Chapter 0034 Lord God

As soon as Hongzi hugged Xiaolan's shoulder, he laughed heartily: "Xiaolan, you don't have to be afraid of me, I'm not as good as your father, maybe we will live together in the future!"

When Xiaolan was hugged by Hongzi, her whole body trembled, her little face was nervous, and she didn't hear what Hongzi said clearly.

"Let's go, let's go to the back and watch the seagulls!"

Hongzi hugged Xiaolan and went to the back of the boat. This girl had planned ahead and learned to bond with Xiaolan. At the bow, only Kogoro Mori and Junhui Shimabukuro were left.

Junhui Shimabukuro saw Xiaolan Hongzi going away, so she moved lightly with lotus steps and turned to approach Mori Kogoro.

Then, under the unbelievable gazes of Hattori Heiji and Conan, Junhui actually leaned gently in the arms of Mori Kogoro.

Conan was completely stunned, his mouth opened wide: "No way, it's not true."

And Hattori Heiji held Conan's shoulder tightly with his big hand: "Kudou, did you see it? I said that uncle is completely a lover, and he conquered Miss Junhui all at once, you still don't believe it."

Conan murmured: "But this is too incredible!"

Hattori Heiji watched eagerly, hoping to learn a trick so that he could chase Kazuha back when he returned to Osaka.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Jun Hui's soft waist, smelling the fragrance of the maiden in his arms, and looking at the sparkling sea, he felt very comfortable.

At this time, Fusang's voice sounded from the heart of Mori Kogoro: "Hey, this woman in your arms is the qualified heir you mentioned, right?"

Mori Kogoro's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly asked, "How can you speak in my heart?"

"My lord has great supernatural powers, and a mere psychic heart language is nothing at all?"

Hearing Fusang's words, there was nothing unusual, so it seems that he didn't notice the existence of Little V.

Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, and replied: "That's right, she is the only one from the shrine on the island of Megumi, Kimie Shimabukuro, she should be a descendant of your master, how about it? Is it the inheritance?" The best candidate for the witch inheritance?"

"Of course not. Although this woman's aptitude is good, she doesn't have any spiritual power in her body. If she doesn't have a broken body, she can barely master some superficial witchcraft. No, it’s not a qualified candidate at all.”

Immediately after, Fusang said contemptuously: "Hmph, big pervert, it's clear that you did the bad thing, and you still want me, an honest person, to take over the business, but there's no way."

Kogoro Mori's mouth twitched, it's only been one night, how did Fusang learn these messy things.

After being pointed out by Fusang, Mori Kogoro touched his nose in embarrassment. If he had known last night, he would not have been so anxious.

But I also blamed the atmosphere last night for being so good, the solemn shrine, the empty hall, and the weak maiden sitting in the middle, there is no more suitable place than that.

Especially when the priestess kneels in disheveled clothes in front of the statue, muttering to the gods for forgiveness, the feeling is simply amazing.

Mori Kogoro had some aftertaste at this moment, and couldn't help being a little excited.

Jun Hui's face flushed red in his arms, she seemed to sense the abnormality behind her, and immediately lowered her head shyly.

Fusang continued: "I see, it's better for you to inherit my master's inheritance. Who said that a man can't be a witch, maybe you can learn the witchcraft of changing gender, so there will be no problem?"

Moli Kogoro heard black lines all over his head: "You bastard, if you continue, believe it or not, I will throw you into the sea and see how you find an heir!"

"Hmph!" Fusang snorted twice, then stopped, and didn't speak any more.

However, Kogoro Maoli murmured in his heart, he never thought that Jun Hui would be unsuitable.

Yesterday he looked through Junhui's genealogy, it can be said that the priestesses of the island have been there for generations, and it has been passed down for thousands of years, so it should be the descendants of the master of Fusang.

Even she can't do it, it seems that Fusang's commission is really not so easy to complete.

Soon, Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to it anymore, he put his mind on Jun Hui, and leaned his head lightly on Jun Hui's shoulder.

Two hours later, the ship finally arrived in the native Fukui Prefecture.

Everyone went to the station to catch a train together, and it took more than two hours to finally arrive in Tokyo.

Hattori Heiji bid farewell to everyone, and continued to take the train to Osaka.

Maori and his party took a car to the direction of Mihua Town, and the taxi arrived at Izumo Shrine soon.

Izumo Shrine is the largest shrine in Mihua Town. Not long after Maori and his party appeared at the door, they heard the bell ringing inside.

A group of them walked up the bluestone steps, turned around the gate, and saw the clergy inside divided into two teams.

There are a few priests in front, and dozens of priestesses in the back. There are about thirty or so people, all wearing red and white Taoist uniforms.

When they saw Mori Kogoro and his group appear, they saluted respectfully: "Welcome, Lord God!"

The shrine is the supreme leader of the shrine.

Seeing this battle, Junhui Shimabukuro was also taken aback.

Mori Kogoro spent a lot of money to buy this shrine, so naturally he didn't want his own woman to suffer.

Seeing that there are so many people under her at her disposal, he nodded in satisfaction.

And Xiaolan hurriedly pulled Hongzi to the side, not daring to accept the gift, and said in surprise: "It's amazing, Miss Junhui has become the shrine master of the Izumo Shrine."

Mori Kogoro and Conan also walked away.

Hongzi pouted disdainfully, the social status of a witch is not as high as that of a witch, there is no way to enjoy this kind of treatment.

The group of priests bowed again: "Welcome, Lord God!"

Only then did Jun Hui calm down, she turned her head and saw the warm eyes of encouragement from Kogoro Mouri, and her mind settled down.

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