"And in the black area of ​​the LED lights, wearing black clothes, being slowly hoisted will naturally not attract the attention of others, not to mention that he is still shooting cards to attract the attention of the audience while he is still hoisting."

"Afterwards, he appeared on the rooftop. He only needs to move faster, dismantle the pulley block, and then use smoke bombs to change his outfit to create the illusion of sudden appearance."

"Actually, it's the same as the magic tricks we've seen. It's a very simple technique."

After listening to Mori Kogoro's explanation, the girls suddenly realized that this trick was nothing.

This feeling is the same as magic being revealed. Once you know the principle, you will feel disdainful and think it is a trick.

Sonoko couldn't help but said, "It would be great if you were here, Uncle Maori, I won't let Kidd escape at all."

When Xiaolan heard this, she couldn't help but cast a blank glance at Sonoko: "Sonoko, you were the one who asked my father to come to Izu for vacation, and said to give Uncle Jiro a chance, and now you say that again."

Yuanzi stuck out his tongue, but didn't dare to say anything else.

He Ye on the side couldn't help asking: "Uncle, what is going on with that strange thief Kidd? Why does he keep provoking you?"

Hong Ye smiled lightly and said, "It must be a child's temper. After losing a few games, he just wants to get back."

The girls were also very upset about Kidd's trash talking on TV, and wished that Kidd would come out and give him a good lesson.

However, while the girls were talking, Fei Yingli and little loli Haibara discovered something unusual.

The two women knew Mori Kogoro very well, and they could guess what he was thinking by looking at his expression, so they naturally guessed the general idea when they saw this situation.

Eri couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori: But there are daughters and outsiders at the scene, so I really don't respect myself at all.

But there is no way, she still needs her man to wipe her ass, Yingli said: "Okay, it's already night, it's almost time, everyone go back to their rooms and sleep!"

It's just that Eri hadn't finished speaking, and saw the little loli Haibara go straight up, and lifted the quilt that was wrapped around Mori Kogoro.

Eri's pupils continued to shrink.

[However, the picture that Eri and Haibara expected in their minds did not appear, but a very normal scene. There was only bent knees under the quilt of Mori Kogoro. 】

This is of course not a realistic picture. In fact, at the second when the little loli Haibara took action, Mori Kogoro smashed a high-level psychedelic talisman, and pulled all the thirteen women in front of him into the illusion bingo.

Looking at the beauties in front of him, Mori Kogoro had an evil smile on his lips.

Come on vacation, without a super big party, how can it be called a vacation!

Although it was a bit evil, most of the people present were their own women, so naturally it didn't matter.

Mori Kogoro made a secret decision in his heart.

Tonight, I will fight till dawn!

Chapter 0060 no holiday tonight

As soon as the large psychedelic array was set up, Mori Kogoro rubbed his hands with a smirk.

He glanced at the beauties in front of him who were fat, swallows and thin, with different styles, like a hundred flowers competing for beauty, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

There are Eri with a strong queen aura, eccentric Yukiko, gentle and virtuous Shizuka Hattori, shrewd and capable Tomoko, and teacher Judy with a wild and bold style;

The gentle and pure little angel, the fair-skinned and beautiful daughter Hongye, the exquisite Kazuba, and the tsundere and tight little loli Huihara, it seems that Jier will not even think about having a holiday tonight!

Except for Suzuki's two sisters Sonoko and Ayako, Kogoro Mori didn't intend to let any of the other women go.

After all, the two sisters are young children, it would be too coquettish to drag them on such an occasion, this is not Kogoro Mori's style.

Naturally, the ones to deal with at the beginning are Yukiko and Jinghua, who are as hardworking as bees and keep collecting honey. The two girls have worked so hard for so long, how could Kogoro Mori treat them badly.

He was already ready to go, and he lifted his big hand and lifted the thin blanket covering his body.

Immediately afterwards, he put his arms around the slender waists of the two women, and dragged them to the middle of the living room.

In the perspective of Yukiko and Jinghua's illusion, it is Mori Kogoro who came to an empty room with his arms around them.

The faces of the two girls were reddish, and their beautiful eyes were full of love. They only saw the figure of Mori Kogoro in their eyes, and they didn't see any traces of the garden, Kazuba, and Hongye Nine Girls surrounding them.

And the nine girls beside him also couldn't see the three people in the middle.

Although everyone is in the same place in reality, under the effect of the psychedelic array, this small living room seems to be cut into different dimensions.

The scenes that the women saw were completely different, and they experienced different things.

Mori Kogoro kissed Yukiko's lips directly, and covered her body with his big hand, which was immediately soft.

Of course, he would not favor one person over another, and the other hand also covered Jinghua's delicate body.

Not to be outdone, Hattori Shizuka put her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, and leaned over to ask for a kiss.

Yukiko was very generous towards Hattori Shizuka, who had the same revolutionary friendship, so she turned her head to the side and gave way to her position, and the three immediately kissed each other.

And the girls beside Eri, Judy, and Tomoko all turned a blind eye, each indulging in the illusion and unable to extricate themselves.

Mori Kogoro was very straightforward, he didn't say much, a little coldness came first, and then...

Surrounded by all the women, a turbulent and surging movement was played in this seaside villa.

And just as Conan and Heji's mothers were struggling to fight the war.

At the same time, Conan and Heiji are also caught in the chase.Thanks to the typhoon in Okinawa, it spread to Tokyo, making it very windy tonight.

Kidd's paragliding became more and more comfortable, and he was two to three kilometers away from Kamza [-]-chome.

However, Dr. Ali's black technology is also extremely powerful. The parachute he made can control the direction, and Conan behind has been biting Kidd tightly.

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