This appearance is really cute, by accident, Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed Guntian Ikumi's small mouth, his big hand walked up the big red cheongsam on his body, and he climbed to the top of the mountain in a short time.

The drunk beautiful detective responded unconsciously.

And Mu Mulu continued to enjoy the wine alone as if no one was around.

Seven cups!Eight cups!Nine, nine, nine cups!

Before the ninth cup was finished, Mu Mulu's head became dizzy.

She grinned stupidly: "So this is what it feels like to be drunk, it's so wonderful, it's like a fairy, a fairy, a fairy."

In a daze, Twilight saw Mori Kogoro and Gunita Ikumi kissing.

She misunderstood it all of a sudden, and she saw Mori Kogoro as Kujo Reiko, and thought it was Kujo Reiko kissing Guntian Yumi, and she became furious instantly.

She stepped forward and pulled Mori Kogoro away, glared at the drunken Ikumi Gunida, and shouted angrily, "Why are you robbing my woman? Reiko is mine."

After saying that, Mu Mulu fell in love with Mori Kogoro in one breath.

Chapter 0193

Mori Kogoro only felt the aroma of the wine suddenly poured into his mouth.

The woman kissing in front of her changed from Guntian Yumei to Mu Mulu.

It's unbearable!

Just now she secretly took advantage of Yumei and planned to get Reiko drunk to do bad things, and now she kisses herself again.

This guy is too crazy, he really thinks everyone belongs to her.

It seems that it is impossible not to teach some lessons.

Mori Kogoro didn't care if this woman was the wife of Police Officer Megure, and started patting her buttocks mercilessly with his big hands.

Mu Mulu, who was so drunk, seemed to feel the pain, and said, "Reiko, don't hit me like this, it hurts so much!"

"Hey, Reiko, why do you have a beard?" Her little hand stroked Mori Kogoro's beard.

Then the big beautiful woman shook her head, and she became more sober.

When she saw that the person in front of her was Kogoro Mori, she couldn't help being surprised: "Why are you?"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows and said, "You kissed me yourself, why are you pretending to be stupid now?"

"No, my kiss is obviously Reiko."

"Fuck, I must be drunk, I can't even recognize people."

Mumulu caught a glimpse of Reiko Kujo lying on the mat, and pushed Kogoro Mori's chest, wanting to go to Reiko Kujo: "Let me go, I'm going to find Reiko."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro became even more furious.

I still owe a lesson. At times like this, I still dare to hit my own woman.

The strange power was displayed, and he directly turned it over and lay on his lap.

"Hey, it hurts! Don't hit me, Mori Kogoro, I'm Megure's wife!"

"You are dead, I will have someone arrest you."

"You're committing a crime, you know?"

"Damn it, I'm a woman, and I don't feel pity at all."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Ma'am, stop joking, you are a female lily, how could Officer Megure be your real husband!"

"I knew it when I went to your house last time. Both of you slept in separate rooms."

"Although I don't know exactly what agreement you made with Police Officer Megure, it should be just an illusion that you married him."

"I think your real lover should be the woman who is the screen saver of your mobile phone. She is in a high position, and I can't find her information, but I think she is serving some secret department!"

Hearing this, Mu Mulu's face changed slightly: "How do you know?"

Mori Kogoro continued: "And you must have some secret mission to hide your identity like this?"

Mu Mulu, who was in a daze, was about to speak, but she, who had been trained, suddenly regained consciousness and immediately covered her mouth.

His eyes looked at Mori Kogoro with suspicion.

Seeing her reaction, Mori Kogoro understood most of it, and didn't continue to ask.

Kujo Reiko and Guntian Yumi were still sleeping soundly on the floor, and they didn't notice any movement here.

However, as time went by, Mori Kogoro gradually felt that he was a little out of control.

It was as if the glass of monkey wine that he just drank had turned into fuel, fueling the fireworks in his body, and Xiongxiong was burning.

This is the effect of the monkey wine that the two of them drank just now.

Both the monkey wine and the previously redeemed [Drunk Life, Dream and Death Wine] are worth [-] points in the system mall.

Drunk Life Dream Death has a very strong seductive effect, and it is unbearable to smell it.

Whether it is a wine bug or not, as long as it is a person, if it smells drunk, it will make you want to drink it, and if you drink it, you will be drunk and fall into a dream.

Monkey wine is not the case, three thousand points is not just a strong word.

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