Mori Kogoro glared at the mischievous Yukiko, put his left hand directly into her quilt, and slid into the bathrobe underneath with ease, and began to wreak havoc.

You Xizi's pretty face flushed, her beautiful eyes glared at this bold guy, and then she tucked up the blanket.

After displaying his acting skills, he controlled his expression to look like an inviolable iceberg goddess.

Mouri Kogoro felt very satisfied for a while, enjoying the tenderness of the beauty, looking at the screen of the live broadcast from time to time.

Kidd, the Kaitou on the screen, was still squatting on the display stand, and said to the interviewing reporter, "Kogoro Mori has gone on vacation, so please tell me the news."

"Mori Kogoro, I am deeply disappointed that Your Excellency did not attend the appointment this time."

"I was careless in the battle of the skyship last time. I will always remember the humiliation I suffered. However, my most beloved treasure will never let you take it away..."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help shouting: "Hey, Kidd, don't you understand human language? I've already said that Maori detectives don't have time to talk to you. I'm going to deal with you today. Besides, you can't escape even if you want to escape now." gone."

The Kaitou Kidd completely ignored Hattori Heiji's words, picked up the amethyst high-heeled shoes underneath, and stuffed them into his arms.

The female reporter on the live broadcast immediately asked, "Kidd, what are you going to do now?"

Kidd smiled lightly: "My mission has been completed, it's time to go home."

The female reporter looked surprised: "Why go home, this place has been surrounded by big nets, you have no way out at all."

"Actually, I have anticipated this situation a long time ago, and prepared a magic trick for it."

Kidd, who was wearing white gloves, raised his index finger beside his mouth, pretending to be mysterious: "Teleport!"

Everyone was surprised to hear this.

Kidd chuckled and said, "I've already accepted the jeweled sandals. In ten seconds, let's meet at the other end!"

At this time, Nakamori Ginzo could no longer stand Kidd's nonsense.

Kidd mentioned so many words about Jiro Kichi Suzuki and Kogoro Mori, but in fact he is the one who has been chasing him, Ginzo Nakamori! ! !

Ginzo Nakamori did not hear his name from Kidd's mouth, and when he thought that he was not considered by Kidd at all, he felt extremely unwilling.

So he swooped out, angering his presence.

He wanted to grab Kidd.

But obviously, such a slow movement can't do what it wants.

A cloud of smoke dissipated, and Kidd's figure on the exhibition stand had disappeared, leaving only Nakamori Ginzo holding the exhibition stand.

Qingzi, who was outside the big net, saw his father being teased, and couldn't help being very angry.

On the other hand, in the seaside villa in Izu, Yukiko who was constantly harassed by Kogoro Mori couldn't bear it anymore.

She stared at Kogoro Mori with her beautiful eyes, then grabbed the big hand from the inside of her bathrobe, bit it down hard, and made a tooth mark.

Yukiko directly grabbed Kogoro Mori's fake hand on the quilt, hid it, and then replaced it with his real hand.

Mori Kogoro looked at her resentfully.

You Xizi whispered: "Hmph, you bastard, don't play tricks again."

But after saying this, the eccentric Youxizi covered her head with the quilt, and her little head followed from under her own quilt to under Mouri Kogoro's quilt, and succeeded in joining forces with Jinghua.This is too dangerous!

Fortunately, the big screen was playing to the exciting part, and all the girls were staring at the screen intently, not noticing the small movements of Mori Kogoro and others on the sofa behind.

In the big net at the intersection of Ginza [-]-chome in Tokyo, Conan and Hattori Heiji move differently.

Conan ran straight to the exit with his backpack on his back. He was let through immediately because he was a child. He immediately entered the building next to him, took the elevator to the top floor, and planned to overlook the entire venue and look for Kidd.

Hattori Heiji closed his eyes, held a wooden stick in his hand, and gently tapped it on the ground, his ears began to listen.

This is the martial art taught to him by his father Hattori Heizo.

Listening to footsteps, you can determine whether the enemy is attacking or defending based on the sound of footsteps.

As long as you pay attention, you can hear footsteps in the chaotic crowd.

Hattori Heiji devoted himself to it, blocking out all the noisy voices.

Soon, he seemed to hear something, the voice was very weak, but the frequency was extremely high.

Da da da da da!

This is the sound of leather shoes running on the asphalt road, I found it!

Hattori Heiji opened his eyes and shone brightly. He immediately rushed in one direction with a wooden stick in his hand.

His whole body was full of momentum, which was clearly the attacking move of Kendo.

The live camera also panned immediately, seeing where Hattori Heiji went, the male and female audience avoided one after another.

In the end, a young guy in a hat turned his head in surprise and was wearing a one-way mirror. It was Kidd.

【How did this guy find me? 】

However, Hattori Heiji's swing of the stick only hit a cloud of fog, and Kidd released another smoke bomb and ran away.

This time he disappeared but there was no more footsteps, and Hattori Heiji was like a fly without direction, constantly spinning around.

The cameraman also wandered around with the camera, trying to find Kidd's trace.

At this time, one card after another flew in the sky, there were three cards in total, and the audience below excitedly scrambled for this card.

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