This appearance alone is enough to kill the left and right dishes in seconds.

The ten lucky audience members were all agitated, eager to try and want to come up to taste the food.

But Mori Kogoro stopped them first. Instead, he took out three bowls and filled three servings. He chuckled and said, "Since they are my little fans, of course I have to give them a try first."

After finishing speaking, I took it to Yukiko, Haibara, Ayumi and the others.

Youxizi and the three daughters naturally laughed with satisfaction.

Chapter 0063 Female fans who blatantly betrayed

Regardless of the admiring gazes of others, the three women began to feast on it.

Ayumi ate so much that her face was full of satisfaction.

Yoko on the stage presided over: "Now, the audience and judges, please start to taste these three dishes, and then choose the dish that you think is the most delicious, and then just stand behind the chef. Okay, let's start."

As soon as the words fell, ten lucky audience members swarmed up.

More than half of them were directly squeezed into the egg fried rice in the middle, which was so fragrant.

The rest who can't squeeze through can only taste the left and right delicacies first.

Ten audience members had different expressions.

The few in the middle who tasted the egg fried rice all showed excited expressions.

Some closed their eyes and meditated, some stomped their feet excitedly, and some even had tears in their eyes, their expressions were so exaggerated that people couldn't believe it.

On the other hand, the audience who tasted potato pan and cod fish just nodded slightly.

But when they saw the exaggerated expressions of the people in the middle, they were all intrigued, and they picked up their spoons and scooped up the golden egg fried rice to taste.

The rich fragrant taste exploded between the lips and teeth, and instantly attacked the entire taste buds. Every egg fried rice was so fragrant that it was too fragrant to bite down and swallow it.

They finally knew that the expressions of the audience members just now were not fake.

Soon, the recovered audience crowded into the middle, and the battle for food broke out.

The ten people kept pouring spoons at the egg fried rice with only half of them left, exclaiming constantly, and finally they became more and more violent, and they even started fighting.

As for the two dishes next to it, the door was left in the cold and no one cared about it.

Yoko and Reina were all dumbfounded, and so were the audience below!

It was the first time Yoko encountered such a situation when she was doing a show, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

At this time, Kogoro Mori stood up and sternly said: "Stop it, it's too rude. Didn't the teacher teach you to be orderly when you were in elementary school? Line up for me to eat."

Hearing this, they all stopped like obedient babies and stood in a circle around the dining table, but their eyes were fixed on the egg fried rice in the middle.

One by one they scooped as much rice as they could with their spoons and swallowed them.

Before reaching a circle, the whole plate of rice was wiped out.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the last girl who hadn't eaten, and she was so anxious that she almost cried.

She stood by the plate, picked up the plate, and licked the plate with her tongue regardless of the camera.

Countless audiences were dumbfounded by this scene again, but all the audience on the stage looked at the girl enviously.

In the end, the ten spectators all stood aside, smacking their mouths, reminiscing about the taste just now.

Yoko still didn't give up, and said, "Are there any viewers who haven't tasted my cod and potato pot, please try it!"

At this time, the audience who had never tried it reluctantly moved their chopsticks and tasted the cod and potato pot.

But they all put down their chopsticks in disgust.

As the saying goes, the treasures come first, and everything behind becomes dull.

They all complained that the two dishes spoiled the remaining fragrance in their mouths!

After tasting all the dishes, the audience started to make a choice. Yoko, Mori Kogoro, and Minzumu Rena stood in the front, and the ten audience behind them began to choose and vote in line.

None of the audience hesitated, and soon, the result came out!

In fact, seeing the performance of the ten spectators just now, everyone present had already expected this result, but none of them expected such an overwhelming and crushing scene.

Yoko and Rena Minzumu both turned around and opened their mouths wide, there was no one behind them.

All ten spectators stood behind Mori Kogoro!

Shui Wurena complained: "It's a lie, were you bribed in advance?"

Yoko shook her head: "I don't believe it, this is my home stadium, no one is my fan?"

The little girl who licked the plate just now raised her hand: "Sister Yoko, I am the president of your fan club!"

"However, I have decided to resign as president."

"From now on, I want to join Brother Maori's support club. I have been captured by his delicious food. I want to support Brother Maori. I will work hard to become the president of Brother Maori's support club. Brother Maori, I love you!"

At the end, with a scream from the little girl, the little girl wanted to pounce on Kogoro Mori like a crazy fan.

But Kogoro Mori held her head with a big hand, so she couldn't move forward.This scene looks very joyful, and it is completely the second garden.

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