At this time, Fei Yingli, who was wearing a blue suit skirt, came out of the study with a pile of documents.

When she saw her daughter appearing, she showed joy on her face, put down the document and walked up to her quickly.

"Xiaolan, you are here!"

Seeing her mother appearing, Xiaolan didn't dare to meet her eyes, her expression was extremely guilty.

However, Fei Yingli didn't notice anything unusual, and affectionately pulled her daughter to sit on the sofa.

"Really, I didn't even think about coming to my mother during the holidays. It's a pity that my mother misses you so much."

"But you've been eating well for a while, and your complexion is much better than last time. Your father finally took good care of you!"

Little Lan nodded naively: "Well, Dad takes good care of me." He took care of me all the way to the bed, can it be okay!

"Come here, just now my mother received your call and prepared a cake specially for you, but I learned it from the three-minute breakfast program. It can be done in three minutes, come and try it!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan had an ominous premonition in her heart.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Conan the little ghost at the side slipped upstairs by himself.

This villa is so weird, how can we not investigate it!

Conan thought so, and didn't care about Xiaolan's life or death.

Sure enough, when Xiaolan came to the tea table, she saw the dark and shapeless unknown things on the plate, and she wanted to cry without tears.

Mom's dark cuisine is not inferior to the past at all, no wonder Aunt Yukiko only drinks coffee all the time.

On the other hand, You Xizi had a rescued expression: "Xiaolan, this is the love cake your mother prepared for you. Auntie is reluctant to eat it, so I keep it all for you. Come on, try it!"

You Xizi didn't think it was enough to trick him, so he said, "Conan, come and try your concubine's cake!"

But she didn't hear any response, and Yukiko found out that Conan had sneaked upstairs.

The second floor is the bedroom, which has the clothes of himself and Fei Yingli, as well as the clothes of Mori Kogoro!

She immediately got up in a panic, and then ran to the second floor.

From Xiaolan's point of view, this means that Youxizi abandoned herself in desperation.

Facing her mother's gentle gaze, Xiaolan said timidly, "Mom, I just finished lunch and I'm so full, I don't want to eat!"

"Hmm!" The Danfeng eyes behind Feiyingli's glasses froze, and when the queen's aura opened, Xiaolan was so frightened that she lost all courage, and immediately obediently picked up a fork and forked an unknown black thing, and put it in her mouth.

The sour and spicy taste exploded in the mouth, and there were lemons and peppercorns in it, which were still raw.

Oh my god, mom is terrible, she can add so many things in three minutes.

Xiaolan's eyebrows twitched wildly, but she pretended to be very delicious. She shook her head slightly and acted cutely: "Dumb, mom, your cooking skills are really getting better and better."

A smile appeared on the corner of Feiyingli's mouth, and she stretched out her hand to caress Xiaolan's little head with a gentle expression on her face.

"If it's delicious, eat more, if it's not enough for mom to cook."

Xiaolan felt the urge to cry.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Conan didn't find anything unusual. He stood in front of the closet and was about to open the closet.

At this time, a hand appeared from behind, directly grabbed the back collar and lifted it up.

You Xizi had a cold look in his eyes, and said, "Xinyi, what are you doing? Didn't your mother teach you how to be a guest?"

"Sneaking into your concubine Yingli's bedroom and trying to open her closet, Xinyi, Xinyi, why did you become like this!"

Hearing such sinister words, coupled with his mother's terrifying expression, countless cold sweats broke out on Conan's forehead instantly.

"It seems that I won't be able to give you a good lesson!"

Yukiko put Conan down, and somehow conjured up a feather duster in her right hand, and slapped Conan wildly.

One by one, it was pumped to Conan's ass with extreme precision.

The little devil ran around with his head in his arms, constantly begging for mercy.

There was a flutter on the second floor, and Conan was chased and beaten back to the living room on the first floor by Yukiko.Feiyingli and Xiaolan looked at this extraordinary scene in bewilderment.

Xiaolan couldn't help muttering: "Aunt Youxizi, you are so violent!"

Chapter 0118 black-bellied mother and daughter

Fei Yingli couldn't help but asked, "Youxizi, what are you doing?"

You Xizi said without hesitation: "This brat just broke into your bedroom and wanted to open your closet. He doesn't respect other people's privacy at all."


Hearing what his mother said, Conan knew that he was going to die, so he raised his head.

Sure enough, both Feiyingli and Xiaolan's expressions turned cold, and their eyes were filled with disgust, and the sharp gaze made Conan feel like a thorn in his eyes.

Conan was extremely wronged, he just wanted to find traces related to his mother!

You Xizi continued to speak: "This child is considered to be my distant relative. Now his parents are not around. As an elder, I should educate him well."

The feather duster hit Conan's butt again, and the screams echoed in the villa!

Xiaolan asked curiously: "Aunt Yuxiko, isn't Conan a distant relative of Dr. Ali? Why do you also say that Conan is your distant relative?"

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