"Your skin is as smooth as a baby's, and your face is as immature as a girl's. Look at yourself, this tall chest, this small waist, these long legs, tsk tsk, it's hard to control live!"

While speaking, his big hands were acting unruly.

"I said that when you go to the girls' beauty pageant now, you beat them up, and you will definitely come back with the championship."

The more Kogoro Mori said, Yukiko's eyebrows and eyes became more curved, and her mood suddenly improved.

But she didn't intend to let Moori Kogoro go, instead she picked up his ear and continued to ask: "Since I'm so good, why didn't you come to me last night? Do you like someone who is more tender, like Xiao Ai?" little girl?"

puff! ! !

Another mouthful of old blood was stuffy in my heart.

Xiao Ai is indeed more tender, no, this is not the point!

"How is it possible? Didn't you look too tired last night? I just want you to have a good rest!"

"Is that so?" Yukiko raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

Seeing that the explanation was almost unclear, Mori Kogoro made a decisive decision and directly kissed Kiko's pink lips.

The master-level kissing skills were displayed, with the hand of God.

After a fiery kiss, You Xizi's eyes were full of confusion, her face was flushed, her little head was buzzing, and she had already forgotten what to ask!

She cuddled up to Kogoro Maori obediently: "Kogoro, what shall we have for breakfast?"

"I made the sushi."

"It looks delicious!"

Looking at Yukiko who is a small bird, Kogoro Mori secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the old driver has good skills, and another crisis has been resolved.

Soon Yukiko went to the bathroom to wash up, and Mori Kogoro continued to make breakfast.

The four girls in the family got up one after another, washed up and changed their clothes one by one, and then appeared in the dining room.

Xiaolan got up from the second floor and said, "Dad, Conan seems to have gone to school, and I didn't see him on the second floor."

Conan, who peed his pants yesterday, had a shadow in his heart, and he didn't dare to face other people, especially Xiaolan.

He woke up early and ran to school alone without eating breakfast.

Mori Kogoro nodded, brought up a plate full of sushi, and said, "Then let's have breakfast."

As soon as the lid was lifted, the aroma instantly diffused out.

The aroma of rice, pork, fish, and seaweed...all intertwined together, instantly increase the mouth water.

The four girls said at the same time: "I'm starting!"

They started to eat sushi without hesitation.

Mori Kogoro put his arms on the table and looked at the four girls with a smile on his face. He was so pretty and delicious. Just like this, he felt very satisfied.

Ran in the blue school uniform, Eri in the purple suit skirt, Ai in the red top and black shorts, and Yukiko in the light yellow dress are the perfect scenes.

After breakfast, the four girls sat on chairs and rubbed their bellies, looking full of food.

Mori Kogoro brought over the prepared tea.

After taking a sip of tea, Xiaolan said, "I can't let my father cook all the time in the future. It's so delicious once I make it. I'm full every time. If this continues, I'm sure I'll get fat."

Huiyuan and Youxizi said at the same time: "I agree!"

And Fei Yingli said: "Then let me do it next time, and I will develop some nutritious and healthy foods that will not make you fat."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and no one answered her.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan immediately pulled up their schoolbags and ran out.

Xiao Lan also said: "We went to school, Xiao Ai, this time my sister will send you to school, my driving skills are very good."

You Xizi also picked up her handbag and went out: "Oh, it's almost time, I should go to the TV station too."

"Miss Yoko met me last time and asked me to be a guest on her gourmet show today. I'm leaving first, Kogoro."

Mori Kogoro also wanted to leave, but Eri grabbed the hem of his clothes.

"What's the matter? Why are they running so fast one by one? Isn't the food I cook delicious?"

Of course it’s not tasty, you can’t eat it alone!

But Kogoro Mori only dared to discuss this in his heart.

He immediately replied: "How is it possible, Eri, your skills are much better than mine, but Eri, you are going to become the most powerful lawyer in the country, how can you waste time on such trivial things as cooking."

"It's really too good to be useful!"

Eri nodded: "That's right, I should go to the office too."

While saying this, Eri didn't move at all, and Tanho looked at Mori Kogoro eagerly.

Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that he smiled lightly and pecked Eri's pink lips: "goodbye-kiss!"

Only then did Eri get up satisfied, and walked out the door.

Before leaving, she also instructed: "Xiao Wulang, you have to pay attention to your daughter's sex education, don't let her go astray!"

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