Sex education yay!

Mori Kogoro immediately said, "Hey, isn't this your job as a mother?"

"Xiao Wulang, don't force me, I don't know how to face Xiao Lan now."

"You are her father, and you know a lot about the theory of knowledge in this area, so of course you have to teach me."

"Daughter has become like this, don't you have the slightest responsibility? I don't care, this matter will be handled by you, maybe don't come to see me, next time we meet, don't let Xiaolan ask me those questions again, you know ?"

Eri finally displayed her favorite wayward skill of throwing blame, and Mori Kogoro could only "helplessly" accept this task.

All these problems were left to Mori Kogoro. Seeing Mori Kogoro's reluctance, Eri bent down and kissed his lips.

"Okay, Xiaolan is in the room, you have to explain what happened last night clearly, and let Xiaolan be normal, otherwise I won't know where to sleep tonight, and it doesn't matter if I teach sex education later."

Eri turned over and got off Mori Kogoro, pushed him to get up, pushed him to Xiaolan's room, and cheered him up: "Come on!"

Kogoro Mori entered his daughter's room with a dumbfounded expression on his face. What's going on?

Chapter 0140 Xiaolan's crooked move

Mori Kogoro pretended to be serious and entered the room, and he locked the door behind him, so Hideo outside the door couldn't even eavesdrop.

Xiao Lan, who was wearing blue shorts and a white vest, was lying on the bed, her two beautiful white legs were swinging from time to time, very attractive.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came in, Xiaolan smiled at him with sly eyes.

She straightened up, and a deep gully appeared.

Xiaolan said, "Dad, I heard everything. Mom asked you to give me sex education!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro choked instantly.

He forced a serious expression, sat on the bed and asked, "Xiao Lan, what are your plans? Didn't Dad tell you this morning? Why are you doing this today? Your mother can't stand it anymore?"

Xiaolan got up, sat next to Mori Kogoro, put her arms around his arm, leaned her little head on his shoulder, and rubbed against her, feeling very uncomfortable.

"I'm not forcing my mother."

"I'm training my mother!"

puff!Another mouthful of old blood spit out in my heart.

Mori Kogoro didn't know how many mouthfuls of blood he had vomited.

Xiaolan wants to train Yingli, what kind of magical development is this!

"Dad, don't you believe me, I don't think we can go on like this."

"We have to fight, we have to fight, so that we can live the life we ​​want to live, sneaking is always wrong."

When she said this, Xiaolan's eyes sparkled!

"Mother Zhimu is like a daughter. My mother has a tough and conservative personality. If she finds out, she will definitely not accept it. The consequences may be dire."

"However, people are adaptable and will change due to changes in the outside world. As long as my mother adapts slowly, there will be opportunities."

"According to my observation, parents' tolerance to their children varies according to their children's performance."

"It's like those little gangsters in our school who form cliques and hang out in the club. They fight and drink all day long, but if one day they don't fight and drink, they go home and do their homework instead. Parents will feel very happy when they see it. , this is called the prodigal son turning his back on money, right Dad?"

"Like me, my mother and I used to meet once a month. To be honest, my mother doesn't know me too well."

"As long as I behave a little worse and more perverted in front of my mother, break her psychological expectations, and give her a lower limit, so that she will be easier to accept once she finds out."

"If I'm still a good boy like before, my mother will definitely not accept it when she finds out."

"So I have to act like a bad girl in front of my mother."

"It's the strategy for training mothers that I came up with, Dad, what do you think?"

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Mori Kogoro was dumbfounded.

Did Xiaolan learn from her badly?It's all about Yingli.

But these words are somewhat fallacious.

Unexpectedly, my daughter suddenly became smarter and came up with this strategy.

Indeed, it is important to change Eri's attitude a little bit.

Moreover, it would be more suitable for Xiaolan to be the active villain than herself.

First of all, Yingli loves her daughter very much, and because of the separation, she has not been able to be with her for the past ten years. I think I still have a great sense of guilt in my heart.

If you can use this sense of guilt, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

And if her daughter turns bad, she will definitely think about whether it is her responsibility.

As long as Eri can make good use of her sense of guilt and responsibility to transform Eri into a mother who is very disappointed in her daughter but has no choice but to compromise, then this matter will be successful.

Mori Kogoro turned his head very quickly, the father and daughter looked at each other, a light flashed in their eyes, and they both laughed.

Sure enough, Xiaolan's channeling skills were not taught by Bai, and her brain has become very smart!

In fact, Xiaolan thinks clearly about many things, but she is too dependent on her father. When her father is around, she doesn't even want to change her mind, and leaves everything to Mouri Kogoro.

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