
On the flying boat, Conan looked at this scene with a dazed expression.

At this moment, Conan didn't know what to do. The Kaitou Kidd just sacrificed his life to save his own life, but now he was caught by Uncle Maori.

Although Conan also wanted to grab Kidd, this was not the case.

Conan wanted to ask for love, so he opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak.

Mori Kogoro stood at the tail of the flying boat. He threw the submachine gun to the ground, looked at Kaitou Kidd who was glaring at him, and couldn't help chuckling: "Looks like you can go fishing again!"

Kidd didn't understand what this meant, he struggled and shouted angrily: "Mori Kogoro, you only know how to ambush, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro ignored the young man whose mentality had exploded, and waved to the helicopter above instead.

With his hands in the shape of a trumpet, he shouted: "Miwako, don't lean out, everything has been resolved, it's all right!"

Miwako on the helicopter felt relieved when she saw the heroic Kogoro Mori standing on the tail of the flying boat.

And Ginzo Nakamori in the viewing platform took the walkie-talkie and asked Mouri Kogoro outside: "Kogoro, Kidd has been caught, and we have entered the airspace of Osaka, should we tell the Metropolitan Police about the situation of the flying ship?" ?”

Mori Kogoro said, "Of course you can."

Nakamori Ginzo immediately called Odagiri Toshiro of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to report the situation.

Toshiro Odagiri also shared the connection with Heizo Hattori of the Osaka Police.

When the two listened to the report, their brows stretched.

People from the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo and Osaka breathed a sigh of relief, but the feelings of the citizens of Osaka were completely different.

Looking at this flying ship that is flying low and only suspended at a height of [-] meters, when I think of the deadly bacteria that is full of the ship inside, the panic continues to spread!

They ran, trampled, and desperately wanted to stay away from the flying ship and escape to a farther place.

They were terrified, wearing masks and covering their noses, for fear of inhaling one more deadly bacteria.

They kept cursing the terrorists who made the terrorist attacks, and also cursing why the flying ship of the Suzuki consortium had to fly to Osaka.

This group of panicked citizens has only one appeal, and that is to survive!

Seeing the chaos in the streets below, Mori Kogoro standing at the rear wing frowned.

He lifted off a silver-white covering cloth on the right side, and seventeen terrorists appeared on the ship.

The group of terrorists all looked at Kogoro Mori with horror on their faces, but unfortunately their mouths were sealed and they couldn't utter a word of begging for mercy.Kogoro Mori let go of the rope he was stepping on, and the seventeen terrorists slid down like dumplings.

The last ones are hung in series on the right wing of the tail.

On the left is Kaito Kidd hanging from a rope net, and on the right are seventeen terrorists.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro stood in the middle of the tail, bathed in the setting sun, like the god of war returning triumphantly, and brought his spoils to Osaka!

The citizens of Osaka also saw this scene in the sky.

"Look, what is that?"

"The red Siamese cats are all subdued, who is that man on top?"

"Maori detective!"

Seeing Kogoro Mori who was as heroic as a god on the flying boat, the people seemed to have a backbone. Although they were puzzled, they stopped running.

The live broadcast plane of Osaka TV broadcasted this scene live, and the host on the helicopter kept roaring and explaining.

"What did we see? Detective Maori personally sits on this flying ship. Who is caught on his left side? Is it Kaitou Kidd?"

"The group of terrorists on the right are also strung together into balls. What's going on?"

"Can anyone tell me what's going on here?"

At the same time, the air defense siren of Osaka Castle was sounded, followed by the sound of the broadcast, which was an announcement from the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Citizens of Osaka, this is the NHK radio station. According to the news from the Osaka Prefectural Metropolitan Police Department, the terrorist attack alert has been lifted, the epidemic alert has been lifted, and the emergency evacuation has been canceled. Osaka is safe. Citizens are requested to leave the evacuation site in an orderly manner!"

"Repeat, this is the NHK radio station. According to the news from the Osaka Prefectural Metropolitan Police Department, the terrorist attack alert has been lifted, the three-level epidemic alert has been lifted, and the emergency evacuation has been canceled. Osaka is safe. Citizens, please leave the evacuation place in an orderly manner!"

Hearing the sound of the broadcast, the entire Osaka prefecture erupted. Citizens hiding in the air-raid shelters flocked out, and soon saw that all the screens in the city were broadcasting the live broadcast of Osaka TV.

On the way to the west, the cars stopped, and the drivers turned on the real-time radio or pulled out their mobile phones to watch the live broadcast of Osaka TV.

The people who were hiding at home before they could take refuge broke down and cried, watching the live broadcast with tears in their eyes.

The seventeen terrorists hanging on the flying boat are so obvious, and the man in golden light standing above the tail is so mighty.

Soon, the name of "Moori Kogoro!" resounded throughout Osaka Prefecture.

Countless people spontaneously shouted the name of Mori Kogoro.

"Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!"......

Someone in the middle spontaneously added the sentence 'Osaka savior! '

The two titles are connected in series.

"Mori Kogoro! The savior of Osaka!" "Mori Kogoro! The savior of Osaka!" "Mori Kogoro! The savior of Osaka!"...

Waves of sound came from the ground to the sky, and the air seemed to be shaking.

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