Thinking of this adjective, Hattori Shizuka couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling, causing Hattori Heiji next to him to look sideways.

Hattori Shizuka didn't expect that it was because Mori Kogoro wanted to subdue the little angel, so he was inspired to be stronger.

It is the result of Kogoro Mori's mercy that she can sit comfortably now.

Suzuki Jikichiro, who was in the first place, sighed: "Hey, the fly in the ointment is that Kidd was not caught. I didn't expect Kidd to have so many helpers!"

Hearing this, Nakamori Ginzo, who was already feasting on the meal, instantly became gloomy.

But Suzuki Jikichiro said again: "This time it's the red Siamese cat who interfered with my duel with Kidd."

"However, I have already made up my mind. When I return to Tokyo, I will post a battle post. I must defeat that Kaitou Kidd. Detective Mori, you can help me when the time comes!"

Mori Kogoro naturally smiled and agreed.

At the table, except for those who were drinking, everyone else had almost eaten.

Dr. Ali got up and said: "Mr. Suzuki, the children are tired, I will take them back to rest first!"

Sure enough, he was a child, and naturally he felt exhausted all day long, and the three juniors, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi were all yawning.

Suzuki Jikichiro smiled and said: "All the rooms on the forty-eighth floor have been emptied, and they are all ready for you. When you get there, just talk to the guide next to the elevator, and she will take you to your respective rooms to rest. .”

Dr. Ali and others left. Haibara and Conan didn't feel sleepy yet, so they naturally rejected the doctor's invitation.

Looking at the Yingyingyanyan girls on the wine table, as well as Hongye and Heye, thinking that they will be separated tomorrow before they are tender, Mouri Kogoro suddenly had an extremely bold idea in his heart.

Thinking of that scene, he couldn't help but blush, and couldn't help but drink two sips of wine to suppress his shock.

However, the evil thought seemed to be deeply rooted in his heart, and it continued to grow and sprout, and then it became more and more intense.

Afraid of an egg, do it!

He reached out and took the backpack, put his hand into the backpack, connected his mind to the point mall, spent three thousand points, and exchanged for a bottle of high-level fruit wine.

He took out the wine bottle, smiled lightly and said, "Pingzang, I bought this bottle of wine at a huge price, and brought it here to get drunk with you."

Hattori Heizo and Nakamori Ginzo were also aroused, and they didn't notice the evil look in Mori Kogoro's eyes at all.

I saw Mori Kogoro opening the rather quaint wine bottle, and as soon as the cork was removed, the whole room was filled with a strange smell of wine, and everyone couldn't help but look sideways.

Everyone wrinkled their noses, smelling the wine greedily, spitting from their mouths, and looking at the wine bottle eagerly.

It is so fragrant that even the underage children are tickled.

Xiaolan immediately said: "Father, what's the name of this delicious wine, can you try it for me?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "This is wine from China. It has a nice name. It's called Zui Sheng Meng Shi, but it's a very strong wine."

"I heard from the guy who sold it to me that one drink will make people drunk. You are underage, so I can't drink it for you!"

The more Mori Kogoro said that, the more the children were seduced, the more they felt that it would be a heinous crime to miss such a fragrant wine.

Xiaolan put her arms around Maoli Kogoro's arm and acted coquettishly, her proud chest kept rubbing against his arm: "Father, just let me try a cup, if I don't drink, I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight."

Conan on the side stared at this scene: Xiao Lan, be more reserved, he is your father!

Yuanzi also said, "Uncle Maori, how can you enjoy such a fragrant wine all to yourself, and you can tell it's made from fruit as soon as you smell it. How can there be strong fruit wine?"

Yuanzi obviously has research on wine.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Hongye, Heye, and Qingzi also agreed.

Even the little loli Huiyuan took a wine glass and put it in front of Mori Kogoro, and said, "I want to drink!"

Hearing the voices of the girls, Mori Kogoro pretended to be persuaded, and agreed with a pained look on his face.

He took out thirteen small Japanese cups and poured the bottle of wine into the thirteen small cups.

The aroma of the wine overflowed, and it was even more fascinating.

Once it was poured, everyone rushed to grab the wine glass, even Conan and Hattori Heiji were no exception.

Chapter 0105 The Drunk People

The aroma of the wine is overflowing, and the wine enters the throat. The wine is mellow and soft, and the sweetness stimulates all the taste buds, making people intoxicated.

The aroma burst directly between the lips and teeth, and was divided into two streams, one went straight to the mind, and the other fell to the heart and lungs.

As soon as the wine entered their throats, everyone was almost in a trance.

This fine wine from other planes was too lethal, and everyone present shook their heads comfortably, with a hint of intoxication in their eyes.

The girls who teetotal were suddenly conquered by this fine wine.

Suzuki Jikichiro's eyes lit up even more, and he drank loudly: "Good wine, but it would be an exaggeration to say that it is poured in one glass."

He immediately picked up the wine glass and refilled it for himself, and Hattori Heizo and Nakamori Ginzo immediately fought over it when they saw this.

The first place area was suddenly in chaos.

In the end, the wine bottle was snatched by Hattori Shizuka secretly. As soon as Hattori Shizuka poured a glass, the garden behind snatched it away.

Watching the wine bottles being passed among the women, the men at the dining table were too embarrassed to fight for it, so they could only lick their tongues and watch dryly.

Hattori Heizo couldn't help complaining: "Kogoro, how can you bring out such a good wine here, we should have a good drink together."

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