The detective badge came to Conan: "Haihara, Haibara, what are you doing, can you hear me?"

Haibara couldn't help but frown when he heard Conan's voice, and casually closed the detective badge on his chest, took it off and put it on the table.

Conan outside the Cupido Hotel heard a blind voice coming from Haibara, and couldn't help feeling anxious, but he couldn't do anything. Behind him was the car of Fei Yingli and Xiaolan. Conan didn't know how to explain that he would appear here.

The orange light in the basement shone on Huiyuan's face, and Huiyuan's body began to break out in a cold sweat, but recalling what happened these days, it was almost like a dream, and a happy smile appeared on her little face .

Haibara thought of the embrace she was deeply attached to, the tranquility of sleeping in his arms, the laughter when dancing together on the snow, the shyness when being together in the hot spring, that uncle pervert that she hated and liked at the same time.

At the last moment, Haibara decided to tell Kogoro Mori everything, as well as her own feelings.

Haibara kept writing what he wanted to say in this email, and the recipient of the email was the mailbox of Mori Detective Agency.

Mori Kogoro, leaning on the chimney, looked at the words typed out of Huiyuan's hand one by one, and saw the unreserved, fiery and strong love of this little girl.

Mori Kogoro's heart was also beating continuously, and a trace of mist appeared in his eyes, and finally he couldn't help but let out a deep breath, the white mist dispersed, and a moving smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face.

Mori Kogoro suddenly realized that there seemed to be one more treasure he wanted to protect, and it was especially important.


Soon, Huiyuan felt his heart beating louder and louder, and his body began to feel pain. Huiyuan endured the pain, pressed the send button of the email, and then collapsed on the floor.

Mori Kogoro fixed his eyes on the screen in the black-tech nano-camera, and couldn't help feeling distressed when he heard the painful cry from Haiyuan's mouth.

Afterwards, Huiyuan's body completely violated scientific principles, and began to slowly change, tearing all the clothes he was wearing.

When Kogoro Moori saw this scene on the surveillance camera, his eyes widened, and he quickly asked Xiao V to record the scene carefully.

If little V had eyes, he would definitely roll his eyes at Mouri Kogoro at this time, but he still did it honestly.

Mori Kogoro spent a thousand points to activate the second form of the black-tech nano-camera on Haibara's injury-reducing necklace, which provides all-round monitoring.

From the injury reduction necklace, this black-tech nano-camera is continuously splitting, and then eight clone cameras are ejected from the injury reduction necklace, following Mori Kogoro's will, to record the changes of Haibara in an all-round way at this moment.

Mori Kogoro just felt as if he was watching a beautiful girl transform. Haibara's skirts were all bursting, especially the breathtaking pair, which was created out of nothing and gradually swelled up. And then, proudly declared his existence to Mori Kogoro.

In just a few seconds, her body also gradually developed from youthful to full, and finally matured. This scene is simply exciting.

Finally, a big beauty covered in rags appeared on the floor, Kogoro Mori couldn't help swallowing.

Naked Miyano Shiho stood up, she tore off all the rags on her body, looked down at her recovered body, couldn't help pinching her hands, her light blue eyes were full of surprises, There was a smile on Qiao's face.

Miyano Shiho stretched his body in this empty basement, completely unaware that Kogoro Mori had a panoramic view of this scene, this retreating Lolita, entering Ke Yujie's Haibara Ai is really a cheating existence.

The floor was very cold, and Miyano Shiho came to a cardboard box with brisk steps like an elf, and put on the cleaning clothes on his body. Every frame of dressing was extremely beautiful.

Chapter 0100 Zhibao!Shiho!

Huiyuan put on the cleaning clothes. The cleaning clothes were a bit loose, revealing a gully. At this moment, she heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

Huiyuan's small face immediately panicked, she ran barefoot to the computer disk, took out the CD-ROM where the data was recorded, and then hurriedly ran towards the only exit in the room, the chimney.

Huiyuan standing under the chimney stretched her hands and feet together. The width of the chimney was just right, and she climbed up it smoothly, but the fear in her heart could not be dispelled no matter what.

Mori Kogoro took out the Desert Eagle from the system space. After thinking about it, he didn't want to alarm the people in the Metropolitan Police Department, so he spent another [-] points in exchange for a silencer and put it on the Desert Eagle's gun head.

Mori Kogoro tilted his head slightly, and carefully observed the situation under the chimney. If Gin was going to do something down there, then Mori Kogoro would not care about exposing himself, and jumped down to save Huiyuan while the injury-free necklace was in effect. .

The door to the basement was opened, and the door was locked from the outside. Two men in black trench coats and black hats walked in. They were gin and vodka. Dare to make any noise.

The two walked in and began to inspect the basement. Vodka said: "That guy Pisco is not here. He said he will meet in thirty minutes. There is no news. There is only one computer here. This old guy is not here. Maybe he got drunk and got confused, tampering with the organization's database."

Vodka picked up the empty old white dry wine bottle, smelled it, and turned his head involuntarily.

"But what's Peasco doing in the wine cellar?"

Qin Jiu's cold voice came out: "I think it's the second plan prepared by this guy Pisco. If he fails to kill the target at the venue, he should bring people here to solve it!"

Qin Jiu's face suddenly changed, as if he had discovered something interesting, a cold smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Vodka said: "It seems that there is nothing unusual, boss, let's go!"

Qin Jiu snorted coldly: "That's right!" After saying that, the two walked out of the room.

Mori Kogoro saw the two leave from the surveillance screen, and his mind relaxed slightly.

Hui Yuan in the chimney also let out a long sigh of relief. Obviously, she was also terrified of gin, for fear that he would be waiting outside, so she would rather climb out of the chimney than open the door and walk out of the basement.


Vodka in the corridor asked, "Boss, aren't we leaving?"

Gin didn't answer, but quietly listened to the movement in the room.The mobile phone on his body vibrated, so he took it out, saw a picture and an instruction on it, Gin showed a sneer on his face, and handed the mobile phone to Vodka.

At this moment, Kenzo Masuyama, who was released by Police Officer Mumu, happened to be walking back to this basement, and happened to meet Qin and Jiu in the corridor, and hurried forward: "How is it, has the little girl in the room been dealt with? "

Vodka couldn't help asking: "Little girl?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet her. It's so shocking. It's a surprise. I'll share it with you when I get the reward from the organization." , Knowing that gin and vodka are capable people in the organization, I want to make friends with these two people.

But his words and deeds only got Vodka's sneer.

"Let's go!" Qin Jiu heard that there was no movement in the room, and said, and the three of them left together.

They were all professionally trained killers, and it was easy to evade the monitors in the Cupido Hotel, and soon came to the empty safe passage.

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