Looking at the passing vehicles, Akai Hideichi let out a long sigh.

He is really a terrifying person, and I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse for Mingmei to follow him!

But now, things in the organization are more important, and things about Mingmei can only be discussed later.

Akai Shuichi loosened his muscles, got into the Chevrolet with all his strength, started the car, and left the Fallen Leaves Field. He wanted to go back and tell Smith about it.

Chapter 0073

The Lexus galloped all the way back to Akemi's apartment, and along the way Kogoro Mori was thinking about how to deal with the incident between Rena Minazu and the FBI, so he didn't speak.

Miyano Akemi and Haibara in the passenger seat looked sideways from time to time, but they didn't dare to disturb Mori Kogoro.

But seeing this situation, the two women looked at each other, feeling very bad.

The three of them returned to the apartment. On the sofa in the living room, Mori Kogoro was still looking deep in thought. He finally decided to help Mizurunai maintain the status of the ostensible female anchor as much as possible.

After all, once the latent mission is over and she loses her apparent identity, Rena Mizumu, who returns to the organization, may be sent to perform more dangerous missions, and it will be difficult for her to take care of herself.

Moreover, once Shuiwurenai returns to the organization, it may not be so easy for him to see her, unless he uses the big teleportation talisman three times a month.

After thinking about what to do, Mori Kogoro came back to his senses and wanted to find Mingmei and Xiaoai, but found that the living room was empty.

But when he listened carefully, his strong hearing allowed him to hear the small discussions in the kitchen.

Mingmei put up the dishes and asked her sister, her voice seemed anxious: "Xiao Ai, what do you think, Xiao Wulang seems to be really angry, he didn't talk to us all the way!"

Luo Liyin looked very calm: "Hey, I will definitely be angry. Your ex-boyfriend is really serious. Why come out of nothing? A narrow-minded guy like uncle must be very sensitive to these things."

Mori Kogoro in the living room couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Haibara arrange himself in this way.

I was obviously thinking about something, but the two sisters misunderstood.

He was about to get up and explain, but when the two women spoke again, he sat back in his original position and continued to eavesdrop.

Mingmei's tone became a little aggrieved: "Really, it's not my fault, and nothing happened between me and Zhu Xingda, how could he treat me like this, what a bad guy!"

Xiao Huiyuan comforted him and said: "Uncle, he also cares about you very much. You saw it just now. He exploded because of you, and he is no longer human. Sister, you are so charming, that's why you are like this." of."

"That's it!" Mingmei farted a little.

Huiyuan spoke again, offering advice: "Although uncle is very cautious, he is also easy to deal with."

"Sister, you just need to take the initiative when you go out later, first this and this, then this and this, and if it doesn't work in the end, just like this..., that big pervert will definitely forgive you by then."

Mingmei blushed slightly, and said hesitantly, "Is this really a solution?"

"Believe me, I've been with my uncle for so long, there's no problem."

At this moment, the little Lolita is completely like a dog-headed military strategist, coming up with some completely crooked ideas.

"But, Xiao Ai, I'm afraid I can't handle him alone, and I might be able to handle him instead. You know, Xiao Wulang is very powerful."

Hearing this, Haibara's eyes lit up.

She didn't want her own sister to always judge people by appearance and treat herself as a child. She was already seventeen years old. Although she had the body of a child, she was actually the same as an adult.

Now is the time to free Minmei from prejudice.

Xiao Huiyuan patted his chest and said, righteously said: "Sister, if you can't do it alone, then let me help you!"


Mingmei couldn't help exclaiming, and looked at Huiyuan's small arms and legs, as well as that flat body, and there was a touch of worry in her water-blue eyes: "Xiao Ai, you can't do it, you will definitely get hurt of."

Hui Yuan did not give up, but instead said, "But if the cold war continues like this, maybe the relationship between you and uncle will get worse and worse."

"If this grudge is not eliminated, then there will be a gap in your hearts. If it ends up breaking up, what will you do then? Sister, I am very worried about you!"

Hearing this, Minmei's mind suddenly flashed the image of herself and Kogoro Mori being separated, and she suddenly felt unbearable.

Little Lolita continued to speak sincerely: "Sister, you are my only family member. If I don't help you, who will I help? For you, what a little pain is!"

"Besides, it's not like we haven't tried it before."

"Sisters are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut through gold. We will definitely be able to win back Uncle's heart."

Hearing this, Ming Meiqiao's face was immediately filled with emotion, and she couldn't help hugging little loli Huiyuan tightly.

But Huiyuan, who was in Mingmei's arms, showed a sly smile, with great deception, the battle was successful!

Overhearing the conversation between the two sisters in the living room, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but secretly delighted.

There is such a beautiful thing!

I was just thinking about something and didn't speak for a while, so the two women made up a big show and planned to give benefits together.

Really, how dare people refuse!

Thinking of what happened next, Mori Kogoro snickered.

At this time, Mingmei and Xiao Ai came out of the kitchen, Mouri Kogoro's expression changed instantly, his smile disappeared, and he returned to the expressionless face he had just thought about.

Seeing this, the two women looked at each other, and then walked towards Kogoro Mouri.

Mingmei sat next to Mori Kogoro, hugged his arm, and spoke, her voice was soft and gentle, with a bit of a coquettish tone.

"Xiao Goro, I've already made dinner, let's go to the restaurant for dinner!"

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