"

"Miss, miss's basement training...?" The housekeeper dragged a butt-shaped track on the ground, her eyes widened, her face flushed and she murmured, "This, this story is also good...you can Yes, I have……"

So far, the two worst "parents" have stepped down, and all the guests are inexplicably relieved.

It's really the first time I saw this kind of wedding speech screen... I was moved by the good agreement...

It's just a display of dirty jokes and bad things!

Is such a wedding really okay...

Before they could worry, Satania's parents were on stage.

The guests sighed reflexively, covered their faces, and could already predict what kind of speech they would make.

After all, this couple has been chatting with people around them in that inexplicable tone from the very beginning. Now everyone knows that they are a middle-aged and middle-aged couple. They obviously own a bakery at home and are also pastry chefs by profession. With the appearance of a vampire nobleman, he spoke words that others could not understand.

Look, even Satania, who was watching from below, knew what her parents would do.

"Kuhuhuhu... My blood relatives, what a shocking spell you will recite during such a grand banquet... Is it the forbidden spell? Or the ancient magic words that have been passed down for a long time? No matter what, you have to be careful not to curse everyone present...Otherwise, our magnificent posture will not be appreciated by the audience! Kufufufu..."

While Satania was covering her forehead and laughing, the middle-aged men and women on the stage suddenly took off their vampire cloaks, and bowed deeply to everyone present.

"We are, Satania's parents... If you don't mind, please give me your advice. If there is any impoliteness, I apologize in advance, sorry!"

"Hey..." Satania froze, and slowly lowered the hands on her face.

The middle-aged couple straightened their waists, gentle smiles appeared, and they spoke calmly and softly, different from the tone of their conversation just now.

"We are very excited and honored to participate in this important occasion for the first time... to be able to see our daughter happy when she was still young, to see her smile without haze, and to see her form a happy and warm relationship with other people. The big family, for us, is really a matter of both reluctance and peace of mind."

"Wait, wait..." The corners of Satania's mouth twitched slightly, showing a somewhat bewildered expression, "You, why are you doing this all of a sudden! I'm not used to it..."

The middle-aged woman said to her with a smile: "This is your wedding, of course it should be more solemn. When your daughter is the most important, you can't joke around."

As if the warmth in those eyes had penetrated into her heart, Satania shuddered all over and didn't speak anymore, but stared at her parents on the stage blankly.

The honest voice resounded word by word, as if there was weight in it, pressing heavily on the air, making everyone quiet and listening quietly.

"Satania, is a pure and lovely child...

She likes to play pranks, and she also likes to be brave; she likes to play tricks, and she also likes to take care of others... Perhaps in the eyes of others, she has many shortcomings and is a troublesome child... But in our opinion, that is exactly It's Satania's straightforwardness, she shows her true self without reservation, and she is not afraid to use that self to collide with others! "

"She is our most precious daughter... We are willing to protect that smile forever. Even if she has no friends, even if she is hated by everyone, we will stand by her side, no matter how long, we will be with her, never let That smile disappeared."

"Fortunately, she found the most suitable partner at the most suitable age... Even if she can't enjoy the love of one person alone, she must be happier with so many people by her side...Because that child is very I'm afraid of being lonely."

"It's so touching that I don't know what to say later..." The middle-aged man choked up, and the woman patted him on the back while secretly wiping away tears with the back of her hand, "But all in all, as this silly boy's Parents, being able to witness the happiest moment in her life with my own eyes is really more important than anything else..."

Suddenly, he straightened his back and roared loudly.

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