There happened to be a few crows on the treetops in the forest, and they quacked a few times. The scene was very embarrassing for a time...

Fukuyama Rokuro stared at Hongzi unkindly: "Miss, please don't make such a bad joke, please? There is a murder case now."

He picked up Shoumei's body and said, "I'm so stupid that I actually believed your words!"

The others also followed down the mountain, but when they passed by Hongzi, they would give her a look of caring for the mentally retarded.

What a pretty girl, but what a fool!

Under the eyes of everyone, Hongzi became angry instantly. She threw the magic mirror on the ground and stepped on it heavily.

"Let you hurt me, let you hurt me."

"Usually you are fine, but when it comes to critical moments you strike, useless things."

Hongzi quickly trampled the magic mirror to pieces, and this time it couldn't be repaired no matter what.

And Mori Kogoro stood beside him, patting his shoulder lightly.

Hongzi thought that Mori Kogoro was trying to comfort herself, so she proudly raised her head.

"People are so stupid, don't do such embarrassing things in the future."

"But Hongzi, your ability to bluff people is still very strong."

Hearing this, Hongzi ran away in an instant, and rushed down after Kogoro Mouri.

When Hongzi did the divination just now, Kogoro Mori was really a little terrified, but luckily he didn't succeed.

Hongzi's magic is mysterious and mysterious, if she really divined it out, wouldn't all the things she did in secret be exposed!

If so, that would be too bad.

After all, Jun Hui, who avenged her mother, was not at fault in Mori Kogoro's view, and those people she wanted to kill really deserved to die.

The most important thing is that Mori Kogoro couldn't bear to have such a beautiful shrine maiden arrested and sent to jail.

Everyone quickly came down with Shoumei's body. Shoumei's father burst into tears when he saw the body.

Xiaolan came up to meet her, and said, "Dad, the police officer in Fukui County said that the waves and winds are too strong tonight, so they can't come here."

Hattori Heiji laughed softly: "That's great, in this case, the prisoner can't escape."

Chapter 0007 Help Dad Warm the Bed

Back at the shrine, Koizumi Hongko standing in the corner was very annoyed by her embarrassing performance up there just now, and she took out weird props from her arms from time to time.

But the more he took out those props, the more ugly Hongzi's face became, and he murmured: "No, it's no good, it can't be used anyway, what's going on?"

In the end, Hongzi gave up, put the props back into her arms, and took a deep look at the society.

On the other hand, Hattori Heiji asked Conan, who returned from the search, "How is it, Kudo, did you find anything?"

"No, I didn't find anything. I really don't have a clue."

Conan naturally couldn't find any useful evidence. The swimming ring used to hold the corpse had long been discarded into the sea by the ant-man robot sent by Mori Kogoro.

Conan frowned: "Damn it, the murderer is too cunning this time."

"However, I always feel that it has something to do with the door association Saori who entrusted you. Maybe we can go to the door association's house to see!"

Hattori Heiji pointed to a drunk man next to him, and said, "That's Miss Saori's father, Monko Benzou, but seeing him drunk like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to ask anything!"

At this time, Junhui, the witch who had changed back to casual clothes, reappeared in front of everyone. She said, "Detective Maori, are you still going to Saori's house? I'm free now, and I can lead the way."

Mori Kogoro also noticed the drunken monk Benzo, and shook his head: "No, let's wait until he wakes up tomorrow before visiting."

At this time, Hongzi came over again: "However, maybe we can visit the longevity woman. I am very curious about the longevity woman."

Jun Hui was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "Of course."

Everyone followed Shimabukuro Kimie into the shrine and waited.

After a long time, everyone became a little impatient, and the wooden door of the living room of the shrine was pushed open.

An old man on crutches slowly appeared, full of wrinkles, extremely old, his whole body was so old and shrunk, his appearance was really scary.

However, the corner of Mouri Kogoro's mouth curled up into an inexplicable arc, Shimabukuro June's disguise technique is really powerful and a little scary.

Hongzi frowned: "You are a longevity woman? How is it possible?"

Changshou Po said in a hoarse voice: "Little girl, it's not okay to be so rude. I heard that my loyal fans wanted to see me, so I worked hard to get out of the state of communicating with the gods."

"Little girl, and this mustache next to her."

Hearing this address, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

But it sounds like Jun Hui's ability to change voices is still remarkable, without too many flaws.

"I heard from Junhui that you got the 'Dugong Arrow' today, you have to keep this arrow stick, once you let go, the monster will build a nest on your body, and it will become a heartless evil spirit on the ground , in the water it will become a mermaid who cannot speak."

'Clap! '

The 'Dugong Arrow' in Hongzi's hand dropped directly to the ground, and she looked at the longevity woman provocatively.

The slap came so quickly.

It was the first time Changshou Po had seen such a guy who played cards out of common sense. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, and the scene was a bit embarrassing again.

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