Suzuki Ayako glanced sideways at the five people who were still drinking in the main seat, and they were in high spirits.

Their cheeks were flushed, and it seemed that they would not give up easily.

Suzuki Ayako invited Xiaolan and the others: "Seeing that they can't stop drinking for a while, why don't you all go to the massage parlor and have fun?"

Yuanzi also echoed: "That massage parlor is privately owned by our Suzuki family. The technicians inside are all aunts hired by Thailand with a lot of money. The massage is super comfortable. Let's try it together!"

Hearing this, all the girls were a little moved.

The main reason is that I played crazy all day today, and my body is a little sore, so it's best to relax.

But the eyes of all the girls turned to Mori Kogoro, all wanting him to make up his mind.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri smiled lightly and said, "Go ahead and press it. You can sleep well when you come back tonight. Of course, you can come here as you feel comfortable when you come on vacation."

Hearing this, the girls naturally had no objection, and one by one got up and set off with Sonoko Ayako.

Seeing that Judy also went to try Thai massage, and there were only four beautiful women left on the dining table, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but a strange look flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Yukiko mentioned the fine wine she drank in Osaka last time during the conversation: "You don't know, the wine is so fragrant, it tastes like a soul."

"Xiao Wulang said that the wine was given by a friend of his from Huaguo, and it is very precious."

"As soon as the plug was pulled out, everyone's eyes at the banquet were straightened. Even children who never drank were clamoring for a drink. Do you know Conan, he drank too."

"I remember that everyone was drunk that day, Jinghua, you were there at the time, right? Tell Friends."

Of course, Hattori Shizuka was deeply impressed by this, since one sip of [Drunken Life, Dreams and Death] can make people drunk, she followed suit.

Hattori Shizuka still remembered that she woke up with a pain in her butt the next day, so she asked Kogoro Mouri, who told her what happened that night.

This bad guy did all bad things to her in front of Heizo Hattori and Heiji in front of everyone in the banquet hall, and even recorded a video for her to watch. He was so angry that Shizuka Hattori didn't talk to Kogoro for several days. We're on the phone.

It was later that Kogoro Mori took time to come to Osaka and asked her to sleep on her while watching the video, and the two reconciled.

Thinking of those memories, Hattori Shizuka's little face flushed red.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro's big hand was covering his leg in good time, she looked up at Kogoro, and pressed his big hand with her small hand.

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Tomoko didn't believe it, so he turned around and asked Mori Kogoro: "Is it true, a drink that can make people fall down in a glass, isn't it a drug? I've never heard of such a drink!" "

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course it's true, and it can make people have sweet dreams, but that wine is very precious, and I don't have any anymore."

Yingli asked, "Then do you have any other wine?"

This is true, there is still a bottle of monkey wine left in the system space.

But, the efficacy of this monkey wine, the wine of lust, is the right time to use it here.

A strange light flashed in Maoli Kogoro's eyes, and he said, "Wait, I just happened to bring a bottle, go and get it now."

He walked out of the restaurant and pretended to go back to his room to get wine.

In fact, he just waited at the door for more than ten seconds before re-entering, holding a bottle of monkey wine taken out of the system space in his hand.

Chapter 0018: Married Night 2

Looking at the unattractive wine bottle, Tomoko wondered if the wine was really delicious.

Mori Kogoro recounted the origin of the monkey wine.

Hearing that it was brewed from a hole of [-] fruits, and the brewer was a monkey, all the girls became interested in such a bizarre wine.

But Jinghua was a little scared, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, is this wine the same as last time, a glass can make people drunk, so I won't drink it!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Of course not, this time it's not the same kind of wine as last time."

"But it is very strong, the first-class strong wine in the world!"

You Xizi asked curiously, "How strong is it?"

Mori Kogoro described it exaggeratedly: "It's like a burning knife, piercing through your throat with a clatter, and then the whole person is like being on fire."

"Nonsense, it's too exaggerated, Kogoro!"

Jinghua laughed coquettishly, and leaned against Kogoro Mori, stretched out her hand and patted him, extremely coquettish.

The juniors are all gone, so Jinghua naturally doesn't need to care about her image.

On the contrary, You Xizi became competitive, pulled out the cork directly, and poured the wine into her own cup. The clear wine was slightly green and full of aroma.

Yukiko drank it all in one gulp.

The burning pleasure immediately poured down his throat and directly into his stomach.

After burning, all the fragrance of mincemeat burst out, and the fragrance of wine rushed straight to the forehead, making the whole person very comfortable.

You Xizi's complexion changed drastically, her face was flushed, and her little hands couldn't help but grabbed to the side.

But there was only Eri by her side, so Yukiko's little hand accidentally grabbed Eri's chest.

Yingli suddenly exclaimed: "Youxizi, what are you doing, ah, you scratched me!"

You Xizi didn't care about it at all, instead she squinted her eyes and let out a long breath, looking extremely happy.

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