"Naturally, Renye Karasuma also has means to guard against tomb robbers. The tragedy that broke out at the memorial service is naturally a countermeasure designed by Renye Karasuma."

"This old guy has a super-intelligent mind. He did the opposite. He put the private house where he sleeps in front of everyone. It has to be said that he is a character."

After hearing this reasoning, everyone couldn't help but gasped. Looking at the surrounding walls, they felt more and more cold and panic-stricken!

And the old lady Qianjian couldn't stand up any longer, with one hand propped on the table, a look of sadness appeared in her eyes.

"So, my father Sengen Kyohei was silenced as the craftsman who built this shady mansion. Hehe, let me just say, why would someone hire a historian to solve some weird riddles!"

"Detective Maori, thank you for letting me know the cause of my father's death!"

On the other hand, Dashang Zhushan clutched his chest, still staring at Mori Kogoro: "Even if it is a sacrificial object, where is it? Detective Maori, where is the sacrificial object, please tell me."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "There is a price to pay for taking the sacrificial objects, and Renye Karasuma is not an easy person. He can design people to kill each other after death, and maybe he can still kill each other in forty years. There are still ways to kill people.”

"Detective Dashang, just obediently accompany us down the mountain, and then go to jail and start a new life."

"Let's go, everyone come out with me, it's always bad to disturb people's peace in this yin house."

After saying this, Mori Kogoro directly pulled Xiaolan over, turned around and walked outside.

The rest of the people glanced at Dashang Zhushan who was lying on the ground like a dead pig, and they all followed him out of the Twilight Villa.

In the end, no one was eating dinner inside.

Everyone walked out of the gate, and the rain outside had stopped.

When they went down the stairs and came to the parking lot, they saw four cars bursting into flames. Only Mori Kogoro's Lexus was unharmed.

Qianjian Jiangdai's eyes could not help but be filled with astonishment, he is really a terrifying character, even this was counted by him.

Gun Tian Yumei exclaimed: "My new Ferrari is ruined just like that, Detective Qianjian, should you compensate me?"

Qianjian Jiangdai couldn't help sweating from his forehead: "I'll pay, I'll pay, I'm really sorry!"

Hearing this, Gunida Ikumi smiled with satisfaction, but her beautiful eyes couldn't help turning to Mori Kogoro.

Why is this guy so powerful? I've been following him since the beginning, and I haven't seen him do anything else. Why didn't the car blow up?Seems like he's in control all the time?

Guntian Ikumi's eyes were full of curiosity.

Her personality has always been like this, and she wants to find out the root of everything, but she can't get an answer if she pursues Mori Kogoro.

At this time, at the gate, Dashang Zhushan, who was vomiting blood, stood reluctantly at the gate, his eyes full of pleading.

"Maori detective, please, tell me where the treasure is?"

"I'm sorry for your daughter, but this is a last resort. In order to buy this hotel, I have put my whole family and life on it. Just tell me!"

Haruki Motegi on the side also said, "Detective Mori, could it be that you couldn't find the treasure, so you've been refusing to talk about it?"

"Or you know where the treasure is, and you want to wait until the next time you come alone and swallow the treasure?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro glanced at Mogi Haruki coldly, and Mogi Haruki instantly felt cold all over his body.

Xiao Lan immediately shouted: "My father doesn't like those ghosts, Dad, tell them!"

Since it was his daughter's request, Mori Kogoro opened his mouth.

"That code has already explained everything, but you haven't been able to see it!"

Chapter 0180 Ruthless Karasuma Renye

Mori Kogoro said, "In the entire annex, only the dining room has a clock, and that clock is the organ that unlocks the treasure."

"The secret code says 'The second traveler is looking up at the sky at night' refers to turning the hour and minute hands of the clock to zero."

"The reminder behind refers to the playing cards customized by Renye Karasuma."

"The king, queen, and soldier in the code mean the K, Q, and J in the playing cards."

"The king carries the treasure, the treasure is the diamond, the princess weeps the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail is the heart, the soldier wields his sword, and the sword is the spade, so it is the diamond K, the heart Q, and the spade J."

"You only need to turn the pointer from zero according to the direction of the face on the three playing cards, that is, turn it thirteen degrees to the left, then turn it twelve degrees to the left, and finally turn it eleven degrees to the right. Spend."

"I think there should be an answer!"

Hearing this, Dashang Zhushan's eyes lit up.

Even though he was seriously injured, he broke out at an extremely fast speed and rushed into the restaurant in an instant.

He climbed up to the fireplace and began to keep turning the hands of the clock.

His eyes were red, and he murmured: "Treasure!" "Treasure!" "Treasure!"

Conan, the little ghost, is extremely curious, and wants to follow in to witness the treasure.

But after running two steps, Kogoro Moori carried him back.

"If you don't want to die, don't go!"

Hakuma Tan and Mogi Haruki, who wanted to leave together, also stopped when they saw this.

Mori Kogoro said: "Greed can kill people, Karasuma Renye's treasure may not be so easy to get!"

Guntian Ikumi opened her mouth, just about to ask.

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