Then Fusang came to Jun Hui's side, said with a smirk, "From now on until you become a real witch, you can't have sex with men anymore, lest the spiritual power you cultivated be impure."


Jun Hui was quite surprised, so he looked at Kogoro Mori resentfully.

As the saying goes, when you first get acquainted with this place, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, you all know the taste from the inside out. Jun Hui couldn't help pouting at the thought of having to be patient.

Mori Kogoro suspected that it was Fusang's trick, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only comfort Junhui with his eyes.

Fusang pushed Mori Kogoro's body and asked him to walk outside the main hall: "Let's go, now it's Ding You's time, and it's the best time for her to inherit the master's inheritance. No outsiders can be present, so you should go back first." !"

Jun Hui immediately looked at Kogoro Mouri with a look of reluctance.

Mori Kogoro was pushed out of the door, and with a wave of Fusang's hand, all the doors and windows in the main hall were closed.He could only shake his head, then turned and left.

After settling Fusang, Mori Kogoro walked home quickly, and there was a little angel waiting at home.

As soon as he entered the porch of his house and began to change his shoes, he saw a figure appearing in front of him.

"Master, welcome home!"

A shy female voice sounded from in front of him, and Kogoro Mouri, who was bending over to change his shoes, raised his head.

He saw his little angel holding his hands, wearing a maid outfit, bending over, revealing a large piece of beautiful back skin, making a welcoming gesture.

Is this playing cosplay? ? ?

The girl stood up straight, and Kogoro Mori's nose bleeds instantly.

Don't blame our army for being unsteady, just blame the enemy army for being so against the sky!

Seen from the bottom up, the slender beautiful legs are wrapped in black knee socks, and the absolute field is dazzlingly white.

The upper body is a black and white lace maid skirt, but the fabric is used very little, and it is specially designed. There is only a white bib on the chest. The key is that the white bib is made of see-through material, and there is no cover inside ...

And the snowy back and snowy shoulders of the maid outfit are tied with only a few black lace ribbons. This is a completely sexy maid outfit!

The little angel's cheeks were blushing, watching Mori Kogoro spray nosebleeds, as if very satisfied with his reaction, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But she still came forward anxiously, took out a handkerchief and gently wiped Kogoro Mori's nosebleed, while still caring: "Master, you must take care of yourself!"

But in this way, as the girl got closer, Mori Kogoro's nosebleeds spurted even more, as if they didn't want money.

Hearing his own little angel call his master, it was completely different from usual. Inexplicably, Mori Kogoro felt a different kind of excitement in his heart, and his head went into a daze.

Finally Kogoro Mori stopped the bleeding, he got down to the sofa with the girl's support, he just felt his throat was dry and uncomfortable: "You, why are you dressed like this? Are you cosplaying?"

The little angel suddenly pouted, blinked her big eyes, and said delicately: "Master, don't you like it?"

It's 'Master' again!

Mori Kogoro's heart was beating extremely fast, he couldn't say anything against his will in front of the girl, so he could only say, "Hi, I like it!"

Hearing this, the little angel's big eyes turned into crescents of laughter, and she stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, and that arm was engulfed in softness.

The girl pulled Mori Kogoro to the bathroom: "Master, the hot water is ready, let me wait for you to take a bath!"

Mori Kogoro followed the girl into the bathroom with a half-push and a half-push. He was stripped naked, dragged into the bathtub, and soaked in hot water.

The water temperature was just right, making him moan a few times in comfort.

And the little angel dressed as a maid was holding a towel by the bath to help Mori Kogoro rub his back, looking extremely hardworking.

Under the immersion in hot water, Mori Kogoro gradually calmed down.

Since my little angels are so proactive, of course I have to cooperate a bit, and it's not like I can't cosplay.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro regained his composure.

Chapter 0052 Little Angel's Dress Up Show

Mori Kogoro caressed the snowy back of the little angel wearing a maid outfit, and asked, "If you call me master, what should I call you?"

The little angel's pretty face suddenly flushed a little, rolled her eyes, and immediately replied: "Maid number 001 serves the master, you can call me Nana-chan!"

Rather quick-witted, he directly used the anime movie he had watched with Mouri Kogoro before, and gave himself a stage name.

Mori Kogoro laughed loudly: "Maid No. 001——Nana-chan, if you say that, I still have No. 002 and No. 003. Ask them to come and serve me together."

"Baa." The little angel crossed her hands directly, her face was puffy, and she was quite cute.

"Such a lovely maid, how can there be a second one!"

Mori Kogoro nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, yes, I am already satisfied with just one."

"But Nana-chan, what are we going to do next?"

Mori Kogoro is also getting better and better, and has assumed the identity of the master, which is really a special feeling.

The little angel got up and brought out the prepared water bed, and said, "Master, lie down here and let me give you a massage. My massage technique is very good, and it will definitely make you relax."

Kogoro Moori obediently stood up, lay down on the water bed, and joked, "I'm going to return the product if I don't press it well. Change it to No. 002!"

"you dare!"

Only then did the little angel reveal a little bit of her nature, clenching her fists tightly and threatening.

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