Chapter 0150 Pie Zi's Soprano

Soon the two sisters came out of the warehouse, and the three of Mori Kogoro also finished eating the cake, got up and planned to pay the bill and leave.

Seeing Mori Kogoro generously swiping his card to pay the bill, and taking the initiative to take the coffee beans in Lianzi's hand and leaving, seeing the three of them leaving side by side, Lai Shenglei felt a little uncomfortable.

Lai Shengai watched the two girls leaving with curiosity, and finally said in surprise: "Sister, I recognized them."

"The one on the left is the national treasure-level soprano who just held a solo concert in Sydney, Qiuting Lianzi, and the one on the right is the little queen of healing love songs from Kyoto, Yucheng Liuli."

"They are all famous stars. I didn't expect that they all have such a good personal relationship with Maori detective. Sure enough, celebrities are all together."

Hearing this, Laishenglei became more and more irritable.

The little hand patted the younger sister's head: "You are smart, I let you take care of it in the store today."

"Hey, big sister, you can't do this, I have to go to class!"

"I don't know you yet, you girl, will you still go to school after skipping class, just stay and watch the store obediently!"

Lai Shenglei took off her apron, twisted her body and went up to the second floor, leaving behind Lai Shengai who was pouting at the bar.

Laishengai has a puzzled look on his face: Why is eldest sister acting weird today?Could it be because of Maori detectives?

But her little head couldn't think it through, so she didn't think any more.

Instead, he reached out and grabbed the tiger-striped orange cat that was trying to escape, and began to masturbate happily.

The tiger-striped orange cat immediately looked unlovable and didn't resist. I guess I'm used to it!

Lai Shenglei came to the bedroom on the second floor alone, lying on the bed rather weakly, with big wavy long hair scattered on the quilt, and her small face was extremely soft and beautiful in the sun.

Her expression seemed a little irritable, and even the bright sunshine could not dispel the distress in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, she came to the bedside table, opened the cabinet, and inside was a handful of kunai.

As soon as she saw the kunai, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Lai Sheng Lei took off his shirt, and his naked upper body was exposed to the air.

The secret kunai was extremely sharp, black all over, and shone coldly.

Holding the sharp kunai in her hand, she lay on the bed, leaning on the pillow, and gently pressed the kunai against the skin of her abdomen, as if she was going to self-mutilate.

The blade is inseparable, it seems to be in contact, but it seems not to be in contact. The sense of tension and crisis fascinates Lai Shenglei very much.

And the face of Lai Shenglei on the bed gradually turned red, and there was a trace of confusion in her beautiful eyes, and her mouth opened and closed, as if calling the name of 'Moori Kogoro'!

During the lunch break, in Didan Primary School, Conan was lying on the table with a look of lovelessness on his face. He still cares about what happened yesterday.

Fortunately, Huiyuan is not the kind of person who likes to gossip for others, otherwise, Conan would really lose face in front of his friends.

Conan lay his head on the table, poked furiously at the notebook with a pen in his hand, and muttered, "Damn motherfucker, Smelly Garden, you're dead."

At this time, the little loli Ayumi saw Kobayashi Chengzi walking through the corridor, her two silkworm-like eyebrows frowned, and quickly followed out.

"Teacher, I have something to ask you."

Ayumi pulled Chengzi to a place where there was no one else, and then looked tangled.

Chengzi squatted down, and said gently: "Ayumi, if there is anything you want to ask the teacher, the teacher will tell you if he knows."

Ayumi finally mustered up her courage: "Teacher, are you and Uncle Maoli boyfriend and girlfriend? I saw it yesterday. Uncle hugged you and pinched your chin, wanting to kiss you."

Hearing this, Cheng Zi's face instantly turned red.

She was extremely shy, and said in a panic: "What, what, nonsense, what's the matter!" Ayumi clasped her hands on her chest: "It seems to be true!"

[What really is true, I didn't even admit it! 】

"In this case, from today on, Teacher and I will be competitors, and I will definitely defeat you."

After saying this, Ayumi boldly returned to the classroom, leaving behind a bewildered Chengzi.

When Chengzi realized it, he couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded, his man's charm was too great, even the children were fascinated, really!

Two hours later, at the gate of Lianzi's villa, Mori Kogoro and Lianzi sent Yucheng Liuli away together.

Seeing Yucheng Liuli's car go away, Lianzi immediately pulled Maoli Kogoro into the villa, and the door was closed immediately.

Then she pinned Kogoro Moori against the wall, her crimson eyes fixed on Kogoro Moori's eyes, her nose wrinkled slightly, and she began to question her.

"Hmph, Xiao Liuli and Xiaolei are both so intimate."

"Xiao Wulang, quickly explain everything about you."

"Also, isn't the song I sang not good? Why do you look too fuzzy?"

It's not that Lianzi's singing is not good, it's that the picture from the robot distracted Mori Kogoro.

At first, Kogoro Mori just sent the Ant-Man robot to see what news he could find out, but unexpectedly, there was a big surprise later.

He couldn't get his mind out of the picture in his mind, so he didn't focus on Lian Zi's singing.

Moli Kogoro said in a warm voice: "Pity, didn't I tell you everything about me and them? There is nothing to explain, you just think too much."

Looking at the angry expression on Lianzi's face, Kogoro Mori is very familiar with this situation.

Girls play petty temper and make petty embarrassments, but they don't really want to quarrel, they just enjoy the process of being coaxed by their lovers.

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