"It's nothing, Xiaolan, are you saying that the little boy looks a bit like your classmate Kudo Shinichi, but is very naughty?" Fei Yingli pretended to be calm, her pretty face flushed, her body trembled slightly, and she turned her head fiercely. She glared at Mori Kogoro, but the strange thing was that she didn't make any resistance.

Mori Kogoro was completely immune to Hieiri's stare, feeling the silky touch and delicate skin from his hands, his heart felt even darker.

And at the moment, it was going on secretly in front of Xiaolan, which also gave Mori Kogoro a different kind of stimulation.

Xiaolan didn't notice the abnormality between the two of them at all, and replied: "Yeah, Conan is a naughty boy, he always likes to run around the scene of the crime, but Dad is very good to him, and gave him a math gift two days ago. Book, let him study hard, won't you, Dad?"

"Hmm, yes."

Mori Kogoro's right hand was walking on Feieiri's thigh, and Feieiri's little hand fell from the sky. The nails of the index finger and thumb were tightly clasped on the back of Mori Kogoro's hand, turning left and right 42 degrees. Mori Kogoro couldn't help but let out a groan, but this little pain was nothing to him with a [-]-point physique.

Mori Kogoro's face remained calm, but his big hands did not retreat in the slightest.

At this time, two deep blushes appeared on Feiyingli's face, her white teeth were biting fiercely, a trace of anger appeared on her face, and Danfeng stared fiercely at Kogoro Mori.

But Mori Kogoro, who had the upper hand, didn't care at all, his heart was extremely happy, and the slight pain on the back of his hand was nothing at all.

At this time, Xiaolan saw Feiyingri with a strange expression and Mori Kogoro who was quite proud, and finally discovered the abnormality. She saw Mori Kogoro and Feiyingri with their hands under the white tablecloth, and immediately reacted , but Xiaolan's face remained calm, and she said to Feiyingli: "Mom, I'm going to the bathroom."

After finishing speaking, he got up immediately and gave Mori Kogoro a cheering look.

As soon as Xiaolan left, Fei Yingli burst out immediately, pinching Kogoro Mori's ears with her slender hands, just like twenty years ago, Danfeng's eyes were full of cold light: "Well, Kogoro Mori, you don't change your nature Said, now it's getting worse, take it out for me."

"Oh, Eri, it hurts, it hurts, let go." At this time, even if it doesn't hurt, you have to pretend to be in pain.

Although Fei Yingli's face was full of anger, she still reduced the strength of her hands when she heard Mori Kogoro's screams.

Of course Kogoro Mori's big hand in capturing the high ground would not leave easily, instead he took the opportunity to say: "Eri, you are so beautiful today, I can't help myself."

The affection and infatuation in his eyes seemed to be overflowing, Fei Yingli's heartbeat accelerated for a long time after hearing such words, and Danfeng's eyes began to mist, and she couldn't help scolding softly: "Die, this is a restaurant."

Mori Kogoro was overjoyed: "It's fine if it's not a restaurant, Eri."

"No way." Although Fei Yingli refused, her voice gradually became softer.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the entrance of the restaurant. A team of police officers stood guard at the entrance, checking the IDs of the guests who were about to go out, and clashed with the guests.

Mori Kogoro and Fei Yingli turned their heads involuntarily and looked over, both with puzzled faces.

"What should have happened?"

After a while, Xiaolan who passed by the door came back, and said, "I heard from them that a murder occurred in the meeting of the senators on the twenty-sixth floor, and the person who died was a big shot, so how much is the owner of the Puihu Hotel now?" There are police officers guarding the places where people gather."

Mori Kogoro frowned, the twenty-sixth floor, council meeting, and Chris Wynyard, Belmode's first appearance.

Damn it, why did I forget, it turned out to be this plot, Mori Kogoro slapped his head, and then realized that the nightmare Haibara had a few days ago turned out to be a precognitive dream about that dark organization, and he didn't pay attention at all.

It's also because of the notice letter sent by the Kaitou Kidd that diverted Mori Kogoro's attention until now.

Mori Kogoro quickly called Little V in his mind: Little V, switch to the monitor and voice of Haibara and Conan for me.

"As you wish, host."

It is impossible for Mori Kogoro to keep watching the two monitoring screens every day. Usually, the monitoring screens are put away by Xiao V, and let Xiao V release them when necessary. This is exactly the case. Goro failed to detect the anomaly early.

Two images immediately appeared in the mind, and Conan's voice also rang in Kogoro Mori's ears.

"Huihara, wake up..."

"Huihara, wake up..."

"Huihara, wake up..."

At this moment, Conan is staying with Dr. Ari in Dr. Ali's orange beetle car, while Huiyuan is in a coma in a basement.

Damn, has it gotten this bad already?

The picture in his mind speeded up, quickly passing what Conan and Haibara did today, Mori Kogoro looked at Conan who was safe and sound, and couldn't help but feel angry. Sure enough, Conan is a useless little devil, and there is no way to protect him again. Good Huiyuan, he insisted on taking risks but was safe and sound, while Huiyuan kept persuading him but fell into danger.

But Kogoro Mori soon calmed down again. That being said, gin and vodka will also appear later. Thinking of the two little black mice that escaped by luck in his hands, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes. mango.

Chapter 0098 abnormal gross profit

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Fei Yingri and Xiao Ran who were completely undisturbed, thinking that Gin and Vodka would appear later, if Xiao Ran and Fei Yingli were still here, then if something went wrong, Mori Kogoro Goro will never forgive himself.

So Mori Kogoro said: "Let's stop here for today's dinner, I still have things to do."

Feiyingli's face turned cold when she heard this, Xiaolan's eyes were full of surprise: "Dad?"

Not long after they arrived at the restaurant, they even ate half of their dinner, and Kogoro Mori said that he was going to leave.

Fei Yingli couldn't help sneering, folded her hands on her chest, showing her proud curves, and opened her pale red mouth: "Hmph, you really are a busy person!"

Mori Kogoro looked at the obviously angry Fei Yingli but didn't react at all. He really didn't want them to be in such a dangerous situation. In addition to gin and vodka, this big hotel also had Belmode And Pisk, maybe there are other members of the organization in the dark.

Although there should be people from the Metropolitan Police Department on the [-]th floor, it is really beyond their capabilities to let them deal with the killers in this dark organization.

Mori Kogoro then said, "Xiao Lan, take your mother home."

When Fei Yingli heard this, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she stood up: "Okay! I really have you, Detective Maori, since you don't want to meet me so much, then you might as well stop seeing me from now on."

Feiyingli turned around and kept walking away on her high heels.

Xiaolan couldn't help complaining all over her face: "Father, don't hurry up and chase after me."

Mori Kogoro smiled, and patted Xiaolan's head: "Hurry up, or your mother will be really angry."

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