Huiyuan's small mouth still has a faint milky fragrance, which is really addictive.

Little Lolita responded, wrapping her tender white hands around Kogoro Mouri's neck.

Mori Kogoro caressed Haibara's small soft back with one hand, and it felt like one hand could measure it, while the other hand grasped the two little feet.

Scratching lightly with his fingertips, it was so itchy that Huiyuan couldn't help writhing.

Xiao Huiyuan is being raised very well now, she still looks very thin, but she still looks very sensual when she rubs it.

After the kiss was over, Huiyuan's eyes were like autumn water, his face was flushed, and he was panting heavily.

Her little head was buried directly next to Mori Kogoro's head, her ears and temples rubbing her cheeks, and she was very intimate.

Mori Kogoro blew into Haibara's small ears, her small body was still shaking.

"Xiao Ai, let's do an experiment!"


With just a yell, Kogoro Mori's soul was hooked away, and soon, a stirring and moving movement resounded in the room, which lasted for more than two hours before it stopped at four o'clock in the morning, and it was still daylight when.

A strange cloud of mist drifted over from the shrine in the distance. If anyone took a closer look, they would definitely be scared to death.

In the mist, there was actually a maiden costume with a white top and a red bottom, which was not much different from a female ghost.

The cloud of mist came to Mori's house, drifted up to the third floor, spotted Mori Kogoro's room, and passed through the gap in the window.

After entering the room, the mist slowly condensed back into the witch's clothes, gradually outlining the human form.

With blue hair and red pupils, skin as white as a freshly peeled egg, and a natural stupidity, he is the shikigami that Mori Kogoro abducted - Fuso.

When Fusang saw Kogoro lying on the bed sleeping soundly, there was a malicious smile on his face.

It was really hard to see him at home.

How could Fusang miss such a good opportunity, her white face blushed, and she immediately floated to Kogoro Mori's head.

After that, Fusang pursed his mouth and kissed Kogoro Moori's mouth lightly. He stopped only a few millimeters away from Kogoro Moori's mouth, and began to suck.

Hey, why is there a peculiar smell!do not care!

The extremely abundant spiritual power in Mori Kogoro's body seemed to have an outlet, and it poured directly into Fusang's mouth.

Fusang's light blue spiritual body instantly lit up, his body became more solid, and those slightly illusory hands became clearer.


Before taking two more breaths, Fusang couldn't take it anymore. She was full and hiccupped twice before stopping. If she continued to breathe, it would cause problems.

These days, when Fusang is free or not, she comes to Mao Li's house to play the autumn breeze secretly, and is working hard for her great cause of body shaping.

After several rounds of hard work, her hands have been successfully condensed, and the next step is the waist and lower body.

Waiting for the liquid of spiritual power supplied by Mori Kogoro, I don't know how long it will take to complete the body shaping.

Anyway, Kogoro Mori has too much spiritual power in his body to count, so it doesn't matter if he inhales it.

This is also the result of Mori Kogoro drinking the Fountain of Youth as mineral water.

If the spiritual power in his body can be measured, it must be tens or hundreds of times more than Fusang 007's spiritual power, but he can't use it.

If you take advantage of others, you naturally have to do something.

Fusang decided to wake Kogoro Mori to get up and go to the shrine to practice.

She smirked, went to the bedside and took out a piece of paper, twisted it into a twist, and then poked Abo in the nostrils of Kogoro Moori.

Mori Kogoro felt itchy, couldn't help but sneezed, and woke up.

Seeing Fusang floating in front of him, he was also startled, and couldn't help shouting: "When did you come here?"

Fusang pretended to be an old man, stroking the air under his chin, the non-existent beard, and said: "Cultivation is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. How can you be so lazy!"

Hui Yuan in his sleep seemed to have heard the voice, and couldn't help muttering: "Uncle, what's wrong?"

Mori Kogoro comforted immediately: "It's okay, uncle is going to exercise, Xiao Ai, you should sleep well."

His index finger stood up in front of his mouth, signaling Fusang not to speak, and Fusang obediently cooperated.

Mori Kogoro turned over the quilt, revealing his body.

Fusang's eyes widened in an instant, and her face turned red all of a sudden: "Why aren't you wearing...?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mori Kogoro covered his mouth.

Kogoro Mori turned his head to look, and he was relieved that Hui Yuan was not awakened.

But when he turned around, he saw Fusang's fire-breathing red pupils, which were fire-breathing in the true sense.

He scratched it with his right hand, hey, it’s cool and soft

Chapter 0142 shy little style

God is extremely flexible and has a huge scale, which makes people quite reluctant to let go.

Moreover, the spirit body is icy cold, and the touch is even better than ordinary people.

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