[Kudou Shinichi, what a poor guy, his childhood sweetheart has moved on in front of his face, and his love rival is still in front of him, and he is kept in the dark and doesn't even know it, it's just too sad! 】

When Haibara thought of how Mori Kogoro treated Conan on weekdays, he felt more and more pitiful for Conan.

Immediately afterwards, Haibara's sympathetic gaze quickly shifted to Hattori Heiji.

【This big black charcoal is still learning how to be a detective. I don’t know how many layers of forgiveness hats are on his head. His father is so tired that he also wears forgiveness hats. He is simply a fool.

It's just a joke that these two guys can still be called the most powerful high school detectives in Kanto and Kansai! 】 Huiyuan's gaze alternates with sympathy, contempt, and even shakes his head from time to time.

Both Conan and Hattori Heiji seemed to feel the deep malice in Little Lolita's gaze, and couldn't help being a little confused.

The pair of friends looked at each other from time to time, thinking that they had done something wrong, which made Hui Yuan unhappy.

Conan asked: "Uncle, why didn't he see it so early in the morning, I still want to ask him how did the magic work yesterday!"

Xiaolan replied: "Dad, he went out to exercise early in the morning, and just sent a text message saying that he doesn't need to eat breakfast."

Hattori Heiji exclaimed: "I didn't expect my uncle to be so good at martial arts, and he practiced so hard. It's really admirable!"

That's right, Mori Kogoro is practicing hard and sweating profusely at the moment!

Haibara who heard this on the side couldn't help but let out a chuckle, causing Hattori's face to turn dark.

Xiao Lan frowned and looked at Hui Yuan: "Xiao Ai!"

"Nothing, you continue!"

Hattori Heiji continued to speak: "Since uncle is not here, I will go back after dinner. I have asked for leave for the past few days, and I have missed homework at school."

Xiaolan nodded: "Okay, then you should pay attention to safety along the way!"

Conan on the side said, "Hatori, I'll see you off."

After finishing speaking, the two got up and went to Tokyo Station together.

Xiaolan reprimanded Haibara: "Xiao Ai, you can't do this, you are too rude, you can't tell Hattori about Kazuba."

"Hey, how do you know that!" Little Lolita was a little surprised.

Xiao Lan said with a proud face: "Hmph, I know a lot of things, but I don't talk about them. Okay, we should go to school!"

After a busy day, Xiaolan held Huiyuan's little hand and went to school together.

More than two hours later, in the room of the master of the Izumo Shrine, Mori Kogoro and the little witch Junhui moved here.

There is no way, the morning chant time is up, and the witches have appeared one after another. It is considered lucky that the two bold and reckless two were not found.

Mori Kogoro hugged the little witch and placed her on his bed.

Jun Hui's physical strength has been exhausted, and she is a little dehydrated, and her lips are even more pale because of this.

How could Kogoro Mori be so powerful that she alone could resist it.

This is the result of Mori Kogoro displaying one or two levels of skill.

Seeing Junhui's appearance, Mori Kogoro pinched the Fa Jue and performed the rejuvenation technique.

The spirit of vegetation poured into Jun Hui, and the little witch's condition recovered a lot.

However, she was still snuggling in Kogoro Mouri's arms, with a look of attachment on her face.

Mori Kogoro embraced the soft body of the little witch, listening to what she said about various events in the shrine and the changes in life after coming to Tokyo.

The two of them rubbed each other's ears like newlyweds, and time passed slowly in Junhui's boudoir.

Until near noon, the witch in the shrine came to knock on the door: "My lord, there are guests coming, and I need you to pray for them!"

Seeing that Junhui was busy with something, Kogoro Moori left without disturbing him.

Chapter 0024 Silver Fox of Metropolitan Police Department

Everyone in the family went to school, and the crisis was safely overcome.

Mori Kogoro stretched out of the shrine.

At the same time, the Lexus driven by the Ant-Man robot came to his side.

Mori Kogoro thought of the two groups of people who tripped him up last night, he is not too big-hearted.

XYZ Shinjuku Detective or Maoyan Three Sisters, of course, it is more comfortable to find trouble with beautiful women.

So he got into the car directly, and the car went directly to Toriya City.

Soon, Mori Kogoro drove to the Maoyan Cafe. The cafe was open, so he opened the door and went in.

The bell rang, and a clear female voice came from inside immediately.

"Welcome, eh, Maori Detective!"

At the bar is the second sister of the three sisters, Hitomi Laisheng.

Hitomi was wearing a pink top and blue jeans, with a slender and plump figure.

She has big eyes that seem to be talking, crystal clear, and waist-length hair that is slightly curly, very beautiful.

Why is he here?

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