Kidd used the opposite method. Everyone thought he would leave from the sky, but this time he chose to escape directly.

When the smoke bomb exploded, it exploded the concrete floor under the exhibition stand, letting himself and the exhibition stand fall down.

Then he stretched out the 3D printed plastic model on the ground, because it was a one-to-one restoration, ordinary people couldn't see the difference at all, and thought the exhibition stand was still in place.

As for the others in white suits, it was the special setup he had installed under their collars when he mixed in with the crowd before.

Pressing a button can help others to change clothes instantly, and a white suit, white cape and white hat appear.

This special magic device was developed by Black Feather Pirates, and it is also the key to Kidd's ability to change clothes in a second in the past.

Under normal circumstances, Kidd would not use this magic device on others, and it would be deciphered after being left behind, so that the mystery of changing disguises in a second would be known.

As a magician, he would not do this kind of self-disclosure, but this time he wanted to win so much that he would do so.

However, Kidd did not expect that his painstaking tricks would be seen through by Mori Kogoro at a glance.

Seeing the smile of Mori Kogoro above, Kidd's face froze instantly.

"Got you, little mouse!"

After reacting, Kidd stopped pulling his feet, and directly discarded the leather shoes, then stepped on the ground barefoot, picked up the amethyst precious shoes, and started running for his life.

At this time, a red-faced mini car appeared in the passageway below, the door opened directly, and Kidd got in immediately.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri couldn't help frowning slightly, and immediately drove the motorcycle down the underpass.

The car plummeted two or three meters, landed firmly in the underground passage, and immediately chased the mini car in front.

The onlookers at the intersection looked at the pothole in the middle and looked at each other in blank dismay.

The two main characters, the famous detective and the strange thief just disappeared from everyone's sight?

This is the pitfall, the duel between the two heroes I want to see is not like this!

It's not about looking at this pit!

And Heiji on the helicopter was speechless: Damn, Kidd made a move again.

Ginzo Nakamori followed Sonoko, Aoko and four daughters to the pothole where the exhibition stand was originally located, but they couldn't see anything, only the sound of the engine fading away could be heard.

At this time, a figure on a skateboard chased him in. It was Conan the Kid.

It caused Yuanzi to scream, "Little devil, that's not where you should go!"

Conan didn't pay any attention.

As for the tears and love in the next life outside the big net, the two women looked at each other and walked into the alley in a tacit understanding.

In a few seconds, the two girls galloped out on a black Harley motorcycle after a big change.

Sitting at the back, Xishengai still had time to open the laptop in his hand, and after one operation, a map of Tokyo's underground pipelines was displayed on the screen.

Chapter 0011 What kind of monster did you provoke?

Wearing tights, Lai Shengai looked carefully at the map of the underground passage, and said, "Sister, turn left, the most likely direction is the Shinjuku subway station, they take the underground passage, the exit is either the subway station or the construction site next to it. "

Lai Shenglei, who was driving a Harley motorcycle, nodded and immediately drove to the left.

In the wide underground passage, Mori Kogoro chased the mini car in front of him by bicycle.

This guy is considered creative, he even drove the car underground, but who is the person who meets him?

Kogoro Mori swung his hand violently, and the Ant-Man robot was thrown out and landed on the red mini car.

The perspective monitored by the Ant-Man robot was immediately passed into Kogoro Mouri's mind.

The person driving the mini car was a man with a big nose, a firm face, wearing loose casual clothes, and he was still thinking about it while driving the car.

"Boy, didn't you say it's easy this time? Why are you facing the big detective Maori? No, you have to pay more."

Kidd couldn't help laughing twice, and quickly said: "You are not a city-hunter, this situation is a small scene for you, what's the extra money?"

"You little brat, I haven't settled with you about you pretending to be a ladyboy last night. If I don't give you money, I'll sell your women's clothing photo to Nikai TV, so that the whole world will know that Kidd is a perverted ladyboy and likes it. Working part-time as a prostitute in a club."

Kidd's face changed drastically in an instant, and he quickly said, "Don't, don't, can I add more money? But you have to get rid of Mori Kogoro behind, otherwise nothing will be discussed."

"Good to say."

The man smiled confidently, and immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the mini car accelerated again.

The man's name was Meng Bo, he was a city hunter and city scavenger, and Kidd met him on a street in Kabukicho last night.

Last night, Kidd was hunted down by Conan and Heiji, strayed into a sex club, and had to disguise himself as a prostitute.

Later, he managed to get rid of the bald and fat guest, and accidentally stunned all the people in the club. After escaping, he ran into Meng Bo who was very drunk on the road.

Meng Bo was fascinated by the drink. When he saw Kidd wearing a black sexy dress, his eyes widened instantly. He mistook him for a stunning prostitute and drooled.

Then Meng Bo dragged Kidd straight to the small hotel nearby.

At that time, Kidd, who had no equipment on his body, couldn't get rid of this adult sweat.

And no matter what he said, Meng Bo, who was too drunk, couldn't listen to him when he regained his male voice.

In the end, Kidd was caught in the hotel like a chick.

Kidd recalled the scene of last night, and now he couldn't help being timid and afraid.

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