Vodka, who had opened the empty door, was directly hit in the shoulder by this shot, and a bowl-sized wound burst out on his back shoulder. He could no longer hold the pistol, and screamed and rolled down the stairwell.

The other bullet shot at the place where Qin Jiu wanted to avoid. If Qin Jiu hadn't moved a little louder, he might not be able to defend against this shot at all.

Gin quickly hid behind a chimney.

Haibara looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. Mori Kogoro shot the vodka seriously and forced the gin back. It was unbelievable. Looking at the tall Mori Kogoro in front of him, he felt a sense of security filled with ashes. Yuan's heart.

Mori Kogoro held Huiyuan with one hand, raised the Desert Eagle with the other, and kept shooting at the chimney. The rocks splashed, and Gin, who was hiding behind the chimney, felt angry. This feeling was similar to the golden one last time. Like bullets.

Gin was constantly counting the guns fired by Mori Kogoro. The Desert Eagle had no more than nine bullets, and there was always a need to change the magazine. That was an opportunity.

One, two, three... the ninth shot.

There was a cruel smile on Qin Jiu's face, he leaned out and was about to avenge his shame, but just as he leaned out, a bullet passed through his body.

Gin immediately retreated, clutching his injured wound with disbelief on his face, how could this be possible?

Gin's body became extremely strong after being tempered by Death Valley, the shot did not explode, it was just a penetrating wound.

Maori Kogoro said triumphantly, "Little Golden Retriever, are you counting my bullets? I'm afraid you are not accurate!"

At this moment, a voice came from the dark staircase: "Boss, hurry up."

Vodka struggled to climb up again, and shot to cover Gin with his gun in his left hand. Gin immediately got up and shot backhand. One of the two bullets was shot at Huiyuan, and the other was shot at Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro exploded in speed, shielding Huiyuan under his body, dodging the vodka bullet, but the bullet shot by Gin at Huiyuan was extremely tricky, and he couldn't dodge it at all.

Mori Kogoro blocked the bullet with his left shoulder.

Haibara panicked when he saw this scene behind him, and rushed to Kogoro Mori to observe his injury carefully.

It's just that after constantly practicing the channeling technique, Mori Kogoro's physique is already terrifying. The bullets of this low-powered pistol were quickly caught by his muscles.

However, Mori Kogoro was completely enraged, and was about to fight back, but saw Gin Jiu jumping down the chimney, he quickly chased after him, and fired a few shots at the pitch-black chimney.

Mori Kogoro turned around and rushed towards the direction of the corridor, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground, and Vodka had already fled away. The two people just said that they just meant to run away.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but feel depressed. Sure enough, the villain's halo possessed him, even Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed no matter how hard he beat him, he couldn't help pulling the big Huiyuan who was bewildered beside him, and breathed it down. Feel happy!

Chapter 0102 Hotel Room

Undoubtedly, Haibara has never kissed before. When Huihara was a child before, Mori Kogoro kissed her only on the outer lips, but this time it was completely different. The kiss went straight to Haibara's head. Dazed.

Mori Kogoro cast the healing technique on himself, and the bullet was immediately forced out. He pulled the big Huiyuan beside him, and was about to go downstairs.

It's just that when Mori Kogoro saw that Huiyuan's little feet were red from the cold on the snow, and he was only wearing tattered, very thin cleaning clothes, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

He hurriedly took off his coat, covered Huiyuan's body, and hugged him up. Huiyuan couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly put his arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck, his eyes shifted, thinking of Mouri Kogoro first time out.

Mori Kogoro walked downstairs with Haibara in his arms, thinking that the gin and vodka would not dare to do anything to him anymore. Floor.

There are rooms available on the [-]th and [-]th floors of Mihua Hotel, and check-in is also available on the eighth floor. Kogoro Mori took out his black card, and the registration staff at the front desk naturally had no objections.

This black card was handed over to Kogoro Mori by Natsue Hatakemoto. The amount is extremely high, and the staff of high-end places in Tokyo recognize this black card.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Please help me buy a set of looser women's clothing and women's shoes, and I will tell you the size."

Moori Kogoro entered the room with the big Huiyuan in his arms. Huiyuan's pretty face was blushing, and her heartbeat at this moment was even faster than the heartbeat just now in the chimney.

Pushing open the door, the room inside was decorated very beautifully. Mori Kogoro put the ashes on the carpet, turned on the heater, and the room quickly became warmer.

Mori Kogoro patted Haibara's buttocks, and it really felt very different from before, because Haibara was of mixed race and had British blood, so the fully developed Haibara's buttocks were better than Xiaolan.

Mori Kogoro motioned for Haibara to go in and take a bath to wash away the dust that had just settled in the chimney.

Huiyuan also felt uncomfortable in his body, so he pushed open the bathroom door and went inside.

Huiyuan took off his cleaning clothes, stood in front of the shower head, and the warm water rushed down to wash away the dirt on his body.

At this moment, the bathroom door was pushed open again, and Kogoro Mori walked in with a smile on his face. Haibara was in a daze at the moment, but she didn't respond much. She opened her light blue big eyes, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but raised his head. It would be too embarrassing if his nose bleeds again. He approached Huiyuan and stretched out his hand to touch Huiyuan's body: "It's nothing, I just measured it for you. The size, I will buy clothes for you later.”

"Oh!" Huiyuan nodded. At this moment, she thought she was a flat loli, and she couldn't tell the difference, so naturally she didn't resist at all.

When Huiyuan looked down and saw his majestic and protruding mountain scenery, his face immediately turned red, and he turned around quickly.

Kogoro Mori, who finished measuring all the data, left the bathroom with his head raised, and let out a long breath.

Heaven, earth, why is it brown below?

Mori Kogoro shook his head, turned on the room service phone, and reported the yardage to the front desk staff.


Outside the Rice Flower Hotel, Conan and Dr. Ali suddenly saw a window on the first floor of the Rice Flower Hotel open. Gin and vodka came out of the window. Both of them faltered. Conan's His eyes lit up involuntarily.

At this moment, a black De Tomaso drove by, the door opened, and gin and vodka got into the car immediately, ignoring the Porsche 356 that Conan had been guarding all the time, De Tomaso drove out immediately.

Conan's eyes brightened a little. This was a great opportunity, and he quickly instructed Dr. Ali to follow, trying to reach their lair in one fell swoop.

Dr. A Li frantically started the Beetle. The Beetle drove a certain distance and turned two corners. The old car turned off. Dr. A Li suddenly had a guilty and helpless expression on his face.

Seeing this, Conan immediately opened the car door and chased him out with his skateboard.


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