Unfortunately, the idea is extremely beautiful, but the reality is often not as expected.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori said, "Hongzi, you haven't passed the witch's test yet, and you're not considered a real witch, so does this magic chain work for you?"

"Of course there is! Hey, no, why are you asking this?"

Hongzi only felt that something was wrong, and immediately saw that Mori Kogoro was emitting golden light all over his body, like a golden god of war, and immediately opened his mouth wide open.

([Superior Body] (Complete Level): A layer of golden light will appear on your body surface. During this period, you will be immune to any damage you receive. The maintenance time is ten minutes, and the cooling time is twelve hours.)

Mori Kogoro unleashed his hegemonic body, and immediately felt that there was no longer any shackles, and his body was free again.

And the voodoo doll on the talisman stage burst into countless fragments in an instant, unable to control Kogoro Mori anymore.

Mori Kogoro turned over, and the red child standing on his back fell on the bed as if he lost his balance.

He exploded in speed, snatched the magic chain from Hongzi's hand, and put it on Hongzi's jade neck.

Hongzi's face changed drastically immediately, and he exclaimed repeatedly: "Xiao Wulang, what are you going to do?"

The feng shui took turns, and Mori Kogoro would not capsize in the gutter again this time, he directly ordered: "Hongzi, throw all the magic props on your body except the magic chain out of the bed."

He wanted to completely take away Hongzi's chance to turn things around, Hongzi's face was full of reluctance, but his body acted obediently.

The magic bag tied at the hem of the skirt, the black and red cloak behind her, and the gold headband on her head were thrown to the floor one by one.

"Xiao Wulang, I advise you to let me go quickly, or you will die."

"Ah! How did you break free from my witchcraft doll?"

"Obviously today is my chance to take revenge!"


Seeing Hongzi obeying obediently, Mori Kogoro laughed triumphantly. Now Hongzi is under his control, so he can do whatever he wants!

His big hand directly patted Hongzi's plump buttocks: "You girl, you dare to plot me secretly, now it's my turn to talk, you are dead."

A look of panic flashed in Hongzi's eyes, and he said repeatedly: "Xiao Wulang, what do you want to do, let me go!"

Mori Kogoro picked up the scattered leather whip, and flicked it lightly, Hongzi's little face became terrified, and said repeatedly: "No!"

Moli Kogoro raised his brows: "Hmm! It's not beautiful to beat you to pieces with a whip, right?"

Hongzi nodded repeatedly, and Kogoro Mouri threw the whip away.

"Hongzi, you just wanted me to call you 'Respected Master Hongzi'."

"Well, now it's your turn to call me."

Mori Kogoro smiled mischievously: "Hongzi, kneel down and call me 'Daddy'!"

As soon as the words were finished, Hongzi knelt down and opened his mouth lightly, "Father!"

Then his little face was full of shame and indignation: "Xiao Wulang, I'm going to kill you!"

Mori Kogoro reached out and touched Hongzi's long crimson hair, with a look of satisfaction: "Hey, good girl! Shout out again!"

"Father!" "Xiao Wulang, you are dead. When I become a real witch, your good days will come to an end."

"Don't say anything else, just call Dad!"

Followed by a series of crisp female voices.

"Dad!" "Dad!" "Dad!"...

Hearing the haughty witch call his father, this feeling really made people feel happy. He touched Hongzi's cheek, and then gave the order again.

"Good girl, bite!"

Seeing the scene in front of her, Hong Ziqiao's face was full of rejection.

But wearing the magic chain and being controlled by others, her body moved obediently, slowly leaning in the direction of Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0039 The so-called Witch Taste

How could Hongzi have experienced these things before? After more than ten minutes, Hongzi's eyes were filled with humiliating tears. She didn't even know that Mori Kogoro had so many tricks.

Mori Kogoro laughed very heartily, if there was no [Hegemony] to reverse the situation, he would be the one who is in tragedy now.

He opened his mouth and said, "Hongzi, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you. Now you know what it feels like to be controlled by others?"

But Kogoro Moori couldn't bear to see Hongzi really about to cry, so he quickly called to stop.

Such a reversal of the situation made Hongzi, who had always been proud and arrogant, really unbearable, and almost cried out of aggrievedness.

Kogoro Moori pulled Hongzi into his arms, looked at his pitiful face, and chuckled: "Hey, isn't it Lord Hongzi who is fearless? Why are you about to cry?"

"Didn't it say that witches can't shed tears? Once she shed tears, she will lose her magic power."

"Oh, I almost forgot, Hongzi, you can talk now."

Hearing the order, the aggrieved Hongzi was able to speak: "Xiao Wulang, you big bastard, you are too bullying, I just want to teach you a lesson, how dare you treat me like this!"

"Hahaha!" Kogoro Mouri laughed when he heard this accusation: "It's too bullying, that's right, Hongzi, I just want to bully you, how about it?"

Mori Kogoro gently lifted Hongzi's chin, and lightly pecked her pink lips, Hongzi's body couldn't help trembling, and her heartbeat became extremely fast.

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