"Oh." Xiaolan stepped back, turned around, and took off the dress in front of Mouri Kogoro, but the dress was really difficult to take off, so Xiaolan couldn't help asking for help: "Dad, come and help me." I'll go."

Mori Kogoro stepped forward to help again.


Next, the two of them started a store, and started to sweep up the store. Xiaolan is 168cm tall and has an excellent body proportion. She is just a hanger and can easily control all kinds of clothes.

Xiaolan keeps changing clothes, or youthful, or playful, or simple and honest, or intellectual, or student style.

Different styles were displayed in front of Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro continued to help with evaluations, and he didn't feel bored at all. Every time he saw a completely new Xiaolan walking out of the fitting room, Mori Kogoro's eyes showed surprise.

Xiaolan's face was always filled with a moving smile.

The rich and powerful Kogoro Moori took out his bank card, swiped it, and bought!purchase!purchase!

In the end, Xiaolan felt a little distressed about the money, but Kogoro Mori didn't care. Even the three staff members who were helping to run errands and carry bags in the Shinjuku shopping mall were covered with bags. Xiaolan couldn't help but smile shyly when she saw the three people behind her.


After changing into a new outfit, Xiaolan hugged Maoli Kogoro's arm tightly, and the two soft balls wrapped Maoli's arm. At this moment, Xiaolan was full of youth and fashion.

She was wearing a white knitted hat, a small brown coat, a white inner shirt, a blue plaid skirt underneath, and black short boots under her white thighs. She was invincible in a girly style.

And Mori Kogoro was holding a super large cup of milk tea with two ends of a straw on it, and Xiaolan would take a sip from time to time.

The purchased spoils were quickly packed and sent home by the three of them, so they didn't have to worry about it.

Passers-by in the shopping mall saw the mature and handsome Mori Kogoro and the youthful and fashionable Xiaolan, and they all couldn't help turning their heads to look at them again, mistaking them for an old couple and young wife.

The two looked extremely coordinated. Kogoro Mori continued to practice channeling, and he looked younger and younger, his mature charm remained undiminished, and his black eyes became deeper and deeper.

But the skin on his face is very delicate, even if he tells others that he is a man in his twenties, some people will believe him.

It's no wonder that some people misunderstand that the two of them are a couple.

Mori Kogoro has extremely sensitive ears, and when he heard the words of those who passed by, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. He didn't expect that he would also have the opportunity to become a little boy!

Xiaolan dragged Kogoro Mori around the mall, Kogoro Mori saw some interesting things and bought them.

Kogoro Mouri sometimes went shopping with other women, but he often felt a little impatient, but this time he felt very at ease when he was shopping with Xiaolan. It had been two or three hours, but he didn't feel any irritability at all.


Soon, Xiaolan pulled Mori Kogoro and stopped outside a lingerie store.

"Xiaolan, why don't you keep going?"

Xiaolan's face was a little red, but she still said: "Dad, I want to buy underwear. I don't know what's going on. Since three or four months ago, my breasts seem to have gotten bigger. I used to wear underwear. It's a little tight, so I want to buy new underwear." Xiao Lan touched his chest, and said with a straight face.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori would not refuse, so the two entered the underwear shop.

There were neatly arranged underwear hanging in the store, and there were not many people in the store, so Mori Kogoro walked in without feeling embarrassed at all.

Seeing this, the shopping guide hurriedly greeted her with a polite smile on her face: "This lady wants to buy underwear, please tell me what size underwear you want."

Xiaolan glanced at her father, and said softly to the shopping guide lady, "I'm sorry, we hope for ourselves, please don't bother me."

The shopping guide lady naturally backed away with a smile on her face.

Chapter 0089

Xiaolan dragged Mori Kogoro to the side of the underwear store, and began to choose. She picked up two underwear and stood in front of Mori Kogoro: "Dad, which one do you think I look good on?"

Mori Kogoro smiled, why should this underwear look good, of course the most important thing is to wear it comfortably: "Xiao Lan, you can choose these yourself, Dad has no experience."

Xiaolan couldn't help frowning when she heard this, she was a little disappointed, she turned around and continued to choose, and it didn't take long before she entered the fitting room with her underwear.

Mori Kogoro stood in the store waiting boredly.

But at this moment, the sound of high-heeled shoes suddenly came from behind, thump, thump, this is a vigorous and resolute lady, and the sound of walking steps is very familiar, Kogoro Mori has a vague guess in his heart.

Sure enough, a familiar female voice came from behind: "Hehe, you are indeed a Maori detective. You can attract people wherever you go. Now that you are famous and make money, it is quite big to spend a lot of money on women."

Hearing this voice, Mori Kogoro showed a smile on his face, he turned around, and it was Fei Eri who stood in front of him with a cold face.

Fei Yingli wore a purple suit, flesh-colored stockings, and black high-heeled shoes, giving her the image of a legal queen.The brown hair was coiled up, and the drooping Liu Hai revealed a pretty face, and the whole person had a very capable temperament.She had a pair of red phoenix eyes through the glasses, shooting a frightening cold light, holding a briefcase in her hand, and wearing the ring that Kogoro Moori helped her find last time on her ring finger, and she was looking at Kogoro Mouri with her arms crossed.

"I saw you hugging a young girl from a distance, why, why don't you introduce me!"

Fei Yingli's pretty face was expressionless, but her eyes seemed to be full of disappointment.

Kogoro Mori laughed when he saw this, but he didn't expect that Fei Yingli, who was always shrewd, didn't recognize Xiaolan who had changed into a new clothes.

Mori Kogoro said: "It's not enough to attract bees and butterflies, but for this woman, not to mention spending a lot of money, even giving up my own life and all my wealth, I have no objection at all. The woman I love the most in my life!"

When Mori Kogoro said this, Fei Yingli's mind immediately changed drastically. This was the first time Mori Kogoro said that he loved another woman in front of him. He was caught with Kudo Yukiko nine years ago. Mori Kogoro Goro was just begging hard all the time, how could he tear his face like today.

Sure enough, this day has finally arrived!A wry smile appeared on the corner of Fei Yingli's mouth, her heart was ashamed.

But she didn't want to lose face in front of her ex-husband, so she kept her spirits up and said, "I really want to know which woman can compare to Yukiko Kudo and me, and make you Kogoro Mori fascinated."

At this moment, the door of the fitting room opened, and Xiaolan came out. She saw Feiyingli in front of Mori Kogoro, and immediately shouted in surprise, rushed forward and hugged Feiyingli tightly: "Mom! , why did you appear here?"

"Dad, did you arrange this? That's great."

When Feiyingli saw Xiaolan, her pretty face immediately froze, she was so cute.

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