There is a safe base, away from human habitation, the ecology is well maintained, and beautiful corals can be seen under the water.

Xiaolan stopped the small cruise ship and turned to look at the girls behind her.

The four daughters were all killed in battle, and passed out drunk on the wine table.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan covered her forehead speechlessly.

At this moment, the sound of the speedboat came.

Mori Kogoro drove the speedboat and docked beside the small cruise ship.

Xiaolan immediately walked out of the cabin and came to the boarding place, intending to help fix the speedboat to the small cruise ship.

"Father, you don't know, Yuanzi and the others are too much, I finally drove here, and they all got drunk and passed out!"

But when she saw Teacher Judy lying on the speedboat, her face changed, and she asked concerned: "What's wrong with Teacher Judy?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "It's okay, Teacher Judy, she just sat on the big flying fish for too long, exhausted too much energy, and became paralyzed from exhaustion, just take a rest!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan was slightly relieved, but soon, she looked at Kogoro Mori suspiciously.

Mori Kogoro fixed the speedboat to the small cruise ship with iron bolts, picked up Judy, and stepped directly onto the cruise ship.

He remembered going down from the cabin, there was a rest room below.

As soon as he entered the cabin, Mori Kogoro saw the drunk girls.

The table was stained red by the poured red wine, it was crazy!

Xiaolan then helped the drunken girls into the room below.

After two trips, the five girls lay side by side on the bed, Xiaolan went up to sort out the diving equipment and sea fishing equipment, and there was only Kogoro Mouri left in the room below.

He wiped off the red wine stains on the girl with a towel, and then helped cover her with the quilt.

Chapter 0012: Playing tricks on Xiaolan

Mori Kogoro wiped off the red wine stains on the girls.

During the period, hands and feet are unavoidable, grasping, pinching, and pinching, but it is a feast for the eyes.

Afterwards, he came to Judy's side, looked at Judy's slightly frowning brows, stroked her little face, and couldn't help feeling guilty.

Just now she was on the head, she was too crazy in the sea, she didn't know the severity, and made Judy faint from exhaustion.

If Kogoro Mori hadn't reacted quickly enough to catch her, Judy might have slipped directly into the sea from the air cushion of the flying fish.

Mori Kogoro pinched his handprints, his fingertips glowed with light green light, and the rejuvenation technique landed directly on Judy.

Seeing the brows of this American girl stretched out, he felt relieved and lowered his head to kiss her forehead lightly.

But he couldn't favor one over the other, he kissed the rest of his women too, and then climbed back to the cabin along the stairs.

Xiaolan is fiddling with sea fishing equipment. Although she has never gone fishing before, she has learned it in books, so she naturally knows how to do it.

Xiaolan said, "Father, we are the only two awake on the boat now. Before we set off, we said that we must catch big fish and go back."

"How about, let's have a fishing competition and see who catches more!"

Hearing this proposal, Moli Kogoro also became interested, and pinched Xiaolan's little face: "Okay? But what's the bet?"

Xiao Lan was dumbfounded when she heard the word "bet". She had nothing to give Moori Kogoro, and she gave everything that should be given and should not be given.

Xiao Lan tentatively said: "How about, if you win, Dad, I promise you that you can hypnotize Mom like last time?"

To be honest, Kogoro Moori was quite tempted by this proposal.

But, even if there is no such bet, Mori Kogoro has the magic chain in his hand, and he can do it himself.

He forced himself to shake his head.

Xiaolan pouted: "Then how about hypnotic Qingzi instead?"

Mori Kogoro still shook his head.

"These are too specific. Let's do this. The competition lasts for one hour. Whoever catches the most fish will be the winner."

"The winner can make any request to the loser, and the loser can only agree. How about it?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's eyes lit up, and fighting spirit ignited in her big eyes.

She secretly made up her mind that she must win the game, so that her father would not be allowed to attract bees and butterflies in the future.

Xiao Lan nodded in agreement, clapped her hands and said, "It's a deal!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaolan excitedly took the sea pole and bait out, and she was about to start fishing.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, his daughter was still too anxious.

As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and you can't miss the woodcutter when sharpening your knife. It doesn't matter if you let her wait for a few minutes.

Mori Kogoro leisurely took a bottle of soda from the refrigerator and drank it all in one gulp to cool off the heat.

Then I took out the parasol and set it up to help my daughter cover the sun.

After that, Kogoro Mori moved out two stools so that the two of them could sit and fish.

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