Seeing this, Kogoro Maoli put his arms around his abdomen, pressed his body against his back, and said in a warm voice, "Xiaolu, don't be angry!"


"There is a reason why this bottle of monkey wine cannot be taken away by you. It has very special effects."

Mori Kogoro explained its efficacy.

Mu Mulu couldn't help exclaiming: "Really?"

Then she turned around and said viciously, "You bastard, how dare you say you didn't take any medicine!"

"See if I don't kill you!"

After saying that, she twisted her body vigorously and pressed on Kogoro Mouri, and opened her teeth and claws, making a gesture to bite.

How could Kogoro Mori be beaten passively, and scratched his itchy flesh lightly.

Mu Mulu couldn't help laughing, the flowers trembled from the laughter, it was really cute.

"You bastard, stop scratching, it's so itchy!"

Mu Mulu managed to hold down Kogoro Mori's hands, blushing and panting, pretending to be angry and glaring at Kogoro Mori.

This look was very interesting, Mori Kogoro raised his head and pecked Mu Mulu lightly again.

The anger in Mu Mulu's eyes instantly melted away.

Maori Kogoro stroked his soft back with his big hands, and said in a warm voice: "Xiaolu, would you still like to drink this monkey wine with me in the future?"

A complex look flashed in Mu Mulu's eyes, thinking that the lover on the phone screen and Mori Kogoro in front of her made her suddenly entangled.

She thought about it for a while, and then said: "Huh, drink as you please, the two of us are still better at drinking, how could you be frightened!"

Only then did Kogoro Maoli smile with satisfaction: "I still have a lot of fine wines that are not inferior to this monkey wine at home. Come to me, and I will let you drink as much as you want, and you will be satisfied."

"Hmph, for the sake of this fine wine, I will barely forgive you for the rude things you did to me!"

I can't tell that Mu Mulu is still a little bit arrogant.

"But what shall we do now?"

On the floor of the living room lay Kujo Reiko and Guntian Ikumi, two beauties, who were drunk and still haven't woken up.

Kogoro Mouri said, "What else can I do, hurry up and clean up the scene of the crime!"

He performed a healing technique on Mu Mulu and asked her to tidy up the messy living room.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up Tian Yumei and went to the bedroom.

I don't know when the two of them will wake up, but they are prone to catch a cold after sleeping on the floor for a long time!

He put the beautiful detective on the bed, looking at the fair legs under the red cheongsam, he couldn't help but feel a little pity.

If it weren't for someone's intrusion, Ikumi Gundam should be right today, but now it's a bit out of date.

Although Mori Kogoro knew that Guntian Ikumi liked him, but he didn't want to do something that took advantage of others.

After all, this is the girl's first experience, and it would be too bad to do such a thing when she is unprepared. It is not Mori Kogoro's style to take it without asking.

So Mori Kogoro just had a good time and walked out of the bedroom.

When he came to the living room, he saw that the female pervert Memulu was taking advantage of Kujo Reiko.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro suddenly felt angry and funny.

This guy is really easy to change and hard to change, it seems that he can't do without some training!

When Mu Mulu saw Mori Kogoro coming out, she let go and stood up embarrassingly.

Mori Kogoro glared at Mulu, then picked up Reiko Kujo, carried her back to the bedroom, and let the two girls lie side by side.

He conveniently tidied up Reiko Kujo's clothes that had been messed up by Midori, and left after writing a note.

But I dare not let Mu Mulu stay here anymore, God knows what deviant things she will do.

After the two of them packed up and dressed neatly, Mori Kogoro pushed Meguro out of Kujo Reiko's apartment.

Mori Kogoro also closed the door tightly, ordered the Ant-Man robot to lock it from the inside, and then took Meguro down the stairs in the elevator.

The two got into the car, and Mori Kogoro sent them back to the home of Police Officer Megure, and then they were willing to leave in peace.

It's almost time for Xiaolan to leave school. After wandering outside for so long, it's time to go home.

The Lexus drove towards home.

Mori Kogoro returned to the office and just flipped through the newspaper.

Suddenly, the Ant-Man robot placed in the cat's eye cafe picked up the information, and the picture was transmitted and appeared in his mind.

Chapter 0195 Xiaolan's invitation

In the combat hall on the second floor of Maoyan Cafe, the little girl loves to lie on the sofa in her next life, playing with the tiger-striped orange cat.

This little female cat is very mischievous, and her little paws stepped on the chest of the love of the next life, as if giving her a massage, which made the love of the next life laugh from time to time.

The eldest sister Laishenglei stood in front of the table and unfolded the map of Dongdu Bank.

Hitomi then carefully observed the map.

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