There was no abnormality in the lake anymore, and Kogoro Mori swam to the other side where the gleam was shining with Hongzi.

At the same time, the ugly mermaid arrived at the lake on the other side. It cruised around several times but failed to find its prey, so it roared.

Soon the mermaid came to his senses, rushed back into the passage, and kept chasing after him.

It's a pity that it's too late, and Kogoro Moori has already landed on the shore with Hongzi on his back.

As soon as they landed, the two saw a strange formation blocking them.

And there is a high platform behind the formation, and there is a futon on the high platform, but there is only a witch costume on the futon.

The white-clothed scarlet hakama looks extraordinarily strange.

Because this priestess costume is surprisingly new, not stained with dust at all, and the wooden frame next to it has long been rotten.

Mori Kogoro stepped forward, and nothing strange happened.

However, as soon as Hongzi left, the whole altar radiated with glory.

The priestess costume on the futon floated slowly, and after unfolding, it changed into a human figure floating in the air, with a rather intrusive appearance.

Hongzi's face was bitter immediately: "Too bad, it turned out to be a shikigami. From this appearance, he is still an earth-bound spirit who can only cultivate on his own."

"It turns out that she is guarding the island. There is a formation that collects all the energy on the island. No wonder my magic props can't be used anymore."

Mori Kogoro was confused: "What is a shikigami?"

Hongzi was quite surprised: "No way, Xiao Wulang, you don't understand this!"

"Shikigami is a spirit body summoned by a priestess through psychic techniques, and has the power of a ghost."

"Although it usually dissipates shortly after summoning, this shikigami is completely different. The priestess who summoned it set up a formation to summon aura for her to cultivate."

"Furthermore, the style of this shrine maiden costume is a style from a thousand years ago. In other words, this is a shikigami who has only practiced for a thousand years. It is almost a god."

"Even if I pass the test and become a real witch, I'm afraid I won't be her match."

Just as Hongzi explained, the shikigami completed its transformation.

The scarlet hakama in the white robe was bulging, and there was a phantom formed by a light blue spirit body at the cuffs and skirts, which was the outline of a young girl.

This shikigami scolded softly: "Through the sky and the earth, from the secluded to the bright, ever-changing, who is not me?"

The voice was clear and powerful.

"Witch, why did you step into my realm?"

Shikigami reprimanded, and with a wave of his hand, a tornado rose out of thin air and rolled towards Hongzi.

Hongzi's face turned pale for a while, her magic props were still useless at the moment, and she was weaker than ordinary people by herself.

Kogoro Moori pulled Hongzi over to avoid the tornado.

But after the tornado passed by, it reversed direction and continued to attack Hongzi, as if an automatic navigation system had been installed.

Mori Kogoro could only drag Hongzi to dodge on the bank.

At the same time, he kept ordering and sent his own Ant-Man robot to attack.

But the scarlet hakama in white was so tough that the Ant-Man robot couldn't leave even a trace on it.

And Naju shikigami is made up of spiritual bodies and is completely immune to physical attacks.

After attacking for a long time, there was no effect at all.

The shikigami didn't seem to notice the existence of the Ant-Man robot, and didn't make any other movements.

After running for a long time, Hongzi couldn't keep up physically.

There is no other way out of this place, the only place that emits a faint light is the passage behind this shikigami, Mori Kogoro and Hongzi can't escape if they want to.

In desperation, Mori Kogoro could only stop, holding Hongzi in his arms.

He intends to resist the tornado.

Hongzi exclaimed repeatedly: "Xiao Wulang, let me go quickly, she came after me."

"Shut up, you just became my girlfriend, I won't leave you behind, hold me tight!"

A loud shout shocked Hongzi, her wine-red eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mouri, obediently, holding Kogoro Moori tightly with both hands.

Mori Kogoro is ready to be blown away.

Unexpectedly, when this mighty tornado approached the two of them, it suddenly transformed into countless breezes, passing by the two of them.

Then this gust of breeze engulfed the box that Hongzi was carrying, and rolled towards Shikigami.

"Hehehehe!" The shikigami laughed mischievously, and the heads of Mori Kogoro and Hongzi were suddenly covered with black lines.

Damn, I was tricked!

Shikigami opened the box, took out the arrow feathers, and immediately shouted out in surprise: "The Arrow of Breaking the Ban, that's great, I can finally go out."

The voice is like a girl, full of joy.

But Shikigami soon became depressed: "But the master entrusted me to do nothing, I can't leave!"

Shikigami held the 'Broken Arrow' in his hand, looking distressed.

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