Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Then I'm really looking forward to it!"

After hanging up the phone, Kogoro Mori threw the phone into the pile of clothes, looking at the masterpiece on the table in front of him, he felt very comfortable, and the feast was about to begin!

Chapter 0107 rain and dew even 2

On the mahogany dining table in the middle, the seven girls are lying on it, their beautiful legs are intertwined, and they sleep in different positions, looking extraordinarily attractive.

Without exception, they were all trapped in a dream, with their eyes closed, the corners of their mouths slightly curved, and their faces full of sweet smiles.

Mori Kogoro really wished he had countless hands, so that he would no longer be entangled.

Although it feels a bit unkind, but the people lying on the dining table are all his own women, so Mori Kogoro is not disrespectful.

The first target was Hongye, he directly kissed Ooka Hongye's small mouth, his big hand soon covered Hongye's smooth skin, and began to swim wantonly, Mouri Kogoro was fascinated by Hongye's drunk posture.

Without saying a word, a stirring movement resounded in the room.

Even though there were several men in the side room, none of them knew what happened tonight, and the only one who knew was Moori Kogoro.

This night is destined to be a long one for Mori Kogoro! ! !

Early the next morning, Hongye woke up leisurely from her sleep, and felt that she was in the arms of a man.

Hongye was about to scream, but saw the handsome face of Mori Kogoro beside her.

Her scream was stuck in her throat, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

That's great, Xiao Ye Zi is Xiao Ye Zi, how could she compete with me!Uncle still loves me!

Hongye Meimou looked around and found herself lying on the big white bed in the hotel with Mori Kogoro.

I think it was because I got drunk last night, and then Uncle Mao Li sent me back.

But soon, Hongye's little face turned red.

His beautiful eyes couldn't help but stare at the man next to him: What a bad guy, he does bad things while he's drunk, it's too abominable!

Hongye didn't know that Mori Kogoro not only did bad things to her last night, but also did bad things to many women.

It's so miserable, why don't I remember anything!Xiao Hongye couldn't help but patted herself on the head, she really didn't have any impression, her little face was puffed up with anger.

However, sensing Kogoro Mori's warm embrace, Momiji's anger comes and goes quickly.

She stretched out her plain white fingers, and gently stroked the mustache on the lips of the man beside her, her eyes were full of affection and tenderness.

Even such a boring thing is very interesting to Hongye, she can play around with Moori Kogoro's mustache all day long.

But Mori Kogoro felt itchy, he opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of confusion: Who am I?What am I doing?Where am I?Who is touching my beard!

Kogoro with this appearance looks a little cute to Hongye.

She couldn't help but kissed Kogoro Mouri on the lips, and her body was directly pressed against Kogoro Mouri.

Soon, Mori Kogoro regained consciousness.How can a little girl be suppressed by a film!

With the rising sun, a new round of morning exercises started on the bed.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, at the restaurant on the fifth floor of the Suzuki Tower, everyone who had dinner last night gathered here again for breakfast.

Except Hongye, everyone was here last night.

This ignorant girl was directly arranged by Mori Kogoro, and she couldn't get up immediately.

She also doesn't know what kind of terrifying existence Kogoro Mori is today, and she is reaping the fruit of herself.

Mori Kogoro walked with the wind, and he was extremely happy physically and mentally, with a faint smile on his face unconsciously.

As soon as he appeared, Suzuki Jikichiro patted his shoulder and laughed heartily: "Detective Maori, I really missed my sight last night. I didn't expect your wine to be so powerful. It really poured down a glass!"

"Thanks to your fine wine, I had a good dream last night and slept very well!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Where, I would like to thank Mr. Jikichiro for his hospitality, otherwise I would not have such a good opportunity to enjoy this 'feast'!"

Jijiro Suzuki waved his hand: "What is this? I will treat you to real palace cuisine when I return to Tokyo."

The old man had no idea what Mori Kogoro was talking about.

On the other hand, Hattori Heizo smiled wryly and said: "Xiao Wulang, you have hurt me so badly. I originally wanted to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department to handle official business, but I was put down by your wine. In the morning, I was drunk by that guy from Toyama." It took a long time to complain on the phone."

"However, where did you buy this wine? It's so delicious. I still can't forget the taste. Can you buy me a few bottles?"

Mori Kogoro naturally smiled and shook his head: "There is no chance. I helped a Chinese man to complete the entrustment for him to send. Only this bottle, and he will return to China after that."

"If I knew it was so delicious, I would have kept it by myself!"

Nakamori Yinzo hurriedly came up: "Xiao Wulang, how can you say that, we have been friends for so many years, at least we have to drink with me."

Hattori Heizo also smiled lightly: "I don't believe what you said, there must be more, hidden by you, one day I will go to your house to look for it myself, I don't believe I can't find it."

After that, the three of them laughed out loud.

It's just that Mori Kogoro's smile belongs to the king: "You two poor guys, if you knew what happened last night, you probably wouldn't be able to smile now!"

On the side, Hattori Heiji squatted down and asked Conan, "Kudou, does Uncle Mori still have this wine?"

"I remember I used to send you Lao Baigan to let you recover. How about you steal a bottle for me, so that the previous things will be eliminated?"

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