When Akai Shuichi heard this, his heart felt as if he had been hit hard, and he couldn't help but took two steps back, his face full of disbelief.

"Mingmei, what did you say?"

Mingmei repeated again: "I mean, Kogoro is my boyfriend."

Akemi's small head rested on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, looking intimate.

Seeing that the situation was under Minmei's control, Mori Kogoro wanted to teach Akai Shuyi a lesson, but he didn't want to make things difficult for Minmei, so he obediently cooperated with Minmei.

Akai Hideichi still had hope in his heart. He stared at Mingmei with terrifying eyes and asked, "What about us? Then what are we?"

Miyano Akemi didn't avoid her gaze, and said seriously, "Mr. Zhuhoshi, we're done, aren't we?"


At this moment, Akai Hideo felt extremely bitter in his heart, just like the fallen leaves in this fallen leaf field.

Chapter 0071 uncle will not be the daughter of control


Since leaving the organization two years ago, Akai Hidey has been thinking about Miyano Akemi all the time.

When he found out about her death, he was heartbroken, and then he was ecstatic when he speculated that she might be alive.

But now, seeing this scene, Akai Shuichi felt like falling into an ice cellar, and his whole body was cold.

The woman she loves so much is snuggling into the arms of other men, introducing her new boyfriend to herself.

What an irony!

And all of this is thanks to Mori Kogoro.

His emerald green eyes stared at Mouri Kogoro in front of him, without concealing his hostility at all, his gaze was menacing, like a hungry wolf.

Akemi Miyano asked, "Mr. Zhuxing, are you the man who stayed in the flower shop near Didan Elementary School before? Please don't do this in the future!"

But Akai Shuichi completely ignored Miyano Akemi's words, instead he kept looking at Mori Kogoro.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and there was a bit of disdain in his words: "Moori Kogoro?"

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, and pulled Mingmei back to protect him: "Yes! What advice do you have?"

"The savior of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the savior of Japan, what a name!"

"I have investigated you. Not only do you have a close relationship with the top figures of the Metropolitan Police Department, but you also have extremely in-depth cooperation with the Banner Financial Group and the Suzuki Financial Group."

"You also have a security company under your command, which has an armed and violent team, all of which are foreign mercenaries."

"And you seem to be behind the rapid development of technology companies in the past year. You are indeed a very powerful character!"

"It's just that what I don't understand is that you are so rich and powerful, why do you guard a small detective agency?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Not bad! The investigation is quite in-depth!"

"Well, there is an old saying in Huaguo, 'The big hermit hides in the city, and the small hermit hides in the wild'. Maybe it can answer your question."

Akai Shuichi chewed on this sentence repeatedly, and seemed to have some insight, showing a slight expression of understanding.

Seeing Akai's expression, Mori Kogoro smiled amusedly: "Actually, I lied to you. I live there because my daughter likes it!"

Hearing this, Akai Hideichi almost wanted to vomit blood, his veins kept throbbing, and he suddenly felt that this man was extremely vile.

And the little loli Huibara heard the results of Akai Shuichi's investigation, and only then did she realize how powerful Mori Kogoro was under his hands. She opened her mouth slightly and looked at Uncle Mori with shock in his eyes, and she actually hugged a Glittering golden thighs!

But when she heard Kogoro Mori's last words, she rolled her eyes again.

No way!Could the uncle be a daughter-in-law?

If this is the case, Da Nai Lan is also a parent, and the two control each other, then the result...


Little Lolita suddenly thought of some very haughty and violent scenes, and couldn't help shaking.

How is this possible, I must be thinking too much!

Akai Shuichi took deep breaths repeatedly, and then calmed down.

He glanced at Miyano Akemi next to him, even knowing that she had already moved on, Akai Shuichi still couldn't feel any hatred for her.

He still liked Minmei, so he spoke again.

"Mori Kogoro, I admit that you are indeed very strong. You are doing very well in Tokyo. I'm afraid that no one in the organization can win over you here."

"However, you can't give Mingmei happiness. I just did a little research and found out that you are entangled with many women."

"A playboy like you, what qualifications do you have to be Mingmei's boyfriend!"

Mori Kogoro's complexion suddenly turned cold, the momentum of martial arts exploded, and the surrounding air became inexplicably bleak.

But Akai Hideo was not disturbed at all, and continued to speak: "Mingmei, you and your sister come with me, we return to the United States, use the witness protection plan, you can live a new life."

"Let's start over!" When he said this, there was a pleading look in Hide Akai's eyes.

There are enough things to say today, and it is completely a month's worth for him.

He has always believed that actions speak louder than words, and he has never spoken so many words.

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