Hongzi watched Mori Kogoro enter the room, glanced at Hattori Heiji who disturbed the two of them, took out a spell from the magic bag, and recited the spell.

A flame suddenly burned from under Hattori Heiji's trousers.

Hattori Heiji suddenly turned pale with shock: "Damn, how could it suddenly spontaneously ignite, don't!"

He immediately rolled on the ground, seeing that there was not much effect, his legs were wrapped in flames and he rushed in towards the toilet.

Mori Kogoro poked his head out when he heard the sound: "What happened to that sound just now?"

Hongzi smiled lightly and waved his hands: "It's all right, that guy must be in a hurry and ran to the toilet."

Mori Kogoro didn't pay any more attention.

After a while, the three came to the restaurant under the hotel.

Seeing Hattori Heiji's distressed appearance, Conan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

His trousers were directly burned into shorts, and the edges were still charred. The hair on the two big black legs was completely burnt, the lower body was dirty, and even the shoes were constantly soaked in water. He was in a mess. Extremely.

Hattori Heiji was annoyed by the laughter, and he picked up Conan directly: "Little devil, stop laughing, this is just a spontaneous combustion phenomenon that is unique in a million, what are you laughing at?"

"Laugh again, believe it or not, I will throw you into the sea."

Conan then slowly suppressed his smile.

Xiaolan couldn't help but cared: "Hattobu, don't you need to go back and change your pants and shoes? This is too miserable!"

Hattori Heiji shook his head and said: "It's okay, let's have breakfast quickly, and go to the pier to catch the boat later, it will leave at eight o'clock, so we have to hurry up."

Conan told the truth at the side: "He didn't bring a change of clothes at all. Didn't you realize that he has been wearing the same set of clothes for the past three days? He just turned them over and over again, creating the illusion that he has changed clothes. "

Hattori Heiji suddenly stuffed a piece of bread into Conan's mouth in annoyance.

"Little ghost, you talk so much, let my brother feed you breakfast!"

Conan rolled his eyes from choking, and struggled weakly with his little hands, but there was no one around to save him.

Hongzi also said to Xiaolan: "The two of them seem to be in such a good relationship!"

Xiaolan nodded: "Yes, they are like this every time, fighting and fighting, they look like brothers."

After breakfast, the group headed towards the pier.

A group of people had already gathered at the pier, surrounding Junhui Shimabukuro in a black suit skirt.

Junhui's expression is very cold, completely different from the expression of Mori Kogoro when he was lingering in the morning.

One of the bald men said, "Jun Hui, why don't you think about it and stay!"

Another aunt also said: "Yes, the village needs a longevity woman. This is the place where you were born and raised. How can you be so heartless, girl!"

"You have always been a witch in the village, and you can't survive outside, so you should obediently hold a dugong meeting here!"

Another middle-aged man also spoke to dissuade: "Jun Hui, everyone is sorry for you, but what should we do if you leave?"

Hearing these words, Jun Hui's heart became colder and colder.

Mori Kogoro's expression darkened immediately, and he walked directly across the crowd and came to Jun Hui.

When Jun Hui saw the body of Mori Kogoro appearing, a warm color appeared in his eyes immediately.

Mori Kogoro was full of power, standing in front of the crowd and yelling: "Why, don't you dare to imprison others' freedom!"

The sound was like broken gold and broken stones, and the aura of the martial arts master completely exploded, covering the group of ordinary islanders.

They just felt that the person in front of them was like a scourge, extremely terrifying, and they couldn't help taking a step back.

This scene is extremely shocking in the eyes of others, one person can drive away dozens of people.

There was a look of satisfaction in Hongzi's eyes: he is indeed the man I like.

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at Mori Kogoro adoringly, this is the real man!

As for Xiaolan, her eyes are already full of little stars.

Chapter 0033 Scared Xiaolan

Kogoro Maoli looked at the aunt with the worst mouth, and said, "This island really needs a long-lived woman, but it's not Junhui who will be the one. I think you are quite suitable!"

As soon as the words fell, an ant-man robot quietly hit the aunt's knee.

The aunt fell to her knees in an instant, and couldn't get up no matter what.

She only felt that her knees were about to shatter, and she wanted to scream, but found that she couldn't open her mouth no matter how hard she tried.

As if her mouth had been sewn shut with thread, she couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori in horror, dripping with cold sweat.

The Ant-Man robot invisible to the naked eye is tightly pulling and closing the big mother's mouth, so she can't make any sound.

When others saw this scene, they thought the middle-aged woman was so frightened that she was speechless and begged for mercy on her knees.

Mori Kogoro said: "Hey, you kneel down, the height is really like a longevity woman, I understand what you mean."

He turned his head to look at Jun Hui: "Jun Hui, you should have some costume props for a long-lived lady, give me those things."

Junhui nodded, then opened the package on her shoulders, and handed the wig and red coat to Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro went straight forward, he took a few steps forward, and the islanders took a few steps back, except for the stinky aunt who stayed where she was.

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