I have to give that brat Kidd a good lesson tonight;

Tomorrow night, the three Maoyan sisters of Dongdu Bank will start stealing;

On Wednesday the day after tomorrow, I have to go to Shiliang Zhenchun for an appointment.

Thinking about it this way, there are really a lot of things to do.

There is also Mira from the Kingdom of Visbania. She has stabilized the situation in the country, and she called and said that she will come to Japan in a few days.

This girl has used the Great Teleportation Talisman to look for her twice, but she still can't stand the pain of lovesickness, so now she wants to come and look for her.

At that time, the Ant-Man robot can only be disguised as her, and then deal with political affairs remotely.

Mori Kogoro sent Xiaolan and Xiaoai back home. Heiji and Conan were not in the office either, and they didn't know where to go.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro began to investigate the bribery case of Takeuchi Construction without stopping.

Investigating this case is easy. The current president of Takeuchi Construction Company is Mariko Takeuchi, the daughter of the president who committed suicide at the time.

As for the person who retracted his confession on the spot in court, the male secretary later married Mariko Takeuchi and entered the Takeuchi family.

Starting from these two insiders, with Mori Kogoro's method, it is naturally easy to catch.

According to the previous investigation results of his subordinates, his car drove directly in the direction of Takeuchi's house, which was a high-end apartment.

No one is at home, and according to the pattern of behavior detected earlier, the president Mariko Takeuchi will go home in the evening, but her husband doesn't even go to the company, drinking outside all day long, doing nothing.

After all, these two people are united because of the relationship of interests, and it is normal for them to seem to be at odds.

Mori Kogoro directly disguised himself as her husband Takeuchi Koaki, changed his clothes, and then opened the door with the lockpicking skill, sneaked into Takeuchi's house and began to search openly.

Unfortunately, no evidence was found in their home, even if they used hacking techniques to search their computers, they found nothing.

It seems that the case five years ago has made them very vigilant, and all the evidence has been destroyed.

In this case, Mori Kogoro can only wait for Mariko Takeuchi to come back, talk to her directly, and use words to cover her words.

But plans don't always keep up with changes.

Kogoro Mori waited for Mariko Takeuchi to arrive, but he received a call from Reiko Kujo. "Detective Mori, have you returned to Tokyo?"

"Of course I'm back, and I'm at Takeuchi's house, drinking red wine!" Mori Kogoro shook the red wine glass in his hand.

"Hey, have you sneaked into Takeuchi's house? Then come out quickly, you can't wait for anyone. Just now Hiroaki Takeuchi hit and ran into someone, and now he has turned himself in to the police station. The person has been arrested, his My wife is also here at the Metropolitan Police Department."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was quite surprised, the couple are quite good at making troubles, and they committed crimes when I just came to investigate them.

"The police have already handed it over to our prosecution. I plan to personally investigate what happened five years ago." Reiko Kujo spoke with a little joy in her tone.

Mori Kogoro frowned and said, "Reiko, you are going to make a mistake. This is a separate investigation. If someone finds out, you will be dismissed."

"I've been waiting for five years, I can't wait any longer, at least this is an opportunity."

Mori Kogoro knew Reiko Kujo's temperament and was very assertive, so he didn't try to persuade her anymore.

Besides, if I am helping Reiko Kujo to find out, I will definitely be able to solve this case.

Mori Kogoro drank the red wine in one gulp, then turned around and left Takeuchi's house.

Back in his car, he took off his disguise mask and changed back into his own clothes.

Since the two were entangled in the traffic hit-and-run case and the investigation was temporarily stranded, Kogoro Mori drove the car and turned towards the direction of Police Officer Megure's house.

And at home, the little loli Huiyuan sitting on the sofa didn't care to read the fashion magazine in her hand, her azure blue eyes followed Xiaolan's body continuously.

And Xiaolan held a rag in her hand, humming a song to clean up the dust in the house, looking happy.

But Huiyuan frowned tightly. After looking at the photos secretly taken by Yuanzi, little Lori had a conclusion in her heart.

But that inference was too deviant, Xiao Ai still didn't dare to confirm it, so she wanted to cheat Xiaolan.

Haibara remembered last Thursday night, the night they went to the Twilight Lodge and came back, and it was the night she slept alone.

Little Loli put down the magazine in her hand and said, "Sister Xiaolan."

Xiao Lan, who was kneeling on the ground and wiping the TV cabinet, suddenly looked over suspiciously.

This guy Huiyuan never called himself elder sister, this impolite little girl kept yelling "Hey Hey Hey Hey" all day long, otherwise it was just those cheap nicknames.

Calling himself that now, there must be something wrong, Xiaolan instantly became vigilant.

Little Lolita pretended to be innocent, and said with a smile: "Sister Xiaolan, there is one thing that I have never been able to figure out, that is, after you and your uncle came back from the Twilight Villa last Thursday, you took off your naked body. what are you doing?"

"I saw it all through the crack in the door!"

After Haibara finished speaking, he fixed his eyes on Xiaolan, not letting go of any changes in his expression.

When Xiao Lan heard this, she suddenly raised her heart, her complexion changed suddenly, her breathing became short of breath, and sweat came out of her forehead: No way, Xiao Ai saw it all?

"Are you guys playing games? Why is uncle hitting you with a stick?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan panicked and was at a loss, she couldn't even hold the rag in her hand.

Seeing her reaction like this, Hui Yuan understood.

Chapter 0002: Eyes Are Green Again

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