Mori Kogoro's mouth curled up into a smile.

Chapter 0037: The Wild Witch - Kogoro's Disgrace

Just as Mori Kogoro was looking forward to it, Hongzi in a cloak walked into the basement.

This is a refining room, which is filled with countless magic circles, but there is a large open space in the middle.

Hongzi took out the magic furnace that Mori Kogoro had returned from the magic bag in her bosom, and put it on the open space.

The magic furnace, which was originally as small as a palm, can continue to grow in size.

The magic circle lit up, and countless magic power poured into the magic furnace.

In an instant, the magic furnace seemed to be poured into water, and the emerald green liquid continued to stir up, creating countless bubbles and emitting green smoke.

In the end, the magic stove became the size of a bathtub, more than enough for a bath.

There was an evil smile on the corner of Hongzi's mouth, exuding a different kind of charm.

"Kogoro, soon you will be mine!"

She threw the prepared things from the magic bag into the magic furnace one by one.

"The dragon's beard, the fish's tears, the kappa's eyes, and next, as Kogoro's substitute, the hair on his body."

One thing after another was dissolved into the bubbling green liquid, and Hongzi's face was full of joy.


After a long time, in Hongzi's bedroom, Mori Kogoro on the bed was getting impatient.

At this moment, the bedroom door opened, and Hongzi walked in.

Seeing Hongzi dressed like this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but open his mouth wide. This is too bold, too exaggerated!

Hongzi wore a golden headband on her head and a black and red cape.

But the upper body was only wearing a top like a black bra, a deep ravine blinded his eyes, and his smooth and white belly was exposed to the air.

The lower body is wrapped in a red irregular skirt, the slender legs are wrapped in black stockings, and black high-heeled shoes are stepped on, the whole person looks extremely sexy and wild, like the queen of darkness.

Mori Kogoro remembered that this was Hongko's shrine maiden costume, which was so avant-garde and exaggerated.

Seeing Maoli Kogoro who was already lying on the bed, wrapped in a quilt, Hongzi frowned slightly: "Xiao Goro, why are you climbing into my bed?"

Mori Kogoro smirked, and said, "I'll tell you if you get closer!"

But Hongzi shook his head: "It's okay, it's much easier this way!" A gleam of light flashed in his wine-red eyes: "Hmph, Kogoro, you big pervert, I don't know how much you have been stealing from me these days. It's cheap, you can take advantage of Master Hongzi's cheapness if you want, today you are doomed."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro had an ominous feeling in his heart.

At this moment, Hongzi took out a small doll in a suit and with two mustaches from behind.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt that he was imprisoned, unable to move.

Hongzi stretched out his finger and poked the doll's chest.

Mori Kogoro felt as if his chest had been hit hard, and his two chest muscles trembled: "This is it?"

"Hahahahahaha!!! This is the secret art of Red Magic - Witch Gu Doll, now it's my turn to take revenge!"

Hongzi manipulated the doll's hands and lifted the things in front of her.

On the bed, Kogoro Mori followed suit and lifted the covers off his body.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Hongzi immediately screamed, let go of the doll with both hands, and covered her eyes.

"You bastard, why did you take off all your clothes?"

The doll fell heavily to the ground, and Mori Kogoro also felt a heavy blow behind him, and immediately groaned in pain, unable to answer at all.

At this moment, he had a new understanding of Hongzi's red magic, and it was terrifying to be able to manipulate others like a puppet.

Hongzi covered her eyes with her hands, but she opened her fingers to peek from time to time. She didn't see clearly last time in the cave, but it was so big!

Soon, Hongzi realized what Mori Kogoro was going to do, couldn't help but spat lightly, and cursed in a low voice: "Big pervert, you can only think about these bad things in your head."

She withdrew her hands, revealing her flushed cheeks, which were still steaming.

Hongzi turned her eyes to the crimson ceiling, then squatted down, and picked up the Witch Gu doll on the ground.

She turned the witchcraft doll over.

Mori Kogoro on the bed turned around accordingly, and his sculpture-like body lay on the bed.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro only felt that this witchcraft doll had similar effects to the kung fu doll he had taught Xiaolan the guidance technique before.

When Hongzi saw Mori Kogoro lying on his stomach, leaving only his back for himself, the shame on his face faded a lot.

"Hongzi, what are you doing? Let me go!"

There was a smile on the corner of Hongzi's mouth, and he put the witchcraft doll on a small table engraved with spells, and there were four small handcuffs at the four corners of the small table.

She separated the limbs of the witchcraft doll and bound them with small handcuffs.

Mori Kogoro on the bed instantly turned into a word [太], and he also felt that his limbs were locked by an invisible force, and even if he exploded with all his strength, he couldn't move at all.

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