Mori Kogoro also smiled lightly and said: "Student Liuli, your changes are not small. The Eighteen Changes of the Female University are specially used to describe you."

"You really don't recognize your current appearance. The little confused guy who was sitting behind me wearing severe myopia glasses turned out to be so beautiful, and he can sing songs to heal people's hearts. It's amazing."

Mori Kogoro gave a thumbs up.

Hearing the praise, Yucheng Liuli's little face blushed a little.

But then her willow eyebrows frowned slightly: "It's just Xiao Wulang, why are you in Lianzi's house?"

Qiuting Lianzi then said: "This time I invited Kogoro to come and listen to the videotape of my concert."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, stretched out his hand and pulled the standing Lianzi into his arms, put his big hands on his soft shoulders, sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed and said triumphantly.

"Lianzi, needless to say so reservedly, actually Lianzi is my girlfriend, isn't it normal for me to be in her house!"

Lianzi's face blushed suddenly, and she patted Moori Kogoro's chest with her small hand.

Although she was satisfied with Mori Kogoro's words and attitude, she still felt too shy about introducing her boyfriend to other people.Lianzi got up immediately: "Liuli, don't listen to this scoundrel, I haven't agreed to be his girlfriend yet, really, I'll make coffee for you first."

After that, she hurried towards the kitchen.

When Yucheng Liuli heard this, a trace of disappointment flashed in her big eyes, but she quickly hid it again.

Immediately afterwards, she boldly sat next to Mori Kogoro, rubbed his shoulders, pretended to be an old friend, and said with a light smile, "Kogoro, Eri will be very sad when you look like this."

Mori Kogoro opened his mouth to explain, but Liuli patted his head.

"Look at my memory, you and Eri have been separated for a long time, I can't always remember."

Hearing this, he simply stopped talking and asked instead:

"How are you doing recently? You're already a big star, but now you're an embryo of a beauty. Are you married?"

Yucheng Liuli shook her head and said, "How is it possible, I'm still alone."

"Xiao Wulang, it's not like you don't know, I've been secretly in love with you since I was a child."

Yucheng Liuli's small face leaned against Moli Kogoro, with a look of self-pity on his face.

"It's a pity that you have always only had Yingli in your eyes. I didn't expect you to be separated from Yingli and be with my good friend Lianzi again. Alas, I was so troubled all of a sudden. If I had known, I would have acted first!"

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly: "Xiao Liuli?"

As a master of expression, he naturally knew that what Yucheng Liuli said was true or false, he couldn't help but sigh slightly, it was another debt of love.

But Yucheng Liuli covered her mouth and laughed lightly, patted her shoulder with her little hand: "Hehe, I was joking, you really believe it!"

"How is it? My acting skills can be used to make movies."

"Of course, Xiao Liuli, with your looks, you will definitely become a hit when you make a movie."

"You lied to me by saying nice things again, I don't remember you being so glib before!"

After saying this, Yucheng Liuli stood up, walked to the coffee table, facing Kogoro Mori, then picked up the hem of the white dress and slowly spun around.

Then Liuli asked shyly, "Xiao Wulang, how is it? Does it look good?" His big eyes were full of anticipation.

Although Yucheng Liuli also felt that it was inappropriate for her to do so, she had studied hard since high school, and even entered the entertainment industry with the same original intention, that is, to let Mori Kogoro pay attention to her humble self.

Now that the opportunity was right in front of her eyes, she couldn't help making this gesture to ask.

Mori Kogoro clapped his hands: "It's very beautiful, you can tell you have dancing skills at a glance, you didn't let go of the ballet when you were a child, right?"

Liuli suddenly looked surprised: "Xiao Wulang, you actually remember!"

At this moment, Lianzi from the kitchen came out: "Sorry, there is no coffee at home now, let's go, Kogoro, Liuli, let's go to a nearby coffee shop to buy some coffee beans."

Mori Kogoro was about to say that there is no need to trouble, but Lianzi insisted on going.

The three got into the car together and went to the nearby coffee shop.

Looking at the English words on the plaque, Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows.

The text on the plaque is exactly 'catseye' [cat's eye].

Chapter 0149

The cat's eye cafe is a two-story building with a dark green spire on the top. This kind of building will not have too much snow when it snows.

As soon as Mori Kogoro entered the coffee shop, the bell rang at the door, and a tiger-striped orange cat jumped onto the table, meowing, and immediately woke up the woman who was sleeping late at the bar.

Mori Kogoro recognized her as soon as he saw her.

She has long wavy hair, brown eyes, and a very conspicuous bust. It's either E or F, full of femininity.

It was the woman named Xiaolei that I saw at Hei Yu's house last time.

It was also the woman who helped Chikage draw her attention and kept throwing hidden weapons at herself when Chikage Kuroba rescued Kidd.

Although the girl named Xiaolei was wearing a mask last time, she was wearing tights. Naturally, the domineering figure couldn't be hidden from the old driver Mouri Kogoro.

Combined with the signboard at the door, Mori Kogoro realized it instantly.

Could this guy be the tear of the next life among the three Maoyan sisters? ! !

In his previous life, he hadn't seen too many anime about the three Maoyan sisters, so he only knew a rough idea, which is why Kogoro Mouri couldn't recognize her at a glance.

Laishenglei opened his sleepy eyes, and when he saw Kogoro Mouri who came in first, he muttered softly: "Why did I dream of him again!"

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