A thick bucket of sky thunder was triggered down, bombarded the ground, and a scorched black pit appeared on the ground instantly.

Fusang's red eyes widened in an instant, and he looked at Mouri Kogoro with a face full of disbelief: "How is it possible?"

This lightning-attribute spell is already considered an advanced spell. How did Mori Kogoro cast it.

Fusang knew that Mori Kogoro was very smart, but he never expected him to learn so quickly.

Mori Kogoro looked at Fusang proudly: "I'm a wizard now!"

Fusang was speechless for a moment.

This is the result of Mori Kogoro's hard work in private.

He was already very intelligent, and with the help of the well water in the [Mysterious Well], he didn't need to accumulate spiritual power, so he quickly practiced the five elements and other mutated attribute spells taught by Fusang last time.

Although there are times when the spell is not effective, the probability of failure has been reduced to less than one tenth, almost mastered.

"Great satyr wizard, you have learned these spells, what else do you want me to teach?"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "Of course it's barriers, especially defensive barriers, hidden barriers, five-element barriers, spiritual barriers, etc. If you have the technique of possessing spirits, you should also learn it."

These are all mentioned by Fusang last time, and Mori Kogoro is very greedy.

After all, exchanging psychedelic charms all day is too much points, if you can learn these enchantments.

Especially the hidden enchantment, even the psychedelic talisman can be saved in the future.

Fusang pouted, turned around and floated towards the side hall: "Come with me!"

The two entered the place where they taught last time.

Kogoro Mori looked at Fusang's twisting waist when floating, and was quite curious about whether her waist was condensed. The last time he touched her lower abdomen was nothingness.

Moreover, there were hundreds of bottles of spiritual power liquid left for Fusang last time, plus the amount to be given today, it should be enough for Fusang to condense a spirit body.

The so-called spirit body refers to Fusang's body which is cold to the touch and has no temperature, but after condensing, Fusang will no longer be afraid of the sun, and can go out for a walk at any time, and can take her out for shopping.

After that, the real body is condensed. The real body is the same as the resurrection of the dead. It exists like an ordinary person, and it is also a reshaped body of a cultivation wizard.

If the real body continues to practice, it will be able to condense the immortal body. The Fusang himself can't explain it clearly, but it must be more powerful.

Mori Kogoro recalled the cold, soft and soft touch last time, and smacked his mouth, and couldn't help but have some aftertaste.

[I just don’t know if the spirit body can snap?How does it feel to crack? 】

Fuso's egg-like white face floating in front of him immediately flushed slightly, and a shy look flashed in his red eyes, and he secretly glared at Kogoro Mori: What a big pervert!

This girl shikigami just secretly used mind reading skills, and she reacted like this only after hearing Kogoro Mori's heartfelt voice.

Then Mori Kogoro entered the side hall and sat down on the futon.

Fusang began to play the role of a teacher, teaching and practicing various methods of setting up barriers.

During the period, Jun Hui, who had changed her clothes, ran over, and wanted to listen to the teaching with Mori Kogoro.However, what Fusang said today was too esoteric for her, and the little witch Jun Hui was dizzy, so she went outside and continued to practice her elementary spells.

Jun Hui always remembers that Mori Kogoro once said that he wanted her to help, and the little witch was very considerate of this.

More than an hour has passed slowly in this teaching.

On the other side, at Kogoro Mori's house, little loli Huihara kept groping around with her little hands, but she couldn't find anyone she was familiar with.

Huiyuan woke up suddenly, his azure blue pupils couldn't help but tremble, and immediately wanted to go to the next room.

But soon she saw the note on the bedside table, and then she relaxed and fell down on the velvet-filled pillow again.

Huiyuan turned his head sideways, recalling the scene of last night, that exciting scene, Xiaomeng's face immediately blushed.

She still remembered that her small waist was held by those fiery big hands last night, and then turned upside down.

Under the action of centrifugal force, the legs of the whole person pulled into a horse are like the rotors of a helicopter, turning faster and faster.

In the end, it really took off. It flew up to nine days and never came down. It was so comfortable!

Fortunately, I was biting a white towel last night, otherwise I would have screamed so loudly that the whole building could hear it.

Huiyuan doesn't even remember when she was put down, when she fell asleep, her mind is still full of aftertaste at this moment!

Uncle is so bad!

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and Xiaolan, who had dark circles around her eyes, walked in quietly. Xiaolan didn't sleep well last night.

Seeing Xiaolan's appearance, Huiyuan couldn't help but feel a little guilty, afraid that she would find out the clues.

In fact, Huiyuan knew that things between him and Xiaolan were not the same.

It's just because I discovered it first, so I seized a little bit of the opportunity, and now I can bluff Xiaolan.

If their affairs were exposed, the two would return to their previous equal status.

Xiaolan climbed directly onto the bed, and said, "Xiao Ai, what are you thinking about? Can you help my sister keep the secret and don't tell others, okay?"

Seeing Xiaolan's pleading expression, Huiyuan immediately softened his heart.

In addition, last night was also very satisfying, and the anger in my heart subsided a lot.

At this moment, she couldn't bear to see sister Xiaolan's haggard face.

Many images of Xiaolan protecting herself from the past immediately echoed in Xiao Luoli's mind, so she said softly: "I promise you, I will not tell other people about this!"

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