"Besides, I can't feel at ease if I don't investigate such an important matter."

"However, since uncle already has a confirmed itinerary and made an appointment with someone else, then I will investigate by myself!"

Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan beside him, and then said, "It's just that I'm quite lonely in Tokyo by myself, why don't you keep Conan and let him accompany me!" "This kid is quite to my liking, And sometimes there are always some whimsical ideas, which can bring me some ideas.”

Conan immediately panicked. Although he wanted to investigate the case, he wanted to go to Izu with Xiaolan for vacation!

It's just that before Conan opened his mouth, Mori Kogoro immediately agreed.

Kogoro Mori didn't plan to bring Heiji and Conan with him.

Even if Heiji himself didn't bring it up, Mori Kogoro had prepared a case and wanted to get the two of them to stay.

One must know that it is a breeze to send a few Ant-Man robots disguised as humans to accompany these two boys in acting.

At this time, Heiji said that he wanted to investigate the arson case with Conan, how could Kogoro Mouri not agree.

He immediately nodded and said, "I didn't expect the relationship between the two of you to be so good. Well, Conan, you can stay in Tokyo and entertain Heiji well. You can stay in my office for the next three days!"

Three days, they are going to the beach for a three-day vacation!

When he heard that he and Xiaolan were going to be separated for three days, Conan suddenly became a little upset, and was about to speak.

But Mori Kogoro continued: "And if you are free, you can go to Ginza to watch the match between Kidd and Suzuki Jirokichi tomorrow night."

"That kid sent me a notice letter, but I don't care about him. If you can, you can take my notice letter next time and go meet Kidd for me."

Hearing that Kidd was still there on Sunday night, Conan's eyes lit up.

He completely regarded Kidd as his opponent, knew that he would appear, and naturally wanted to fight him.

When Hattori Heiji heard this, excitement also appeared in his eyes.

Kaitou Kidd, he has only heard about it, but never encountered it.

For Hattori Heiji, a high school student detective, it was a big meal.

The two detectives became excited and looked at each other, both wanting to make a big splash while Moori Kogoro was away.

Hearing Kogoro Mori's arrangement, both of them readily accepted it.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mori also had a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth. The two light bulbs are gone. This trip to Izu will definitely be very pleasant!

The car quickly returned to the office.

Mori Kogoro received a distress call from Hattori Shizuka at eight o'clock in the morning.

In less than an hour, Heiji was rescued. This efficiency is also great, and naturally it will not delay today's schedule.

When everyone returned home, Xiao Ai had already woken up and was having breakfast at the dining table.

Although Kazuba and Momiji appeared inexplicably more at home, Uncle Maori disappeared.

But the little loli didn't respond.

For eight hours last night, she was well fed by Mori Kogoro, so she was naturally too lazy to argue with Futaba.

Therefore, Xiao Ai became very gentle, and her harmless and cute appearance made Ye and Ye very close to this little loli.

Volume [-] Izu Beach Tour

Chapter 0001 childish little mourning

Seeing Mori Kogoro come back, Haibara had a warm smile on his face.

Mori Kogoro came to her side and gave her a sip, and little Lori immediately smiled.

Xiao Ai really looks more and more like a child!

Futaba on the side was a little envious when she saw this scene.

When Hattori Heiji saw Kazuha, he felt very embarrassed.

He didn't know that He Ye would go on vacation with him, so he took Conan to escape from the third floor and returned to the office on the second floor.

Conan couldn't help shouting: "Hey! Hey! I haven't eaten breakfast to save you!"

However, it was useless for him to shout, and he was taken down by Hattori Heiji.

He Ye turned to look at Hattori Jinghua: "Aunt Jinghua, are you okay? The phone call just now was really scary!"

Hattori Shizuka shook his head slightly: "It's okay, everything has been solved by Kogoro."

Only then did He Ye feel relieved. Although she had broken up with Heping, she still had a good relationship with Aunt Jinghua, and it was normal to worry about her.

Seeing that Huiyuan was full, Kogoro Mouri wiped his small mouth with a tissue, and then said, "Okay, it's about time we set off, and we have to pick up Xiaolan and the others!"

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro took out the luggage bag from the bedroom, which included a change of clothes for himself, Xiaolan, and Xiaoai.

Everyone set off, and said goodbye to Conan and Heiji when they passed the second floor.

Kogoro Mori led the Detachment Army downstairs, where there was already a black Mercedes-Benz GLC prepared by his men.

After all, Lexus is a five-seater, and there are a lot of people to take to the station today, so it is more convenient to change to a seven-seater SUV.

Everyone got into the car soon, and the car headed towards Tengfengju.

A few minutes later, the car arrived at Fuji Peak Residence.

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