This time it was really embarrassing.

Originally, everything was under control, but she never expected that her daughter would follow suit.


Looking at the group of beautiful women on the shore who were triumphant and clapping their hands in celebration, Kogoro Mori's heart burned wildly.

Wait for me, it seems that it is impossible not to prepare a big lesson for them.

But soon, Xiaolan in a white swimsuit swam over.

Xiaolan was still smiling, holding a pair of swimming trunks in her hand: "Dad, you should put on your swimming trunks when swimming!"

Seeing his daughter's mischievous appearance, Kogoro Mori couldn't help being anxious, took the swimming trunks and put them on.

Then he directly took Xiaolan's hand and swam to the side.

Both father and daughter have practiced channeling skills, and their physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people. It is easy to swim without breathing for more than ten minutes!

Moori Kogoro took her to swim a long distance, and then landed on a reef beach more than [-] meters away from Eri and others.

Chapter 0006 The little angel on the white beach

The black rocks on the reef beach were so huge that they could hide them, and no one from the ten girls around saw them coming ashore from this side.

Mori Kogoro and the little angel stooped to the shore quietly, stepping on the white sand with bare feet, the sand was soft and fine, and it was very comfortable to step on.

Soon the two of them came to the back of a boulder, and they could see the girls next to them as long as they turned sideways.

Before the girl could speak, her hands rested on the black boulder, and her body appeared more pure under the black contrast.

Mori Kogoro began to enforce the family law, slapped his big hands, and kept reprimanding: "Do you listen to what your mother says? Didn't you see the meaning in my eyes just now?"

"I can't even speak, you can't see that I am forced."

"How dare you work as a minion for a tiger! Aid the evildoer! Don't save yourself! Add insult to injury!"

Every idiom is spoken with a sense of rhythm.

The little angel quibbled: "Oh! Isn't this our plan? I want to gain my mother's trust!"


Of course Kogoro Mori didn't believe it at all, the eccentric little angel clearly wanted to make a fool of himself.

Seeing that Kogoro Moori had stopped beating, the girl clapped her hands and got up, leaned against Kogoro Moori, put her arms around his neck, and said coquettishly, "Okay, don't be angry!"

The little angel stood on tiptoe and rubbed her cheek against Kogoro Mori's cheek.

Seeing that Kogoro Mori was still angry, she obediently offered a sweet kiss and kissed Kogoro Mori!

Seeing the appearance of his little angel, Kogoro Mori's anger subsided.

It was really eaten to death.

Soon, Mori Kogoro responded, his big hands wrapped around the girl's slender waist, and the girl's cheeks gradually turned red during the passionate kiss.

[For her, being in such a close place is too thrilling!

It's only a hundred meters away from the people next to it. Any woman who accidentally walks over will definitely find out what's going on here.

At that time, I can no longer hide it, and the result is really unimaginable.

But looking at the gaze of the man in front of her, the girl seemed to have a tacit understanding, and she didn't want to resist at all.

The more dangerous, the more exciting it is! 】

And the girl with excellent hearing was a little indescribably excited when she heard the voices of the girls.

The scorching sun fell on the two of them, as if their body temperature had risen a lot.

Just like that, with the chatting and laughing of the women nearby, the pinellia flowers bloomed, and a turbulent and forbearing movement flew towards the depths of the sea with the beating of the waves.


Because I didn't dare to delay for too long, after half an hour, everything returned to calm.

After that, Mori Kogoro in swimming trunks walked back from the sea holding the girl's little hand.

There was worry in Yingli's eyes, seeing the two, he couldn't help asking: "Where have you been, and why have you been there for so long?"

You Xizi on the side laughed softly: "Isn't this obvious? Kogoro must have felt ashamed, so he hid it."

This mischievous Yukiko still dared to continue teasing her. She saw that Kogoro Moori would not dare to do anything to her in front of everyone, so she was so bold.

Mori Kogoro stared at him, and Yukiko made a face at him, pulling Eri back.

Just wait, You Xizi, I hope you don't beg for mercy tonight, even if you beg for mercy, I will never let you go!Mori Kogoro explained: "We just went snorkeling in the sea, and we swam a little deeper, so you can't see it."

"However, the water here is very clear, very suitable for snorkeling, and there are beautiful corals inside."

Yingli nodded without becoming suspicious: "Just now I heard from Tomoko that this sea area is very suitable for snorkeling, because there happens to be a bay that blocks the wind and waves, so the bay is very calm."

"However, the waves are very big when you get out of the bay, so it is more suitable for surfing and sailing."

But as soon as Mori Kogoro came back with the girl, He Ye came over and took her away, inviting the girl to join in the beach volleyball.

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