Hattori Heiji, who was bound, suddenly felt a chill, it was terrifying!

The thin man at the bottom of the attic shook his head, ignored the matter, and smoked happily instead.

Chapter 0202 hot eye scene

Soon, the thin man named Keiji seemed to hear something, and immediately turned sideways to look at the door downstairs.

However, there seemed to be no movement at the gate, but a Persian cat walked by gently.

The skinny man felt relieved and continued to smoke happily.

But as soon as he turned his head, there was a whistling sound, and there was a whip leg in front of his eyes, which was extremely fast and furious.

Before the skinny man could react, he was kicked unconscious and fell to the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, a burly man with a pale face was wearing a jacket and came over. When he saw his brother fell down, he asked with concern: "Ah Ci, what's wrong with you?"

But he soon noticed the abnormality, and was about to draw out his pistol.

But a figure rushed out quickly, it was Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro was extremely fast, approaching the burly man in an instant.

Before Keita could react, he slashed his neck with a knife.

The burly man also fell to the ground.

After finishing the two of them silently, only the fat woman was left in the villa.

Conan, who sneaked in secretly, didn't want to be of any help, so he climbed up the folding ladder without hesitation and went up to the attic.

However, when Conan climbed up to the attic and saw the scene in front of him, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

Too hot eyes!

A lump of fat was stuck in front of Hattori Heiji, and Heiji had tears of humiliation in his eyes.

A pair of underwear was stuffed into his mouth, his clothes were disheveled, most of the belt was untied, and a fat hand was inserted into it, violating him.

And on that dark face, a big fat mouth was greedily gnawing at him.

The picture must be as hot as the eyes, as hot as the eyes!

The poor little brother Osaka was tied up with a rope, unable to break free at all, and couldn't even cry out.

When he saw Conan appearing, his eyes burst into dazzling light, which was the light of hope.

Seeing this scene, Conan popped out the football from his belt without hesitation, kicked the football towards the fat woman's forehead.

The lawyer named Ito Misari fell to the ground with a bang, kicking up countless dust.

Conan immediately rushed forward and untied Hattori Heiji who was tied up.

Hattori Heiji immediately took out what was stuffed in his mouth, poohed wildly, and kept wiping his cheeks.

It's so disgusting!

If he was one step later, he would be raped by this fat woman!

To him, this was a complete nightmare. Fortunately, this nightmare finally woke up.

When Conan saw this scene, for some reason, he had the urge to laugh.

"Pingji, I can't tell, you are so popular, this female kidnapper wants to fuck you!"

Hattori Heiji punched him with a fist when he said this, "If you dare to say another word, I will kill you!"

Conan, who had a big red envelope on his forehead, couldn't help muttering, "I would have climbed up a few minutes later to save you if I knew it!"

Mori Kogoro on the second floor below heard the voice and asked, "Heiji, what's wrong with you?"

In fact, he had already sent the Ant-Man robot to observe all this, but he didn't say anything about it.

He wouldn't have come in so quickly if he hadn't seen this fat woman wanting to fuck Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji quickly said: "Uncle Mouri, I'm fine, you don't have to come up, the people up here have already been dealt with!"

He covered the fat woman with a windbreaker, and then looked at Conan with threatening eyes.

Conan couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this!"

Hattori Heiji then looked at the male corpse pretending to be dead on the ground: "Mr. Kusukawa?"

The male corpse said weakly: "I will keep the secret too, Heiji, I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to save you, it's that I really have no strength!"

Hattori Heiji shook his head and said, "I don't blame you, Mr. Kusukawa."

He got up and wanted to help transport Mr. Nanchuan down, but when he passed the fat woman, Heiji couldn't help kicking him a few times.

The scene was so brutal that he kicked him between his legs, making the corners of Conan's eyes twitch from time to time.

It seems that Heiji's humiliation is not limited to these!

Soon, the fat woman in the attic and Mr. Kusukawa were transported down.

Hattori Heiji carried the two of them down, and immediately rushed to the toilet to rinse his mouth.

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