The temperature in the room smelling of violets is gradually rising, this night is so fascinating!

Chapter 0018 A Thousand Shadows!Chikage!

The luxurious room is very warm, and the air exudes a delicate fragrance.

Chikage Kuroba put her arms around Kogoro Mouri, and enthusiastically responded to Kogoro Mouri's deep kiss.

And the white and slender legs under her purple nightdress gently poked out, and her delicate feet came to the top of the notebook.

She slowly closed the laptop, but she didn't dare to let Mori Kogoro see the chat messages between her and Ai Shiai!

But as soon as her foot hooked to the notebook, Mori Kogoro let go of her lavender lips, grinning at the corners of her mouth, and a smirk appeared: "Madam, you are not very honest!"

Mori Kogoro's hands were still where they were, but it was around his right foot.

The silver laptop was thrown flying at once, and after being overturned for a while, it landed firmly next to the heads of the two of them.

Mori Kogoro freed his right hand to operate the computer, flipped through the chat records, lay his head on his side, and listened to Chikage's heartbeat.

Most of the chat records on the computer are about the next life who loves to show off the great things she did today, just like a little girl asking for rewards.

The main thing is that she hacked the command and traffic light signal system of the Traffic Department, and then hindered Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Mori looked at the record, laughed lightly, and said, "Let me just say, why are there so many cars blocking me in the middle? It turned out that everything was written by you, Chikage, and you even called your apprentice to come here." Stop me, okay!"

Hearing this, Kuroba Chikage suddenly panicked, her heart was beating extremely fast, and Kogoro Mori listened to everything.

"Xiao Wulang, listen to my explanation, this is not my name."

"They went there by themselves, and I only found out after the fact. Look at the chat history, the bottom line!"

Mori Kogoro did not move the mouse, but instead said, "Qianying, don't get excited, I don't blame you, after all, it is human nature to be eager for a child."

"Last time in Osaka, you took two apprentices to help Kaito, so it's okay to contribute secretly in this duel."

"Although it took me some effort, the result is still the same."

A black pot directly covered Chikage Kuroba's head, causing her to suffer unspeakably.

Laishenglei Laishengai sisters never thought that their self-willed behavior would harm Master.

Immediately after, Kogoro Mori said: "But, Chikage, you are already my woman, I promised Kaito that you would not hurt him, and besides, I am also his elder, so it shouldn't be a problem to educate him. "

"In this case, Qianying, you are still so biased, that's not right, it seems that today I have to punish you properly!"

Hearing this, Kuroba Chikage responded in a daze: "What punishment?"

The small mouth with lavender lipstick is slightly open, which is really cute.

"Of course it's my Maori family's family law!"

When he said this, Mori Kogoro reached out and turned Kuroba Chikage over, letting her lie on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, the crisp sound began, another spanking!

Kuroba Chikage's cheeks turned red immediately lying on the pillow: It's a shame to be punished like this when she's in her thirties.

No, it's obviously none of my business, and I didn't let my apprentice do anything, so why did I get punished?

Kuroba Chikage glanced sideways at Mori Kogoro, but she really didn't dare to get angry with him, so she could only endure it bitterly, thinking to herself: Xiao Ai, just wait for me!

At the moment, Lai Sheng Ai, who was petting cats on the second floor of Maoyan Cafe, couldn't help shivering: What's going on, is the weather getting cold?Seeing that the master still didn't reply on the computer, she turned off the computer, stretched herself, and then went back to the room to rest with the big orange cat in her arms.

Thirty Strokes of the Maori family's family law was soon completed, Qianying blushed, and she was too embarrassed to turn around.

But Kogoro Moori would not let her go so easily, such a mature beautiful woman was right in front of him, and he just happened to be messed with by Aoko, how could he let go of such a great opportunity, he just bowed his head and kissed her Chikage's nape.

Soon, another exciting and beautiful movement was played again, but the singing sound only echoed in this room with excellent sound insulation effect, and the Nakamori's house opposite could not hear it at all.

(Two thousand words are omitted here!)

At the same time, Kaito Kuroba, who returned to the speedboat after swimming for a long time, finally went ashore, said goodbye to his assistant Konosuke Terai, and went straight home.

He was not going to run naked, he was wearing his assistant's trousers, and the paraglider turned into a cloak and wrapped around his shoulders, completely covering his shoulders.

Although it is a bit strange to dress like this, there are even more strange performance artists on the streets of Tokyo, and not many people paid attention to him along the way.

Kuroba Kaito looked frustrated, and couldn't help but sneezed a few times.

Tonight he thought he had done his best, but Kogoro Mori beat him cleanly.

Not only did he fail to steal the gemstone shoes, but he even lost magic to this love rival. This kind of blow was a huge blow to him.

At this moment, Kaito is still thinking about how Moori Kogoro's "teleportation" and "teleportation" magic works?

He tried his best to crack it, but he didn't know that these two so-called magics were actually real, and it was impossible to use magic to realize them.

At this time, Kaito heard the voice of discussion in the street.

"Look, the evening daily is out, Kidd's Kiki is so small!"

Hearing these words, Kuai Dou couldn't help being horrified, his pupils constricted for a while, and he rushed to the newsstand, grabbed a newspaper and read it.

The unscrupulous pictures in the unscrupulous tabloids directly came into view. For the sake of sales, this kind of tabloids didn't even add mosaics, and directly printed the screenshots of the live broadcast.

Seeing this, Kaito couldn't help getting angry, and his eyes were filled with scarlet in an instant: So, does everyone in Japan know my shortcomings?

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