The empty hand slowly pressed against the flat chest, and she felt the beating of her heart—as slight as usual, but the speed of the beating... a little faster.

The feeling of my heart beating that so?

The feeling I felt for the first time, the feeling I thought I would never feel... At this moment, like the warm sun, the warm warmth gradually penetrated into the bottom of my heart, driving the heart to jump, and the hot cheeks.

...Did Satania at that time feel the same way?

Looking at her with her head lowered, her face blushing, and a smirk, Gabriel really felt—how stupid.

Like a fool.

But what about yourself now?

Like a fool.

...No, not like her, me.

I'm not an idiot, I'm Gabriel, the chief graduate of Heaven, and even if I'm fallen now, I'm several times stronger than that idiot.

Taking a deep breath, she narrowed the curvature of the corners of her mouth a bit, letting only the shallow crescent moon shine faintly on her face.Gabriel gently opened the door of the classroom, and the light from the window fell on her face, bringing only a faint red glow.

——There is nothing to be concerned about, and nothing to do deliberately, as long as you let it go, everything will be clear.

Don't worry, God, will bless the angel.

"Xiao Jia, you look so happy? What happened?"

"Oh! That guy Izumi gave me his bento, and today's dinner has been settled!"

"What!? Damn it! That Familiar turned over to the enemy! Wait, I must teach him a lesson!"

"Hmph, now that guy is my meal ticket, if you dare to touch him, you have to pass me first!"

"Ugh... Damn Gabriel, you really are my lifelong opponent-"

There was still a slight heat in her heart, and the bento bag in her hand was heavy, but Gabriel's footsteps couldn't help but brisk, as if she had the feeling of her before her fall.

Even the noisy Satania became pleasing to the eye, and the crowded classroom no longer made her irritable.

Chatting with Vinette and Satania with a small smile, she sighed slightly in her heart.

——Oh, really, it feels like an idiot.

However, don't hate it.

Chapter 42 Smiling Megumi Kato and Establishment of Friendship

School time.

Angels in California.

He Quanming put on a deacon uniform and stood upright behind the bar, with curved eyebrows and eyes behind the lenses, and a business smile on his face.

"That's right, that's right, Izumi-kun! It's very suitable for you!" The store manager, who has the title of "The Immortal Buddha's Face", nodded with satisfaction, and twisted his mustache, "The specific method of receiving customers Just like what I taught you before, but I think Izumi-kun must have had a similar experience, so I don't need to say more?"

"Yes, the store manager, everything is on me!" He patted his chest confidently, and the fake smile on He Quan Ming's face became even more fake, "I will definitely become friends with all the customers!"

"Ah?... This, this is not necessary..." The store manager smiled in embarrassment.

"Yes, store manager!"

"...Are young people today so changed? The first time I saw Izumi-kun, it's not like this..."

"Yes, store manager!"

" can do whatever you want. I'll leave the front desk to you, He Quan-kun, and call me when a customer wants to order!" The store manager, who felt that he was getting old and couldn't keep up with the trend of young people, shook his head, and walked to the back. The chef started sorting out the coffee beans.

"Yes, the store manager! - Ha..." As the store manager disappeared into the corner of the back kitchen, He Quan Ming spread his shoulders, and his originally straight body was slouched on the bar, with a sullen expression on his face. The fake smile was also taken down, and he sighed helplessly.

"This is really unexpected..."

I thought that this body had worked so many jobs before, and I also had work experience before. I had never seen any strong winds and waves, and a waiter in a leisurely cafe would not be difficult for him at all - but I didn't expect to put on work. Uniform, he automatically enters a strange mode, his body can't help but act according to what he thinks of the waiter - the smirk, the straight posture, the sincerity of the attitude, and the disgusting enthusiasm for work. , are all "illusions" developed by the predecessor during his part-time job.

...Yeah, after all, at that time, that Izumi Akira was a sullen man who didn't want to be bothered by anyone except his younger sister. If he was to use his character to be a waiter without any disguise, he would definitely be expelled due to customer complaints— — No, maybe they won’t even be admitted.

Therefore, in order to work more jobs and earn more money, the predecessor forced himself to develop a "waiter model", which engraved all the skills, attitudes, and professional qualities that waiters should have. In my bones, every time I go to work, I become a different person.

It's just like self-hypnosis.

This has also led to the fact that as soon as he enters the working state, he will be immediately affected by the "waiter mode", forcing himself to stand up straight and treat customers and colleagues with a smile on his face.

Although this state is not bad for him, it will allow him to quickly familiarize himself with his work and become a good waiter instinctively, but Izumi Ming still feels that he must get rid of this hypocritical appearance quickly, don't let him The predecessor has always affected himself.

- What are you kidding?Am I the sullen guy who has to hypnotize myself to receive people?Am I the kind of workaholic who will die from overwork because of working part-time?

Not at all!So this kind of body reflex action, I can easily overcome it with my willpower...


"Welcome!" Bouncing up like a dead fish, Izumi's smile filled up within a thousandth of a second, welcoming the guests who pushed the door with a warm attitude and perfect etiquette.

...Fuck this reflex action is so dick!My willpower is completely useless in front of it, hey!Before my head could react, I realized that I was receiving guests. How did you design this kind of program, predecessor!

Izumi Akira, who was secretly sweating coldly from the back of his head, took the incoming customer to his seat, and after serving the menu, he stood upright with a smile on his face, holding the order board in his hand, and asked respectfully and amicably, "May I ask what the guest needs? What? Our signature blend coffee is well known far and wide, so I suggest you try it.”

"Well...I'll take a look at the menu."

"Okay, please take your time. If you decide to order, just press the service bell, and I will come to serve you immediately."

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