She couldn't get up for a while, and could only watch Yazi being trapped.

A hint of panic finally appeared in Yazi's eyes, and she couldn't help but ask, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, I didn't throw you down."

"But, if you do something wrong, you have to be punished. This is the principle."

After finishing speaking, Kogoro Mori took off Yazi's hot pants with his big hands and patted them down.

There was a crisp sound!

The pupils of Yazi, who was pressed against the wall, shrank sharply, and then his eyes continued to be bloodshot, turning red instantly!

what! ! !

I am going to kill you!

hateful!hateful!How can this be done?Even my father dare not spank me like this, how dare you spank my ass!No matter who you are, I must kill you.

It's so embarrassing, I must kill this guy and cut him into pieces!

Yazi twisted desperately: "Let me go, let me go!"

But under the pressure of Mori Kogoro's strange power, she couldn't break free at all.

The Maoyan sisters sitting on the ground listened to the sound and watched the extremely brutal scene in front of them.The beautiful police officer who dealt with the two of them easily before was so oppressed, their eyes were filled with fear for an instant, and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

The two sisters looked at each other, a little afraid to go forward.

If you really want to be caught by this man, and then do this again, you will lose your life.

A smile appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth. It seems that this strategy of killing chickens to scare monkeys is still very successful!

After [-] routines, Kogoro Mori let go of the beautiful police officer.

On the other hand, Yazi looked humiliated, pulled up his pants and rushed up immediately: "I'm going to kill you!"

However, the angrier she was, the more disorderly she would attack.

Three times, two divisions, five times, he was restrained again by Mori Kogoro, and thrown back to the next life sister.

Laishenglei and Laishengtong immediately reached out to catch Yazi.

Mori Kogoro stepped directly on the low wall, then chuckled and said, "Okay, girls, obviously you can't beat me."

"I'll win the competition tonight. The police below are about to come up, and it's almost time for me to leave. As for this painting, let me keep it for now."

"Also, beautiful police officer, I have to say, your butt is very elastic, ha ha!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro leaned back, jumped off the top of the fifteen-story building, and threw a top hat up.

The three girls immediately rushed to the wall and looked down.

But it was empty, and nothing was seen.

The person who jumped off just disappeared like a ghost!

No paragliders, no parachutes, no planes, just a clean wall, not even a window, how is this possible?

If it wasn't for the feeling of just fighting, they would have thought they had encountered a ghost!

Laisheng Tong couldn't help but said: "My lord, who is this guy? How did he escape?"

And Yazi turned his head sideways, looking at the two women with reddish eyes, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

At this moment, Yazi is already thinking about how to kill someone!

However, the intelligent Lai Shenglei quickly reacted, and immediately said: "We will rot everything in our stomachs today, and we won't confide half a word."

Hearing this, Yazi's expression turned slightly better, and she turned to look at Laisheng Tong.

Laisheng Tong also nodded quickly.

At this time, a small plane flew over the building, and the ladder came down, and it was the third sister who came to meet her in her next life.

Yazi glanced at the plane above, and said, "Since you didn't steal the painting, then you can go!"

Even though they had a premonition, the two sisters were stunned when they heard this. As a policeman, Yazi would let them go.

Lai Shengtong was about to say something more, but was stopped by the eldest sister, who pushed her up the ladder.

The elder sister said tearfully, "Then thank you, Officer Yazi."


Laisheng Tong frowned and said, "Why, you want to go back on your word?"

"If any of you find out about that 'gentleman', please tell me, just send the letter directly to the Toriya Metropolitan Police Department, and I will definitely catch him!"

Lai Shenglei nodded: "Of course, such a bad guy must be arrested!"

Yazi regained her composure, and nodded to the tears of the next life.

The small plane took off directly, dragging the two sisters away to the distance.

And Yazi bent down to pick up the broken knife and the purple bullet, put on the red trench coat again, and became a cold and unapproachable police department again.

She opened the locked gate, and the police rushed in.

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