Mori Kogoro went up to the third floor lightly, took the key and opened the door.

He thought Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai were asleep at home, but he didn't expect that when he opened the door, the lights were brightly lit.

The two children are watching TV in the living room, and they haven't slept yet.

And the magic of Maori Kogoro is playing back on the TV.

"Hey, Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, haven't you rested yet? Aren't you going to school tomorrow?"

But soon Mori Kogoro discovered something unusual.

My daughter, Xiaolan, knelt down on the carpet obediently, while Huiyuan sat on the sofa, looking ready to go.

Not right!

Xiaolan also turned her little head, blinking her big eyes at Kogoro Mori desperately, trying to hint at something, but Haibara found out.

Little Lolita spoke, her voice was very cold: "Sister Xiaolan, go back to your room and rest first!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan got up obediently, and then walked to her room.

Walking along the way, he turned his head from time to time, with an aggrieved look on his face.

This is too wrong!

How could Xiaolan listen to Huiyuan like that.

Mori Kogoro's heart sank, he immediately called up today's surveillance video of the two girls, and played it back in his mind at sixteen times the speed.

The picture passed by frame by frame, which was extremely clear.

Sweat began to ooze from Mori Kogoro's forehead soon: No, something happened!

Mori Kogoro sighed deeply, just now he felt that his daughter's intelligence had improved a lot, why was he cheated out all of a sudden.

But fortunately, the person who knows is Xiao Ai.

And the plan against Eri is gradually coming to an end, so it shouldn't have much impact.

Kogoro Mori looked at Xiao Ai's expression, although he was a little angry, but there should be no big problem.

And Xiao Ai's favorability has long been locked at [-], and all the treasure chests have been taken, so nothing will happen.

However, Kogoro Mori, who is like an old driver, encountered this situation and immediately thought of what to do.

Talent should be pre-emptive.

Chapter 0020

Mori Kogoro pretended to be ignorant, stepped forward to hold Haibara's waist, and hugged him.

Little Loli hugged his neck habitually, but her expression was still very cold.

"Xiao Ai, what's the matter, you don't go to bed so late, don't you have to go to school tomorrow?"

He rubbed his forehead against Little Lolita's head, with a gentle look on his face.

A gleam flashed in Xiao Luoli's eyes, and she was about to ask: "You and Xiao..."

But before he could say the whole thing, his small mouth was directly kissed by Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro showed off his master-level kissing skills, kissing Haibara until he was out of breath.

His coping method is extremely simple.

Although Xiao Ai knew about it, as long as she didn't ask her, and didn't let her speak out, wouldn't there be nothing wrong?

Haibara's blue eyes kept shrinking, trying hard to get rid of Mori Kogoro's deep kiss.

Those white and tender little hands and feet kept flapping in the air, but it didn't help. With her small body, there was no room for resistance.

Mori Kogoro walked directly into his room with Little Loli in his arms, and the door was quickly closed.

Looking at Haibara's frightened eyes like a deer, Mori Kogoro seemed to be ignited all of a sudden.

He let go of Huiyuan's small mouth, and said with a smirk: "Xiao Ai is staying up so late, she must be waiting for uncle, she must want to do experiments with uncle again!"

Little Lolita shook her head desperately, just opened her small mouth, and wanted to speak again, but her mouth was directly stuffed into a white towel, and she could only make a 'woo hoo' sound.

Mori Kogoro continued to smirk, and pulled out a piece of silk rope with his big hand out of nowhere, and said softly: "But uncle wants to try a new experimental method tonight, Xiao Ai can't make a sound."

Saying this, the silk rope tied Hui Yuan's hands behind his back.

The panicked little Lolita was like an earthworm, desperately burrowing into the bed, trying to curl up.

Mori Kogoro directly grabbed Qi Haobai's ankle and dragged him out of the quilt.

The little loli was trembling!

Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed his forehead, and said gently: "Xiao Ai, trust uncle, there will be no problem."

Hearing this, Huiyuan stopped trembling.

Instead, he was puffed up, pretending to stare fiercely at Kogoro Mori.

This cuteness made Mori Kogoro poke his bulging cheeks from time to time.

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