Hearing this, Xiaolan felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

And You Xizi smiled lightly and said, "You are so nervous about your father. It seems that you two have a good relationship. He is solving the case inside now, so don't bother him."

Chapter 0066

Only then did Xiaolan poke her head out, and looked at Kogoro Mori from the edge of the door.

Kogoro Mori was very familiar with the sound of his daughter's footsteps. He knew Xiaolan just now when he ran over, so he turned his head and smiled at Xiaolan, and even blinked.

This expression of Mori Kogoro appeared on countless screens in an instant, the lethality is too strong!

Countless women in front of the TV blushed and turned to stare at the TV screen with ecstasy, while the man next to him had a look of jealousy.

The live comment section on the Internet exploded again.

"How dare you tease me, he, he, he actually teased me through the screen while I wasn't paying attention, I don't care, if you tease me, you are my man."

"Xiao Wulang fired at me, my God, my girl's heart is going to explode!"

"I grabbed the deer that jumped out of my chest and strangled it to death: It's useless, even if you jump to death, I can't sleep with this man!"

Xiaolan clenched her fist with her right hand, made a cheering gesture to Mori Kogoro, and then turned back sideways. She never appeared in front of the camera from the beginning to the end.

She turned to look at the little loli Huiyuan, and hugged her in surprise.

Haibara's small head instantly sank into the towering soft chest, and the left and right cheeks were soft.

She was bullying others with her breasts like this again, little Lolita couldn't help but roll her dead fish eyes.

Xiaolan rubbed her face affectionately against Huiyuan's little head: "Well, Xiao Ai, it's been a long time, I miss you so much, I heard from my father that you went back to your family, where do you live, I also want to visit Xiao Ai's house!"

Little Lolita didn't show any face at all, she whispered: "Liar, I don't think you miss me at all, right? You went on a trip with your uncle these few days, but you are very happy, wish I didn't go back !"

"Uncle has been calling me in the past few nights, but you haven't called me at all. I think you have completely forgotten me!"

These words completely spoke of Xiaolan's mental journey. It was so comfortable to travel with her father these few days, and she really never thought about Xiao Ai.

Xiaolan's cheeks turned slightly red, she gave a dry laugh, and then changed the subject: "Don't talk, don't talk, let's see Dad solve the case!"

Little Lolita rolled her eyes, but in front of so many outsiders, she didn't have to chase and beat her up.

The girls didn't want to leave the country, so they walked behind the camera crew and watched the recording screen.

Miwako in the lounge was full of confidence in Kogoro, she was also a bit selfish, wishing her man would become famous again, that's why she didn't stop the live broadcast.

With the camera in front of him, Shiratori Ren Sanlang didn't want Kogoro Mori to focus on the front, so he began to work hard to solve the case.

He walked to the sofa, carefully observed the corpse, and then said: "It seems that Mr. Gucun is wearing very sloppy clothes, his collar and cuffs are black, and he hasn't changed his clothes yet."

The curly-haired man Hojima next to him said, "Because Gucun hates taking a bath, he usually only takes a bath once a week, that's why he looks so sloppy."

Tang Tian, ​​the man with bitter melon face, said in surprise: "So I also remembered that he was wearing this suit when playing mahjong three days ago."

Mori Kogoro pointed to the camera under the floor and said, "This camera seems to be still shooting, maybe it will record something?"

Miwako immediately ordered: "Boss, hurry up and borrow a monitor that can be connected."

Officer Da Zuo acted immediately, and soon borrowed a monitor from the film crew, he connected the camera, and played it.

On the front is the video diary of the deceased himself, nothing special.

On the contrary, the shooting scene was recorded later, but the room was pitch black at that time, there was no picture, only sound.

Those voices are the same as those in Conan San's novels. It is true that Gucun screamed first, followed by the voice of the curly-haired boy Hojima, followed by the sound of Sanxiao's door opening, and Mitsuhiko's scream after turning on the light.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang listened carefully to the voice twice, then turned around, and said swearingly: "Mr. Suishima, what can you quibble about, other than the voices of the children, there is only your voice, and you must have killed them." Mr. Furumura's."

The curly-haired man Hojima immediately exclaimed: "Officer, I really didn't kill the man, I have no reason to kill Gucun!"

"No?" Tang Tian, ​​a man with a bitter gourd face, dismantled the stage: "How could there be no reason? Didn't you scold him behind his back for a long time for the previous mistakes in Gucun's work?"

The curly-haired man Hojima became anxious, and said, "If it's that, don't you all have motives to kill?"

"I remember that Team Leader Tang Tian and Gengami were also very angry at the time!"

Tang Tian and Genshang both turned their heads guiltily.

Miwako immediately asked, "What are you talking about?"

Tang Tian Jingshan, a man with a bitter gourd face, said, "It was an editing accident of the previous movie "Father of Stupid Boy 3"."

"At that time, Gu Cun was editing in the darkroom as an editor. He put the negative into the monitor without confirming the image, causing most of the negative to be destroyed."

"The superiors were furious. All the losses were borne by the internal staff of our film department, and our film department was later laid off by the superiors. That's why the recent film editing is a bit stretched, and we have to stay up late and work overtime every day."

Keihiko Keihiko, a man with glasses, said, "But it's not the worst. The worst thing is that the leading actor of the movie died in a car accident last month, so there is no way to remake this movie, and it has become an eternal regret."

The curly-haired man Hojima also sighed: "But I heard that there is a relative in the ancient village who is a high-level radio station. He caused such a big loss, but the punishment given to him is only to be transferred from this post to work in another department. You must know that the Tangtian Group As a result, Changdu was removed from the position of team leader and turned into a small employee."

"And this "Stupid Boy's Dad" series of movies has always been the pride of our film department, but Gu Cun doesn't seem to care about it at all, and quickly forgot about it."

The bitter-faced man Tang Tian said: "Although everyone hated him at the time, it's been so long that we almost forgot about it. How could he kill someone because of this?"

The curly-haired Hoshimaro continued, "Officer, I really didn't kill the man, you must believe me."

He turned his head to look at Mori Kogoro who was standing at the side, hurriedly went up to hold his hand, and begged eagerly, "Detective Mori, Detective Mori, you must trust me and return my innocence!"

Mori Kogoro nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

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